Health: Brothers, do you go to the doctor every year for a physical?

Do you take FULL advantage of your medical insurance?

  • Yes

    Votes: 125 66.8%
  • No

    Votes: 62 33.2%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
Hell yeah...I used to slack, but once I hit 35 I got more serious about my health.

I always worked out, but eventually I doubled down on my regimen and started hitting up the doc more often

I see cats dying over things they could have prevented 5-10 years earlier if they would have gotten check ups

On that note, take care of yourselves my brothers....Your health is your wealth. :cheers:

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im 55... Im on 2 blood press med, 1 blood thinner and cholesterol med.. Its only 4, but thats alot in my eyes.. The blood thinner, I have to take for the rest of my life.. The other 3 can be dropped, but gotta make sum changes in my diet..
Some of you brothers are getting up there in age. Wish yall the best man, i know it aint easy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hell yeah...I used to slack, but once I hit 35 I got more serious about my health.

I always worked out, but eventually I doubled down on my regimen and started hitting up the doc more often

I see cats dying over things they could have prevented 5-10 years earlier if they would have gotten check ups

On that note, take care of yourselves my brothers....Your health is your wealth. :cheers:

Well said, bruh!! Every brotha should have a Health relationship with their doctor!! I mean, dont be afraid to tell them all your medical problem or anything your going thru as far as medical goes!! I know kats that are afraid to ask their doctor for Viagra or if their man juice(testosterone) is low.. I tell kats dont be afraid to tell or ask your doctor any-damn-thing!! They shouldve heard everything and if they cant help you, they can point you in the right direction!! Anyway, good solid reply!!!

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I work with a guy he's 61 yrs old
Already has had a heart attack and a stroke that left him blind in one eye. He gives NO fucks about his health! He smokes and & eats worst that anyone i have ever seen in my life . Mind you, He's already over weight. Our line of work Ain't no walk in the park either, we deal in heavy construction . He said he’s going to retire in July when he turns 62 so he can collect social security along with his pension. I don't see him making it too long after he retires


Rising Star
I am not an insurance guru (wife is), but there are several tests that if you do them annually, a supplemental insurance pays up to $150 per test, per individual, excluding kids. Physicals, mammograms, and a few other blood tests (can't remember them) are required.
You call in the procedure you had done, the company that provides the insurance will verify it with your doctor, and they send out the check, which usually arrives in about 5 business day.
Pretty easy money.
We use it to pay on the family deductible.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I work with a guy he's 61 yrs old
Already has had a heart attack and a stroke that left him blind in one eye. He gives NO fucks about his health! He smokes and & eats worst that anyone i have ever seen in my life . Mind you, He's already over weight. Our line of work Ain't no walk in the park either, we deal in heavy construction . He said he’s going to retire in July when he turns 62 so he can collect social security along with his pension. I don't see him making it too long after he retires

I know a guy like that.. He retired Oct 1 and he passed away on Oct 31.. He never got one pension check!! He had alot of medical conditions going on and never told anyone, not even his wife and kids.. Sad deal, he was a very nice person also..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm pretty regular on MD visits, I get blood work done 2-4 times a year. It's free so I use it. Plus, my MD is hella cool so they are like social visits too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facts I’m 44 and I feel every year is 2 years. Run 3-5 times a week, bike with my son the other days. No beef or pork, slowing up on chicken. I have a problem eating fresh veggies enough but I’m thankful in decent shape. I cringe when I see cats my age eating fast food and looking 60.

I do not see my DR enough my plan is to get right this year with that. I won’t front I damn near get weak knees in hospitals. I know it’s mental but yea gotta do


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Check this out.. Last week I had my yearly physical and I was talking with my doc.. I brought up the question, to get off all the western medicine Im taking.. You shouldve seen the look on my doc face.. You wouldve swore I asked her to give me her first born.. Boy, she went into salesman mode and told me every thing about each med Im taking.. I didnt get off the meds, but thats my future plans..

cause dudes dont do the work first

do the work, lose the weight, get rid of the high blood pressure and you wont need the meds

dude just coe straight out the gte talking about how they dont want to take meds anymore

nobody is trying to sell you drugs

infact most docs would get paid more if they showed improvement in their patients health parameters

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Yup. Least 4 times a year. Gotta get your levels checked fellas. I'm telling you now do not sleep on going to the doctors or you maybe sleep fa real forever sooner than is neccessary. Man my uncle almost died cause he never went to the doctors to get his blood pressure checked and had a brain aneurysm while driving. Was inches away from a stroke. Got him into the hospital and his pressure was 250 something over 140!! I'm like what da fuck!! That's impossible. :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2: But years of him neglecting his body with a terrible diet, never exercising and never going to the doctors almost lead to his demise. Doc said its damn near a miracle he made a full recovery. Nigga goes to the doctors and eats right and exercises now. When the Grim Creeper comes knocking if you can avoid letting that nigga in you better take the necessary steps to make that happen. :yes: Go to the doctors fellas please.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
cause dudes dont do the work first

do the work, lose the weight, get rid of the high blood pressure and you wont need the meds

dude just coe straight out the gte talking about how they dont want to take meds anymore

nobody is trying to sell you drugs

infact most docs would get paid more if they showed improvement in their patients health parameters

Your right to a point.. But genes make up alot of these medical conditions.. You can be a picture of health and have a bad heart or high blood pressure or a bunch of other things.. You might wanna do sum research on nobody is trying to sell you drugs comment, look at all the drug commercials that run on your television or pop up when you watch youtube. They have a drug for everything and their telling you if you feel these conditions go talk with your doctor, that looks like someone is trying to sell you drugs to me.. Look how much money this drug companies are pulling in a year, better yet go to walgreens with no insurance and see how much these medicines cost. Who do you think is writing all these scripts for these drugs?? So dont tell me these doctors are looking out for your best health interest!! These dr are getting kickback from these drug companies, if you wanna believe it or not!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im at the tail end of my 30’s, its scary

Bruh, just stay active, keep your mind active and dont stress!! Oh yeah, and just enjoy life and dont let the man made shit get you worked up!!

I'm pretty regular on MD visits, I get blood work done 2-4 times a year. It's free so I use it. Plus, my MD is hella cool so they are like social visits too.

Right on, bruh.. The whole key is connecting with your dr. Alot of people treat these dr like gods, fuck that!! They are just people who work on human bodies, no different than your local plumber, electrician or mechanic..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For a lot of years I did not go to doctors. And was never sick or anything. Started going to doctor's and problems started happening. A long way from a man walking water, healing the sick, etc. Type of black perfection they seem to have got rid of.
Most poor blacks are raised up with unhealthy choices. Some of it is due to lack of knowledge. Elijah had the book How To Eat To Live. It is possible for someone to finally bring out the how to eat to live forever.
No blacks that I know of raised their kids off of breast milk and water. And then raw organic fruits and vegetables. And then the martial arts.
Instead most people it is the opposite. They start young borrowing energy from unnatural sources as if everybody started making a deal with borrowed time. And borrowed energy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had my annual physical this past Monday. Got my results in the mail today, and errthing checks out.Btw, I turned 53 on the 19th.

2 more years, you can start getting the senior discount and can join AARP!! :lol:

Just messing with ya.. Happy late bday and I wish you 50 more!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For a lot of years I did not go to doctors. And was never sick or anything. Started going to doctor's and problems started happening. A long way from a man walking water, healing the sick, etc. Type of black perfection they seem to have got rid of.
Most poor blacks are raised up with unhealthy choices. Some of it is due to lack of knowledge. Elijah had the book How To Eat To Live. It is possible for someone to finally bring out the how to eat to live forever.
No blacks that I know of raised their kids off of breast milk and water. And then raw organic fruits and vegetables. And then the martial arts.
Instead most people it is the opposite. They start young borrowing energy from unnatural sources as if everybody started making a deal with borrowed time. And borrowed energy.

Bruh, I understand what your saying!! I think one of the biggest mistakes we did as a people, we let these colonist disconnect us from this earth.. But thats a whole different topic.. Anyway, I agree with you.. I dont know any kid that is breast feed and I really think they did that to break the tye between mother and child!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your body will definitely let you know when something is wrong. Unfortunately a lot of us refuse to listen. No doctor is ever gonna tell me " if you had only come to me sooner". We'll take our car in for servicing when something's wrong but we won't do the same for our bodies??? :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, I understand what your saying!! I think one of the biggest mistakes we did as a people, we let these colonist disconnect us from this earth.. But thats a whole different topic.. Anyway, I agree with you.. I dont know any kid that is breast feed and I really think they did that to break the tye between mother and child!!
What is a trip to me is that the people that make biological weapons are also the ones that mass farm most of the food America consume. And how Eugenics plays right along with us being carbon copies unless there is an intervention. Other than that people are coming off an assembly line.
I myself was raised up very unhealthy. Most of it due to poverty. But also bad practices that are part of the American culture growing up. The candy, mayo, etc. that youngsters become addictive to at an early age instead of raw organic fruits, vegetables, cold showers, etc. And it really do seem like an assembly line. Almost like from birth they get you into borrowing energy from an unnatural source and therefore time here is borrowed instead of eternal.
Another thing is it is surprising how people that do more harm to the earth are rewarded a better life for it. Third world starving victims would probably never use what they have or know to blow the earth up. But countries are always trying to make better weapons of war as though they may not really be human. That shift in power where the earth returns to it's original owners (blacks) the real spirit and righteousness of the earth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your body will definitely let you know when something is wrong. Unfortunately a lot of us refuse to listen. No doctor is ever gonna tell me " if you had only come to me sooner". We'll take our car in for servicing when something's wrong but we won't do the same for our bodies??? :smh:

Good points, bruh!! Your right, sum kats take better care of their worthless cars and turn around and never go in to get their yearly prostrate exam or colonoscopy.. But, if kats dont go to the dr yearly(35yr up), thats on them!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I go at least 4 or 5 times a year. I see my cardiologist once a year. My family don't have a history of heart disease but hypertension does run in the family and I have that. Other visits are with my primary doctor. I started getting checked out in my early 30's, by doing that it lead to me quitting smoking. That was like 14 or 15 years ago that I quit smoking.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
never, unless i'm half dead at the moment
If I'm being honest.
Truthfully one every 3-5 years.
The reason I don't is because being sick is mental
The body is built to repair itself. The medicines paid for by big pharmaceutical companies the doctors give are designed to treat your illness but not cure it.
Before you say that's why we are dying at 50 years old. The reason I say it is mental is because everyone knows what to do to live a healthy lifestyle. Being willing to make that lilifestyle change there is a mental block.⅚ Stop the drinking, smoking vaping, stressing the fuck out. There are enough things in life that will kill why let stress. The Stress we put on ourselves just to live up to the fake expectations you see everyone on social media is living is putting you in an early grave. Enjoy life hydrate, eat plenty of raw and natural or clean foods.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I'm being honest.
Truthfully one every 3-5 years.
The reason I don't is because being sick is mental
The body is built to repair itself. The medicines paid for by big pharmaceutical companies the doctors give are designed to treat your illness but not cure it.
Before you say that's why we are dying at 50 years old. The reason I say it is mental is because everyone knows what to do to live a healthy lifestyle. Being willing to make that lilifestyle change there is a mental block that we dont see as keeping it 100. Stop the drinking, smoking vaping, stressing the fuck out. Why there are enough things in life that will kill why let stress. The Stress we put on ourselves just to live up to the fake expectations you see everyone on social media is living is putting you in an early grave. Enjoy life hydrate, eat plenty of raw and natural or clean foods.

Your so right about stress!! Stress fucks up more people and alot of them dont even know its stress thats fucking them up!! A person needs to learn how to control their stress!! The sad part is, stress isnt talked about much and a person has to learn their own way to control stress.. What works for me as far as stress goes, might not work with you!! Good reply, bruh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man I'm 39 and haven't been to the doc in 7 years. Paying almost 800 a month for insurance(family plan). I run 10 to 15 miles a week and only meat I eat is salmon and tuna. But lately been thiking about seeing the doc after my 3rd high school classmate past and a co worker that was 10 years younger died suddenly. And everytime someone passed my mom would ask, " when the last time you took your ass to the doctor. Boy your ass ain't invisible, fuck you paying insurance for"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
For the brothers here that have hypertension and got off do you regulate your BP...i had lost a lot of weight and got off all of my meds but the doc said he wanted to keep me on the BP meds...i want to get off of those too...what did yall do to keep your BP at a "normal" level


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
For the brothers here that have hypertension and got off do you regulate your BP...i had lost a lot of weight and got off all of my meds but the doc said he wanted to keep me on the BP meds...i want to get off of those too...what did yall do to keep your BP at a "normal" level
Do you still have more weight to lose? Maybe he doesn't want to take you off the meds because of your weight.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
at the time, i felt like i was in the best shape of my life; i was about 180...he still wanted to keep me on them though....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It just mandatory.
You gotta control your health

Yes Indeed! Just turn 50 three weeks ago. Had a physical, all my numbers are really good, especially my diabetic AC1 (6.0) (6 years ago I was at 11.5, got it down with out meds).

Prostate, liver, lungs, heart are good. About to get a Colonoscopy to make sure thing are straight with that.

Fellas, health is wealth! Eat well as best as you can, get some kind of exercise in daily, eliminate stress as much as possible, drink in moderation, be happy and enjoy life as much as possible.
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