I actually have a friend who resembled this lady about 20 years ago. We would get together to just smoke weed and talk shit every couple of weeks. Sometimes it was a few others, but frequently just her and me. After a few joints, she'd take her top off and sit there in her bra like it was nothing and eventually she'd let them puppies loose and still not miss a beat talking about politics, the news of the day, her boo, my boo, something good we ate or made in the kitchen or other gossip. We kind of took pride that we were just sitting there half way bucket and never fucked. She was fine and all, but we both agreed that we didn't really need one more fuck, we needed the good friendship. She turned 70 recently and we haven't gotten together since the Pandemic hit, plus I stopped smoking since I discovered edibles that make me feel better and I turned her on too.