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V Shred is rated "Poor" with 2.6 / 5 on Trustpilot
Do you agree with V Shred's TrustScore? Voice your opinion today and hear what 12,768 customers have already said.www.trustpilot.com
Isn’t that tv dr doing a commercial raving about this product
Dr. Drew is the biggest hack in the medical industry next to Dr. Oz and "Dr". Phil. They will do anything for a check.Isn’t that tv dr doing a commercial raving about this product
Basically trying to have an eating window from noon to 4 limited carbs.
I kinda went crazy drinking pop for the last 7 8 months and my fat ass loves sweets. Cutting that out.
When I get in to work I drink 32 oz water, later I will drink black coffee or tea to get me over to my eating window.
For get me over snacks I'm going to incorporate walnuts almonds to satisfy hunger pains.
Went to the Dr last week and he said my A1C is moving to diabetic levels so
Deadening that shit.
Am I the only person that drinks water DURING my meals? I feel like it helps with my digestion.
Am I the only person that drinks water DURING my meals? I feel like it helps with my digestion.