Herman Cain Awards - They *LOVE* Anti-Vaxers

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Not a Herman Cain Award but he damn sure jocking for one

:yawn: So what happened to this cooning ass motherfucker? Still talking about the election was stolen? You asshole! White folk have stolen everything from every continent and culture! Go fuck yourself you piece of shit!


BGOL Investor
:yawn: So what happened to this cooning ass motherfucker? Still talking about the election was stolen? You asshole! White folk have stolen everything from every continent and culture! Go fuck yourself you piece of shit!

"The reason I’m in this bed is because China created a bioweapon to go after the world. They used that weapon to lock down America."

It's a "bio-weapon" that you believe your immune system can beat? :rolleyes2:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
"The reason I’m in this bed is because China created a bioweapon to go after the world. They used that weapon to lock down America."

It's a "bio-weapon" that you believe your immune system can beat? :rolleyes2:

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Include proof, or leave the thread. You got two options now.

I do believe him. The reason is I know me and my son had Covid right before the announcement and I just recently caught the omicron strain. I know my body. I work out and I know my energy, how many times in my life I’ve been sick like this. He may be bullshitting but you know your body more than anybody. I was tested 3 times on Friday and they all came back positive. Covid. Right now as I write this I’m cruising. No major issues at all. I’m not even feeling tired anymore.

The first time I caught it I was crawling to the bathroom. Right before they announced it globally. I fell asleep on the crawl back. On my floor. My nose ran like a facet and I coughed all night with a fever for 3 days. I couldn’t breathe good at all but I would wake up and walk. Upstairs, downstairs. Go to basement. Hit the weights in my gym. My son was sick. My little dude. He couldn’t talk at all or make any sounds and it scared me. He’s a strong lil dude. Only thing I could do was hold him as he drifted off to sleep. His eyes rolled a few times. I kept telling him I was there and I’d hold him. He was burning up. We took him to the ER and they said it’s viral, he has to pass it and he did. Same with me. I weigh 200lbs but I felt like I weighed 400. My joints ached like a mf. I would do breathing exercises and just walk. Went out side and let the sun hit my skin. It broke, kinda like how I’m feeling now. Covid slams you. The omicron variant isn’t as intense though.

Slam Vitamin C, overload it take Vit D daily, Blackseed oil (shits mad horrible bro) plenty of fluids and not liquor or caffeine! Eat hearty soups! It’s full of vitamins and shit. Take multivitamins. Sea moss. Sleep on your side and set the clock for 4 hours. Sleep on your side to keep the pressure and gravity from taxing your lungs. Take a vasodilator if needed. Do the breathing exercises if needed and take Delsym to alleviate that cough so you can establish a normal breathing rhythm. Take 30 mg of melatonin to power down but eat a decent meal full of vitamins (soups) before you do. Wake up, walk in a vertical position to get those lungs working. I do a shake of protein powder plus all the above and an emergency C packet Which contains Zinc. I think I’m out of the woods as I’ve been working out and feeling fine. No respiratory issues or otherwise. Good luck brothers!

Edit. Ivermectin was at the ready!


BGOL Investor
Self Diagnosis works wonders for me... and hasnt let me down yet...

No hospital or doctors in decades!! No vaccination..

No symptoms, no cough, no sore throat... no fatigue etc

Be honest do you have any covid symptoms..

Sore throat, cough, fatigue....??

Real Kniggas dont lie about their health!!!

-Real Knigga

Wait you self diagnosed yourself? :rolleyes2: :hithead:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do believe him. The reason is I know me and my son had Covid right before the announcement and I just recently caught the omicron strain. I know my body. I work out and I know my energy, how many times in my life I’ve been sick like this. He may be bullshitting but you know your body more than anybody. I was tested 3 times on Friday and they all came back positive. Covid. Right now as I write this I’m cruising. No major issues at all. I’m not even feeling tired anymore.

The first time I caught it I was crawling to the bathroom. Right before they announced it globally. I fell asleep on the crawl back. On my floor. My nose ran like a facet and I coughed all night with a fever for 3 days. I couldn’t breathe good at all but I would wake up and walk. Upstairs, downstairs. Go to basement. Hit the weights in my gym. My son was sick. My little dude. He couldn’t talk at all or make any sounds and it scared me. He’s a strong lil dude. Only thing I could do was hold him as he drifted off to sleep. His eyes rolled a few times. I kept telling him I was there and I’d hold him. He was burning up. We took him to the ER and they said it’s viral, he has to pass it and he did. Same with me. I weigh 200lbs but I felt like I weighed 400. My joints ached like a mf. I would do breathing exercises and just walk. Went out side and let the sun hit my skin. It broke, kinda like how I’m feeling now. Covid slams you. The omicron variant isn’t as intense though.

Slam Vitamin C, overload it take Vit D daily, Blackseed oil (shits mad horrible bro) plenty of fluids and not liquor or caffeine! Eat hearty soups! It’s full of vitamins and shit. Take multivitamins. Sea moss. Sleep on your side and set the clock for 4 hours. Sleep on your side to keep the pressure and gravity from taxing your lungs. Take a vasodilator if needed. Do the breathing exercises if needed and take Delsym to alleviate that cough so you can establish a normal breathing rhythm. Take 30 mg of melatonin to power down but eat a decent meal full of vitamins (soups) before you do. Wake up, walk in a vertical position to get those lungs working. I do a shake of protein powder plus all the above and an emergency C packet Which contains Zinc. I think I’m out of the woods as I’ve been working out and feeling fine. No respiratory issues or otherwise. Good luck brothers!

Edit. Ivermectin was at the ready!

The funny shit is, why would I need to bullshit....??? Some of these dudes are insane, in one breath,

they saying, good if you dont take the vaccine, THEN when/if you get sick DONT take up space in the emergency room, dont take up hospital beds... blah blah blah..

SO I tell them I never go to emergency rooms for non traumatic shit... like a fuckin flu or fever.. like what da fuck??

You catch a flu, do exactly what you laid out above and what Ive been saying, there are plenty of other remedys to add that can even make you feel better.. but to get by this bullshit so you can keep makin money,

and feeding yourself and family, you need to keep you vitamins on deck especially C, D and Zinc...

you should also get one of those OIL infusers, and keep some peppermint, euclyptus, lemongrass essential oil on deck, that shit keeps your nostrils from getting too dry and it keeps your room smelling really nice.. especially that

lemongrass... but whats insane is IM telling these rocks for brains I do NOT go to doctors or hospitals..

and because they cant refute or debunk simple logic, they resort to delusions..

after they say dont take up hospital beds, and emergency room space.... which I dont..

Now they telling me to provide proof..



at that point I realize most vaxxx heads are functionally insane...... and just cant take them seriously and place them

in category mentally challenged.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everytime I ask, I get no answer.
How does a parasite drug fight a viral infection?

Everytime we give you answers yall play STOOPIDSKI get retarded and vanish

till yall come up with more dumbshit to ask...I got mods acting like he throwing a

pajama party and I didnt get an invite, so now he wants me to leave his lil slumber party....

so he can have his lil private pillow fights with his slumber buddies... real fag shit... LOL..

here are some facts.. AGAIN...!!!!

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

Yea theres MORE...

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

7. Conclusions
An instinctive response in developing antiviral agents is to strive for high specificity, making the idea of virus-targeted agents specific to a particular viral component or function attractive, since, ideally, they circumvent the possibility of impacting host function. However, the high propensity of viral genomes, and particularly those of RNA viruses, to mutate and evolve means that selection for resistance can be all too prevalent (e.g., for HIV). Importantly, the high specificity of an agent to a particular virus also inevitably means that its utility against a distinct virus may be limited or non-existent. Thus, it is not surprising that repurposed antivirals active against influenza or HIV, for example, may prove in efficacious against distantly related flaviviruses or coronaviruses.

In contrast, antivirals that are host-directed can be repurposed more easily, as long as the viruses in question rely on the same host pathway/functions for robust infection, simply because the host pathway/function targeted is the same [14,28]. Although potential complication here is the viral tissue tropism (e.g., blood or lung in the case of systemic or respiratory viral infections) and accompanying pharmacokinetic considerations, selection for viral resistance is largely circumvented in this scenario. As long as toxicity is not an issue, host-directed agents thus have the potential to be genuinely broad-spectrum agents against various different viruses that rely on a common host pathway. The fact that so many viruses rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import for robust infection ([14,27,28] and see above) means that agents targeting this pathway have true potential to be broad-spectrum antivirals. After decades of use in the field, ivermectin clearly “fits the bill”.......



BGOL Investor
Everytime we give you answers yall play STOOPIDSKI get retarded and vanish

till yall come up with more dumbshit to ask...I got mods acting like he throwing a

pajama party and I didnt get an invite, so now he wants me to leave his lil slumber party....

so he can have his lil private pillow fights with his slumber buddies... real fag shit... LOL..

here are some facts.. AGAIN...!!!!

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

Yea theres MORE...

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

7. Conclusions
An instinctive response in developing antiviral agents is to strive for high specificity, making the idea of virus-targeted agents specific to a particular viral component or function attractive, since, ideally, they circumvent the possibility of impacting host function. However, the high propensity of viral genomes, and particularly those of RNA viruses, to mutate and evolve means that selection for resistance can be all too prevalent (e.g., for HIV). Importantly, the high specificity of an agent to a particular virus also inevitably means that its utility against a distinct virus may be limited or non-existent. Thus, it is not surprising that repurposed antivirals active against influenza or HIV, for example, may prove in efficacious against distantly related flaviviruses or coronaviruses.

In contrast, antivirals that are host-directed can be repurposed more easily, as long as the viruses in question rely on the same host pathway/functions for robust infection, simply because the host pathway/function targeted is the same [14,28]. Although potential complication here is the viral tissue tropism (e.g., blood or lung in the case of systemic or respiratory viral infections) and accompanying pharmacokinetic considerations, selection for viral resistance is largely circumvented in this scenario. As long as toxicity is not an issue, host-directed agents thus have the potential to be genuinely broad-spectrum agents against various different viruses that rely on a common host pathway. The fact that so many viruses rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import for robust infection ([14,27,28] and see above) means that agents targeting this pathway have true potential to be broad-spectrum antivirals. After decades of use in the field, ivermectin clearly “fits the bill”.......

Hmmm...sounds like it changes your DNA ...


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Stop projecting it isnt becoming!!
Dude you posted a scholarly article concerning the viability of ivermectin as an antiviral.

You accept and promote the scientific process, the unfinished trials, the unfinished testing and the preliminary findings as it applies to ivermectin,

But you dont believe in the science, trials, testing and real time hospital data concerning the vaccine.

That sir, is mental illness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude you posted a scholarly article concerning the viability of ivermectin as an antiviral.

You accept and promote the scientific process, the unfinished trials, the unfinished testing and the preliminary findings as it applies to ivermectin,

But you dont believe in the science, trials, testing and real time hospital data concerning the vaccine.

That sir, is mental illness.

Yall just cant get enough of the God that is Mrfreddygoodbud Huh??

Bruh this is such lowlevel mindfuckery, I had to step in the ring again...



Now its about ME, and what I believe in huh?


Bruh you just assuming any silly shit to be right about something..

I found out about Ivermecting through a member on THIS site,

who said he used it to beat covid, one of his female family members

also became very sick with covid, she had a couple of doses and was back

to herself in no time.


I just purchased some because of KILLAMAYNE..

so what the FUCK ARE YOU BLABBING about bruh..

btw Im not angry, Im high as fuck wondering why yall STAY REACHING

tryin to be right about something..

yall keep calling me back in this thread

makin lordsinister damn near poop his pants in anger :lol:



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Yall just cant get enough of the God that is Mrfreddygoodbud Huh??

Bruh this is such lowlevel mindfuckery, I had to step in the ring again...



Now its about ME, and what I believe in huh?


Bruh you just assuming any silly shit to be right about something..

I found out about Ivermecting through a member on THIS site,

who said he used it to beat covid, one of his female family members

also became very sick with covid, she had a couple of doses and was back

to herself in no time.


I just purchased some because of KILLAMAYNE..

so what the FUCK ARE YOU BLABBING about bruh..

btw Im not angry, Im high as fuck wondering why yall STAY REACHING

tryin to be right about something..

yall keep calling me back in this thread

makin lordsinister damn near poop his pants in anger :lol:

Dude if you dont believe the science behind ivermectin based on a testimony from a guy on this forum, how DO you believe in its value?

You ARE fucking nuts.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude if you dont believe the science behind ivermectin based on a testimony from a guy on this forum, how DO you believe in its value?

You ARE fucking nuts.

Im fuckin NUTS but Im not the one who takes vaccines and boosters,

and STILL get covid,


whats the definition of INSANITY AGAIN..

Doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results!!!!

You are confused on whats really fuckin psychotic behavior.... and frankly

my boy

thats not MY problem!!


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Im fuckin NUTS but Im not the one who takes vaccines and boosters,

and STILL get covid,


whats the definition of INSANITY AGAIN..

Doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results!!!!

You are confused on whats really fuckin psychotic behavior.... and frankly

my boy

thats not MY problem!!
There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations are bad for us.

In fact, the evidence says the exact opposite.

But you use that as a reason to assess someones mental health...coming from a guy that has had it 3 times, allowing it to mutate each time, while its killed damn near a million people in this country alone.

You are fucking nuts.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
You NEED scientific evidence, when the fact that you need to take

a booster every fuckin year tells you everything you need to know..


You said it killed millions yet Im still here.UNVAXXED along with MILLIONS MORE UNVAXXED..

and yet, The Vaxxed are Still catching and spreading covid...and they

FOOLISHLY THINK somehow someway that means the vaccines are working,
when its the OPPOSITE... they are NOT working!!

You cant make this shit up bruh!!!

.. you act as if big pharma

doesnt have the whole healthcare system by the balls, you act as though

big pharma cant control the vaccine narrative and data, by literally

silencing any doctor that opposes them..and paying out big for covid related deaths.

Hey I cant think for you,

I thought simple logic came easy, but obviously thats not for all of us..

but HEY...

go back to your mass media talkin points and slumber party..

Dont let me stop your follies and delusions!!
Dude given the choice to believe the science i have access to or the voices in YOUR HEAD ima choose the science.

The voices in your head are crazy.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Everytime we give you answers yall play STOOPIDSKI get retarded and vanish

till yall come up with more dumbshit to ask...I got mods acting like he throwing a

pajama party and I didnt get an invite, so now he wants me to leave his lil slumber party....

so he can have his lil private pillow fights with his slumber buddies... real fag shit... LOL..

here are some facts.. AGAIN...!!!!

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

Yea theres MORE...

4. Ivermectin as an Antiviral
Consistent with the fact that many viruses are known to rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import of specific viral proteins for robust infection [14,27,28], ivermectin has been confirmed in a body of in vitro studies to be active in limiting infection by a range of different RNA viruses [10,14], including HIV-1 [7], DENV (all four serotypes) and related flaviviruses [8,11,12], influenza, and alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and chikungunya [9,15,16] (see Table 1); it is also active against DNA viruses [18,19,20]. Recent studies indicate it is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 [17].

A striking aspect of this antiviral activity is that, where determined, the EC50 for viral inhibition as assessed by a range of different techniques is in the low μM range (see right column, Table 1), interestingly aligning perfectly with its activity in inhibiting recognition of viral nuclear import cargoes by IMPα (see top of left column, Table 1). The clear implication is that the mechanism of inhibition of infectious virus production in the case of all of the viruses listed in Table 1 is largely through targeting IMPα to prevent its role in nuclear import, and of viral proteins in particular (see Figure 1). Significantly, two other small molecules (GW5074 and gossypol) that appear to target IMPα in a very similar way to prevent its nuclear import function [29] have comparable antiviral properties [13,29,36], consistent with the idea that the host protein IMPα is a key contributor to infection by a number of medically important viruses.

7. Conclusions
An instinctive response in developing antiviral agents is to strive for high specificity, making the idea of virus-targeted agents specific to a particular viral component or function attractive, since, ideally, they circumvent the possibility of impacting host function. However, the high propensity of viral genomes, and particularly those of RNA viruses, to mutate and evolve means that selection for resistance can be all too prevalent (e.g., for HIV). Importantly, the high specificity of an agent to a particular virus also inevitably means that its utility against a distinct virus may be limited or non-existent. Thus, it is not surprising that repurposed antivirals active against influenza or HIV, for example, may prove in efficacious against distantly related flaviviruses or coronaviruses.

In contrast, antivirals that are host-directed can be repurposed more easily, as long as the viruses in question rely on the same host pathway/functions for robust infection, simply because the host pathway/function targeted is the same [14,28]. Although potential complication here is the viral tissue tropism (e.g., blood or lung in the case of systemic or respiratory viral infections) and accompanying pharmacokinetic considerations, selection for viral resistance is largely circumvented in this scenario. As long as toxicity is not an issue, host-directed agents thus have the potential to be genuinely broad-spectrum agents against various different viruses that rely on a common host pathway. The fact that so many viruses rely on IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear import for robust infection ([14,27,28] and see above) means that agents targeting this pathway have true potential to be broad-spectrum antivirals. After decades of use in the field, ivermectin clearly “fits the bill”.......

The same site says it only works in the lab and at 100 times the recommended dosage.

Just stop bro.

You can take it, and maybe a few people who had parasites and covid will get better, but it's not a cure.

Do you really believe Bill Gates and them are trying to Thanos half of the planet? If they are, you don't have an fucking super powers so you ain't gonna do shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you really think the vaccine IS NOT WORKING...in the midst of 90% unvaxxed people combining for the hospitalized and the dying...

...you are fucking nuts.

You know why you keep replying to me, Ill tell you why, you love the

way I provoke logical thinking where there wasnt any in a long time..

You just dont realize it yet....but you admire the logic..

Your frustration to logically retort it, is whats clouding your judgment.

90 percent unvaxxed people doing whaaaaaaa...??

do you have any idea how delusional you sound...??

These experimental "vaccines" are not working..

if they were, you wouldnt need multiple shots and

non stop boosters... its not rocket science.. its just big pharma phuckery..

no go back to your pajama party and stop hating on logic and the great postings

of mrfreddygoodbud...

I dont want your little censorship nazi to get his panties all wet and worked up..



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
You know why you keep replying to me, Ill tell you why, you love the

way I provoke logical thinking where there wasnt any in a long time..

You just dont realize it yet....but you admire the logic..

Your frustration to logically retort it, is whats clouding your judgment.

90 percent unvaxxed people doing whaaaaaaa...??

do you have any idea how delusional you sound...??

These experimental "vaccines" are not working..

if they were, you wouldnt need multiple shots and

non stop boosters... its not rocket science.. its just big pharma phuckery..

no go back to your pajama party and stop hating on logic and the great postings

of mrfreddygoodbud...

I dont want your little censorship nazi to get his panties all wet and worked up..

I reply cause youre a danger to public safety and need to be checked.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I reply cause youre a danger to public safety and need to be checked.

You are a big pharma whore and dont even know it, or maybe you do..

Real logical thinkers KNOW the dangers of the Big Pharma drug mafia

and how they control thoughts, by manipulating everything from national to local govts to the media,

its very easy for them to manipulate those that are easily programmed.

Some of us arent so easily mind fucked and understands how this world works and big pharmas role

in it.

You really dont see anything wrong with a corporation trying to force people to inject shit into their body,

they dont want.

You keep talking about trust the science, trust the doctors, without taking into account, big pharma silences

any doctor that speaks the truth on their "experimental drugs" and rewards doctors that go along with

their program...

Its truly amazing how many grown ass folks, who really consider themselves educated cannot peep,

The Drug Mafia known as big pharmas game...

They literally own the democratic party during this biden administration.....

they pay fuckin BILLIONS a year lobbying their fuckery to these whore ass politicians..

They bought the country and yall too fucking naive to see it....

Damn shame how many grown folks out here cant peep game...

Dont worry tho, Im still here.. despite you logic lackys, and big pharma mental tomfuckery that engulfs youre thought process,

to help the game peeping impaired such as yourself !!!

and I understand some folks simply dont have the ability to peep game.

and big pharma depends on you, to mind fuck this nation out of their rights....

I really wish someone would try and force me to put something in my body I dont want,

situations like this, truly separate the REAL men,

from the PUSSYS just playing daddy dress up!!!!

Women of the world are gonna finally see


They Will Rejoice!!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"So just how big, corrupt, and downright shady is Big Pharma? These 25 facts will absolutely shock you.

1. 50%, or 1 in 2, Americans are on at least one prescription drug.

2. 25% of all U.S. women, or 1 in 4, are taking a prescription drug for mental health.

3. An independent survey found that 66% of all new drugs released on the American market are similar to existing drugs without offering any additional benefit.

4. Just how big and profitable are the top 15 pharma companies? Here is a breakdown by market value:
Johnson & Johnson: $276 billion
Novartis: $273 billion
Roche: $248 billion
Pfizer: $212 billion
Merck: $164 billion
Sanofi: $134 billion
Bayer: $123 billion
Novo-Nordisk: $118 billion
Bristol-Myers Squibb: $115 billion
AbbVie: $110 billion
GlaxoSmithKline: $103 billion
Eli Lilly: $98 billion
AstraZeneca: $84 billion
Teva Pharmaceutical: $59 billion
Shire: $49 billion

5. To put that in perspective, top pharma firms Johnson & Johnson and Novartis are each worth more than the Gross Domestic Product of countries like Finland, Chile, Hong Kong, Ireland, Pakistan, etc., and would rank in the top 40 economies in the world!

6. It’s estimated that global expenditures for prescription drugs are now over $1.1 trillion each year.

7. To put that number in context, the total U.S. budget for discretionary spending in 2015 was $1.1 trillion (a trillion is a thousand billions!), including our total expenditures for food and agriculture, social security, unemployment and labor, transportation, Medicare, education, veteran’s benefits, science, energy, environment, and governmental spending.

8. At least four of the world’s ten largest pharmaceutical companies are now American.

9. North America holds 41.8% market share for the entire world’s pharmaceuticals. (The EU has about 26.8% market share and the rest of the world combined adds up to the remaining 31.4%.)

10. Through the 21st century, super drug producers like the U.S., Canada, Japan and Europe are expected to rise to over 85% of all market share.

11. As of 2014, pharma companies were spending around $4.53 billion on ad campaigns every year, and increasing at a rate of about 18% year over year. Ad spending is actually down from an all-time high of $5.4 billion in 2006. To put that in perspective, Coca Cola spent “only” $3.3 billion in advertising in 2014.

12. Pfizer spends the most on advertising ($1.4 billion that year), while Eli Lilly spent $272 million in ads just on their erectile dysfunction drug Cialis, the most of any individual product.

13. With hundreds of drugs in trial, research and development (R & D) spending is huge for big pharma. In fact, in 2013 ten of those 15 big pharma companies I listed before spent $65.8 billion on R & D alone.

14. 40% of all finished drugs sold in the U.S. are made overseas and 80% of all active ingredients in U.S. pharmaceuticals are made abroad, where the FDA has no jurisdiction and big pharma can evade U.S. standards and regulations.

15. 1Clinical trials conducted in other countries – many of them purposely held in poor and developing nations where the populace is desperate, uneducated, and to poor to afford medicine – are used to gain research to submit to the FDA for approval in the U.S. In fact, it’s estimated that 80% of all U.S. drugs are approved on data and research from foreign clinical trials.

16. According to Forbes, pharmaceuticals tied with banks for the highest average profit margins of any industry at 19%. That out-profited the other highest industries like oil & gas, auto makers, and media stocks.

17. With all of those billions being spent on ads and a collective trillions of dollars in market share at stake, it’s not uncommon for big pharma companies to bend – and break – the laws when it comes to truth in advertising. In fact, in 2012 GlaxoSmithKline paid out a $3 billion fine and pled guilty to criminal charges of knowingly promoting some of its top-selling anti-depressant drugs Paxil and Wellbutrin to people under the age of 18, while neither drug was FDA approved for use by minors.

18. Similarly, Johnson & Johnson paid a $2.2 billion fine in 2013 for promotion of off-label drug use, and Pfizer got hit with a $2.3 billion levy in 2009 for illegally marketing its top painkiller, Bextra.

19. These indiscretions are so common they’re hard to regulate and most don’t ever make it through lengthy court battles. But even when facing a fine over $2 billion, these companies don’t even suffer financially, as that is only a few weeks profit for most of them.

20. Big pharma is getting bigger, as some of the largest mergers and acquisitions have occurred in the industry. In 1999, Pfizer bought Warner-Lambert for $87.3 billion, the sixth biggest mergers and acquisition in U.S. history, in order to gain control of Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering drug that is the best-selling pharmaceutical of all time.

21. The five best selling drugs worldwide are:
1. Humira (adalimumab) from AbbVie (sales: $9.265 billion)
2. Remicade (infliximab) from Johnson & Johnson and Merck & Co. (sales: $8.215 billion)
3. Enbrel (etanercept) from Amgen and Pfizer (sales: $7.963 billion)
4. Advair (fluticasone and salmeterol) from GlaxoSmithKline (sales: $7.904 billion)
5. Rituxan (rituximab, MabThera) from Roche (sales: $7.285 billion)

22. Who is selling all those drugs? Big pharma employs about 65,000 pharmaceutical sales representatives at any given time in the U.S. alone. On average, each sales rep aims to meet with and influence 180 doctors each month.

23. Pharma sales reps attempt to sway doctors to prescribe their drugs using many methods, like fancy dinners, vacations, hotel rooms, and even monetary gifts. In fact, a study concluded that between 2009 and 2011, drug companies paid doctors at least $76 million in gifts – in the state of Massachuesetts alone! The real number is probably much higher, as gifts under $50 don’t even have to be reported.

24. Big pharma is one of the most powerful lobbyists in Washington, influencing laws, public policy, and political elections. Every year, Big Pharma lobbies on more than 1,500 pieces of legislation, spending upwards of $100 billion to influence the outcome.

25. Year over year, drug recalls are increasing by about 309%, with an average of about 1,742 prescribed drug recalls every year."

How long will it take for these experimental vaccines to be recalled??
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Everytime I ask, I get no answer.
How does a parasite drug fight a viral infection?

Long story short, it reduces replication in the cells and organism. As with most viruses they tend to replicate, invade the entire system then spread to another host. Basically, you the host become the virus. Since Covid attacks the upper respiratory system it taxes your ability to oxygenate. Your lungs also become inflamed and Ivermectin studies show it calms that too. As you know, inflammation is a sign of distress and abnormal issues. It sounds silly but after I read the studies I believe in it.
