Hollywood Legal: So ummm seriously, Harvey Weinstein doesn't have any balls #metoo UPDATE: CANCER

big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just saw a news clip a few days ago about a couple and their child were not allowed to fly due to their body odor and they were trying to sue the airline. :lol:
i stay near a community of jews and in the last pass five years i had 0 interactions with them...i spit every time i drive pass them tho-....
and there lil young jew school and synagogue is smack dab in the middle of a predominantly black hood...so go figure...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just saw a news clip a few days ago about a couple and their child were not allowed to fly due to their body odor and they were trying to sue the airline. :lol:

you gotta be one stinkin fuckin family for the airline to throw you and your family off..

I knew one bruh got thrown off a flight.. but he was pissy drunk....

these muthafuckas sober as fuck... and still was smellin all vulgar and shit


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

How the fuck can dude be forced to strip and take nude photos for the court to view if he hasn't even been convincted?

Subjecting someone that could be innocent to that level of humiliation seems fucked up.

I doubt an accuser would be subjected to something like that. :smh:

I could give a fuck about Weinstein and believe he has raped women before (even if he didn't rape the recent accuser) but this is fucked up.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
i stay near a community of jews and in the last pass five years i had 0 interactions with them...i spit every time i drive pass them tho-....
and there lil young jew school and synagogue is smack dab in the middle of a predominantly black hood...so go figure...
Same here. The old Jewish Community is smack dab in my neighborhood but the bulk of them have moved out to the burbs into another enclave.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
How the fuck can dude be forced to strip and take nude photos for the court to view if he hasn't even been convincted?

Subjecting someone that could be innocent to that level of humiliation seems fucked up.

I doubt an accuser would be subjected to something like that. :smh:

I could give a fuck about Weinstein and believe he has raped women before (even if he didn't rape the recent accuser) but this is fucked up.
They've taken forensic photos Bruh, he ain't been stripped down in the Courthouse.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
I just saw a news clip a few days ago about a couple and their child were not allowed to fly due to their body odor and they were trying to sue the airline. :lol:
Yeah like that story I just quoted them mutha fuckas think someone is supposed to endure that mess a whole flight. Disgust.


Rising Star
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Nude Photos of Harvey Weinstein Were Shown to Jurors
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images
Prosecutors on Tuesday showed jurors in Harvey Weinstein’s rape and sexual-assault trial five photos of him, and at least one of showed the disgraced movie producer in full-frontal nudity, courtroom sketches indicate.
Although the photos were shown to the jurors, they were not shown to the public. Two sketch artists seated on the right side of the courtroom were able to see and draw several of these images as jurors passed them from one to another.
The possibility that photos of this nature would make their way into the trial was discussed on January 6. At the time, prosecutor Joan Illuzzi said, “There are other issues regarding specific exhibits in this case,” and “the defense is particularly sensitive about some exhibits.”
“It is not the practice of the District Attorney’s Office to ever … humiliate [a] defendant,” Illuzzi said. “There were 72 photographs taken, and we’re going to be asking for the admission of seven of them.” She explained that prosecutors were taking steps to minimize “any undue prejudice” toward Weinstein. “We believe the photographs … we do think they’re very, very important for the jury to see,” she said.
Illuzzi was able to bring the photographs up during today’s testimony by calling a District Attorney’s Office photographer to the witness stand.
“On June 18, 2018, did you take photographs of Harvey Weinstein?,” Illuzzi asked.
“Yes,” responded Yakov Mantelman, the photographer.
“Do you see Harvey Weinstein in court today?”
“Have you had an opportunity to review those photographs?”

“Do they fairly and accurately represent how the defendant looked on June 18 of 2018?”
Mantelman again answered yes.

Illuzzi then asked that the pictures be admitted into evidence and shown to the jury.

Weinstein’s defense team objected to the jury’s seeing them.

Justice James Burke allowed only the jury to see them, instructing the jurors to take a look at each photo and pass it down their row. The photos will not be part of the public record. Judges frequently limit the viewing of sensitive evidence (for example, crime-scene photos of murder victims) to jurors.

One male juror’s eyes widened, lifting his eyebrows slightly. Two women appeared to wince.

After jurors examined the photos, Justice Burke asked Weinstein defense attorney Damon Cheronis, “Any cross-examination, Mr. Cheronis?”

“Zero,” Cheronis said.

Outside of court, a reporter asked Weinstein whether these were naked photos of him.

“No, it was Playboy,” he said.

Mann had testified on Friday that Weinstein’s genitals appeared to be misshapen.

“The first time I saw him fully naked,” she said that day, “I thought he was deformed and intersex. He has an extreme scarring that I didn’t know; maybe [he] was a burn victim.”

“He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina,” she claimed.

The photos were presented today after Jessica Mann, who accused Weinstein of raping her in 2013, finished testifying on cross-examination.

For approximately ten hours over a three-day period, Weinstein lawyer Donna Rotunno tried to undermine Mann’s allegations of nonconsensual sex by pointing to numerous examples of friendly correspondence between her and Weinstein.

Today, Rotunno brought up one 2017 missive, in which Mann wrote, “I love you, always do, but I hate feeling like a booty call.”

Rotunno also asked Mann today about the last time she’d had a sexual encounter with Weinstein.

“The last sexual-type situation I remember with him was when his mom died,” Mann said. “He wanted to talk to me because I understood grief.” Mann had previously testified that her father had died.

“When I get there, he’s naked on the bed, and all he wanted to do was something sexual,” Mann recalled. “I think he masturbated in the mirror, and he put himself in my mouth.”

“It disgusted me and brought back a lot of bad memories,” she added.

(According to the New York Times, Weinstein’s mother died in November 2016.)

At one point, Mann pushed back on the questioning about her communications with Weinstein after Rotunno asked why she wanted his help in getting a Soho House membership.

“You want the ladies and gentlemen of this jury to believe the person you wanted to sponsor you to the exclusive club was your rapist?,” Rotunno asked.

“I do want the jury to know he is my rapist, and I hope I can continue to explain the dynamic of why I engaged with him. I mean, he raped me. It is irrelevant,” she said.

“Actually, it is relevant,” Rotunno shot back.

“He raped me; that is a fact,” Mann said.

Weinstein faces charges in New York City for allegedly raping Mann around seven years ago, as well as for a purported sexual assault on former Project Runway production assistant Mimi Haleyi. To make the case that he is a serial sex predator, the District Attorney’s Office is using Sopranos actress Annabella Sciorra’s testimony that Weinstein had raped her around early 1993.


Rising Star
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Weinstein Accuser Jessica Mann Says He Gave Her a ‘Golden Shower’
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images
Jessica Mann, who accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her in 2013, provided more details on an alleged incident between her and the movie producer during which he purportedly urinated on her. The details emerged while Mann testified Monday in Weinstein’s Manhattan rape and sexual-assault trial.
Mann had said during her direct testimony Friday that Weinstein urinated on her during a consensual encounter; she provided additional graphic details during cross-examination this morning.
Lead Weinstein attorney Donna Rotunno’s strategy in cross-examining Mann largely appeared to be portraying Mann as craven and flaky — casting her as an unsuccessful actress who had a consensual relationship with Weinstein to boost her lackluster career. In an attempt to make Mann look unreliable, Rotunno pressed her on details about the alleged urination.
“Ms. Mann, on direct examination, you stated that Mr. Weinstein ‘peed’ on you, to use your own words?” Rotunno said. “When was that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Was that before the incident in New York?” Rotunno said, referencing the alleged rape.
Mann said she believed it was before this alleged incident, but she couldn’t be sure because she had had a few encounters with Weinstein going into 2016.
Rotunno asked whether it allegedly happened in Los Angeles or New York.
“It had to have happened in Los Angeles, because he didn’t pee on me in New York,” Mann said.
“I knew where Harvey and I were,” Mann recalled. “We were in the shower. He wanted to shower first, which was beneficial to me, and he asked me to come into the shower and then he said to me, ‘Have you ever had a golden shower?’ And I said, ‘No.’ And then I felt him he peeing on me.”

Rotunno asked Mann whether she left. Mann said no.
“I was in shock by it, it was gross,” Mann explained, breaking into tears. “I turned into the corner of the shower and just looked away.”

Weinstein is charged in New York City for allegedly raping Mann about seven years ago, as well as for an alleged sexual assault on onetime actress Mimi Haleyi. Prosecutors have used Sopranos actress Annabella Sciorra’s claim that Weinstein raped her around late 1993 to back up their accusation that he has a pattern of predatory sexual behavior. Weinstein has pleaded not guilty to the indictment.

During today’s cross, Rotunno also pressed Mann on why she spent any time with Weinstein, and had intimate interactions with him, if she didn’t have any sexual or romantic interest.

“Your entire relationship with Mr. Weinstein, you lied to him every single time?”

“In what way?,” Mann asked.

“Well, you made him believe you wanted to be there?”

“For my safety, yeah.”

“As manipulated as you claim you felt, isn’t it true that you manipulated Mr. Weinstein because you continued to see him after every single sexual encounter?,” Rotunno asked at one point.

“How I handled it to survive and process it, yeah, I guess you could say it was manipulation,” Mann replied.

Weinstein dozed off repeatedly throughout cross-examination. One juror was also spotted nodding off this afternoon.

Rotunno repeatedly questioned Mann on emails exchanged with Weinstein that appear to show an amicable relationship with him. One missive showed that Mann gave Weinstein her new phone number. In one message, Mann emphatically praised Weinstein’s work.

This line of questioning took a bleak turn right around 3:40 p.m., when Rotunno asked Mann about an email to her ex-boyfriend dated May 22, 2014. Mann sent this note after their relationship had soured. Rotunno asked Mann to read this aloud.

“My secret and my fear is knowing that a part of the dynamic I had with Harvey would mean you would never talk to me …” Mann said, reading from the email. “I was close enough to him to tell you that he no longer has a working penis. On the lower half of his body, he had some kind of surgery or burn and he’s lucky to have his parts. I never asked what happened … I told you how sometimes I felt hopeless and that I should just be with an older man because I’m a lost cause.”

“I accepted that my father was that older man, who dated girls younger than me. Harvey validated me, he always offered to help me in ways that my parents didn’t. I felt approval to pursue the industry because he encouraged me,” she continued to read.

“Harvey was my father’s age, and he gave me all the validation I needed,” she continued reading. “A big part of myself avoided him because I didn’t yet control the situation … I held on because I did feel a sense of friendship with him and felt the situation was … defined … I remember the day I realized I was controlling my world because I was sexually assaulted and that story played out where I played into sexual dynamics with people … I tried to make him my pseudo-father,” Mann said, still reading aloud.

“This sexual assault you’re talking about is from when you were younger, correct?” Rotunno asked.

At this point, Mann started weeping on the witness stand, her breath strained. The judge decided to have a brief break. Mann was escorted out of the courtroom through a side door to an area where witnesses are kept until they’re called.

When Mann came back into the courtroom, she was carrying a stress ball. When she sat back down, she wept once more.

Prosecutor Joan Illuzzi came to the bench and tried to calm her down.

Mann, who was inconsolable, was led out of the courtroom once more, clutching her chest. For a time, her cries were audible after she left.

After it was clear Mann couldn’t testify anymore for the day, Justice James Burke decided that proceedings would resume Tuesday morning. At that time, Mann will return to the stand for additional cross-examination.


Rising Star
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Weinstein Accuser Says He ‘Trapped’ and Assaulted Her in a Hotel Bathroom
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Seth Wenig/AP/Shutterstock
Actress Lauren Young testified Wednesday in Harvey Weinstein’s Manhattan rape- and sexual-assault trial, alleging that he trapped her in a bathroom, groped her breast, and masturbated in front of her seven years ago.
Young, who held back tears, told jurors that what she thought was a business meeting at a Beverly Hills hotel bar in February 2013 turned into a night of horror after Weinstein suggested she and an associate join him in his hotel room. After going upstairs, Young said she followed Weinstein through the room, only to wind up in a bathroom with him. The woman who was with them, former Miss New Mexico Claudia Salinas, closed the bathroom door.
Weinstein opened the shower door, which blocked the main door to the bathroom, took off his clothes, and got into the shower. Weinstein bathed for “two seconds, brief rinse,” she alleged.
“He stepped in front of me, and I went to approach the door,” Young said, later adding, “I felt so trapped, and I was in shock. I just started backing up away from him.”
Young said she was backed against the sink.
“He starts coming closer to me, so I turned, because I didn’t want to look at his naked body,” she recalled. “He came behind me and unzipped my dress, and started pulling it down and turning me around, and then he [was] masturbating …” Young said he was grabbing her right breast with one hand and masturbating with the other.
Weinstein said, “How am I going to know you can act?,” she claimed.


“I said ‘No, no, no’ the whole time.’
Weinstein tried to touch her vagina but she blocked him, so he returned to groping her breast while “squinting,” she testified.
Weinstein then allgedly ejaculated onto a towel.
“He left the bathroom first, and I stayed standing there in shock … I pulled up my dress — I don’t even think I zipped it — and I walked out of the bathroom, and Claudia Salinas was standing right there,” she also said.
Prosecutor Meghan Hast asked Young to describe Weinstein’s body.
She said that he was “hairy” and had “moles” and fat “rolls.”
Young described it as a “disgusting-looking penis,” and that “it looked like it had been cut … not a normal-looking scar from circumcision.”
“Something didn’t look normal,” she continued, saying she didn’t see “balls in the sack.”
She also said at one point that during this incident, “he’s just carrying on with normal conversation. ‘This is what all actresses do to make it.’”
The discussion of Weinstein’s body has come up multiple times during the trial. Accuser Jessica Mann said on Friday that the first time she saw Weinstein, she thought he was deformed and intersex. “He has an extreme scarring that I didn’t know — maybe [he] was a burn victim … He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina,” she also said.
On Tuesday, photos of Weinstein’s nude body were shown to jurors.
Young, 30, is one of three women who are testifying about alleged “prior bad acts” committed by Weinstein. Prosecutors in Los Angeles have charged Weinstein for the alleged groping of Young.
The other two women attesting two prior alleged bad acts, and who have already taken the witness stand, are Dawn Dunning and Tarale Wulff. Dunning has accused Weinstein of touching her genitals without consent, and claimed that he offered her work in exchange for a “threesome.” Wulff alleged Weinstein masturbated in front of her at Cipriani Soho, and said that he raped her at a later date.
The disgraced producer does not face charges in New York City for alleged incidents involving these three women, and prosecutors cannot use their testimony to make the argument that Weinstein has a bad character or pattern of behaving this way. But they can use these witnesses’ testimony to demonstrate intent and opportunity.
Young went into detail about how she wound up allegedly trapped in a bathroom with Weinstein.
Young said she “hit it off” with Salinas at a dinner in February 2012. Weinstein was there, and she had seen him at other events around Los Angeles. Salinas appeared to know Weinstein, she said. Young and Salinas talked business, including about a screenplay Young was working on. They exchanged contact information that evening.
Salinas reached out in February 2013 about Young’s script. According to Young, Salinas said to bring this script to a meeting with her and Weinstein at a bar in the Montage Beverly Hills hotel.
“I was excited. I got ready, and I put on my best dress,” Young said. “I was excited to network and pitch my ideas.” While Young didn’t bring a copy of her script, as it wasn’t finished, she brought her friend’s.
When Young arrived at the hotel, Salinas was there. They went to the bar, and Weinstein came to meet them about 10 minutes later. He was on his phone much of the time. They did discuss ideas.
“He said, ‘What about America’s Next Top Model?,’ and I said, ‘No, I don’t want to be on reality TV. I would rather, you know, wait.’ And, you know, I didn’t want to be on America’s Next Top Model. I was trying to transition into acting, and reality TV just wasn’t what I wanted.”
At one point, Weinstein said he had to work on something related to an award.
“He said, ‘Let’s finish this conversation,’ and ‘Follow me upstairs,’” she said.
“So I followed,” she said.
They walked down the hallway, toward the elevators. Weinstein was in front, and Salinas was behind her. They went upstairs and went down a hallway, walking in the same order. They were still discussing business. Young said she followed him into a room.
Young continued to follow Weinstein through the room and through a doorway. “We went past the bedroom and made another right, which led me into another room, which was a bathroom,” she claimed.
“Did you know you were going into the bathroom as you were following Harvey Weinstein?,” Hast asked.
“No, I did not know.”
“Had you ever been in that hotel suite before?”
“No,” Young answered.
It was also revealed in court several days ago that Young claims to have found the dress from that evening, and that Los Angeles prosecutors might test it for DNA evidence. Weinstein attorney Damon Cheronis wanted to prevent Young from testifying, saying there wasn’t enough time to test this dress for DNA which, he said, could clear Weinstein.
Weinstein is charged in New York City for allegedly raping Mann in 2013, as well as an alleged sexual assault on onetime Project Runway production assistant Mimi Haleyi; prosectors are using Sopranos actress Annabella Sciorra’s testimony that Weinstein had raped her around late 1993 to make the case that he has a pattern of predatory behavior. In addition to charging Weinstein with the alleged groping of Young, Los Angeles prosecutors have charged him with allegedly raping another woman.
Rothschild Capulong, a former night manager at the DoubleTree Hotel in Midtown East — where Mann said Weinstein had raped her — took the stand earlier this morning. Capulong was asked to review hotel records from March 18, 2013, which prosecutors maintain is the date of this alleged rape. Capulong, whose shift ran long, said he checked in Weinstein and that there was a “female companion” with him who demonstrated “discontent.” Capulong said he saw them leave the check-in area.


Rising Star
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Harvey Weinstein Is Finally Going to Rikers
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Anadolu Agency/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein is soon going to Rikers Island, a sprawling New York City jail complex reputed for violence and corruption, following more than one week in a hospital prison unit, a source said.
After a Manhattan jury found Weinstein guilty of rape in the third degree, and criminal sexual act in the first degree, on February 24, he was cuffed and taken into custody. Weinstein was originally supposed to go to an infirmary unit on Rikers pending his March 11 sentencing.
Several hours after his conviction, however, a source saw Weinstein being driven from the 100 Centre Street courthouse in an ambulance. Reps for Weinstein confirmed shortly thereafter that he was taken to Bellevue Hospital due to chest pains, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure.
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Vulture’s source said that Weinstein has since had a “heart stent” put in (basically, a device that keeps coronary arteries open). Doctors have now deemed Weinstein well enough to be transferred to a Rikers infirmary unit. Weinstein’s transfer is expected to take place today.
Weinstein’s health problems have repeatedly come up during his case.
Before he was taken into custody, Weinstein lawyer Donna Rotunno said, for example, “He has significant medical issues. I have letters from all his doctors, Judge. He’s under the care of five doctors currently. He’s dealing with the remnants of his back operation which was not successful.”
“He’s in need of the walker. He takes a list of different medicines. Judge, he’s currently receiving shots in his eyes so he does not go blind,” she also claimed in her failed bid for house arrest prior to sentencing.


Rising Star
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Harvey Weinstein Is in Isolation in Prison
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Harvey Weinstein was put in isolation after being transferred to prison upstate as a “precaution” due to coronavirus concerns at Rikers Island, where he was initially detained following his rape conviction, his lawyer told Vulture.
Word of Weinstein’s isolation comes amid a Niagara Gazette report claiming that he has coronavirus. His lawyers told Vulture that they have not received information indicating he was sick with the virus.
Weinstein was transferred to Wende Correctional Facility, a maximum-security state prison near Buffalo, several days ago. On February 24, a jury found Weinstein guilty of first-degree criminal sexual act, and third-degree rape. On March 11, Justice James Burke imposed a sentence of 23 years in prison. Before Weinstein was moved upstate, he had bounced between New York City’s Rikers Island jail (which is now dealing with COVID-19) and Bellevue Hospital, where he underwent treatment for heart problems.
Asked for comment, the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision responded, “The Department cannot comment on an individual’s medical record.”
“However, we can confirm that two of the Department’s approximately 43,000 incarcerated individuals, both at Wende Correctional Facility, have confirmed cases,” the department’s statement said. “With each confirmed case, DOCCS worked with the Department of Health to identify any potentially exposed individuals in order to provide notifications and to stop the spread of the virus.”
State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision officials previously said Weinstein would be at Wende “throughout the classification process” — which effectively just means processing an inmate into the state’s prison system, and then determining the prisoner’s security, medical, and mental health needs. Because there is no “standard timeframe” for this classification process, it’s unclear how long Weinstein will be at Wende. It’s also not clear whether Weinstein will be moved to another lockup, or ultimately just stay at Wende.

New York’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision recently suspended all visits because of the COVID-19 crisis. As with other inmates impacted by suspended visitation, Weinstein will receive five free stamps per week, two free secure messages via electronic messaging per week, and one free phone call weekly.


Rising Star
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Harvey Weinstein Charged With New Sexual Assault Allegation
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: JASON SZENES/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Harvey Weinstein was charged with another sexual assault count for allegedly attacking a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel in May 2010, Los Angeles prosecutors said Friday. L.A. prosecutors had previously charged Weinstein in early 2020 for alleged attacks on two women seven years ago.
“We are continuing to build and strengthen our case,” L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said in a statement. “As we gather corroborating evidence, we have reached out to other possible sexual assault victims. If we find new evidence of a previously unreported crime, as we did here, we will investigate and determine whether additional criminal charges should be filed.”
According to prosecutors, this accuser was first interviewed by law enforcement in October 2019 as a potential corroborating witness against Weinstein. Last month, prosecutors said, this woman gave detectives information “confirming that the assault took place within the 10-year-statute of limitation.”
The criminal complaint states that Weinstein “willfully and unlawfully touch[ed] an intimate part of Jane Doe #3, while said person was unlawfully restrained by said defendant(s), Harvey Weinstein, and an accomplice, against the will of said person and for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, and sexual abuse.”
Weinstein was convicted on February 24 in Manhattan of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act for attacks on two women. Weinstein, who on March 11 was sentenced to 23 years, is now in a maximum-security state prison near Buffalo.
Los Angeles prosecutors announced charges against him on January 6 — one day before jury selection began in his New York City trial.

He was hit with one count each of forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, and sexual penetration by use of force for allegedly shoving his way into a woman’s hotel room on February 18, 2013, and then raping her.
He was also charged with one count of sexual battery by restraint for allegedly assaulting actress Lauren Young on February 19, 2013. Young said Weinstein trapped her in his hotel suite’s bathroom and then groped her breast. She was among the three women who testified in Weinstein’s New York trial about prior, uncharged “bad acts.”
Prosecutors in L.A. had previously said that they were exploring eight accusations against Weinstein. Three of those allegations were beyond the statute of limitations and couldn’t be pursued, but prosecutors explained at the time that they were still investigating the other three.
The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office also said in today’s announcement that two potential Weinstein cases were “declined for prosecution because the victims did not want to testify against the defendant in this case.”
One of these allegations involves an actress who told police that Weinstein “sexually assaulted her during a business meeting,” according to an L.A. District Attorney’s Office document. The other allegation that won’t be prosecuted appears to refer to Jessica Mann; Weinstein was convicted of raping the actress at a Midtown East hotel in 2013. When Mann testified, she also claimed that Weinstein sexually assaulted her in Los Angeles. Mann was not named in the L.A. paperwork, but it states that “the victim testified in trial in New York accusing the suspect of criminal sexual misconduct in 2013; the defendant was convicted of sexually assaulting the victim there.”
“On March 31, 2020 she said she does not want to participate in additional testimony in Los Angeles due to the risk that it will re-traumatize her,” the prosecutors’ document states.
If convicted of the California charges, Weinstein faces up to 29 years in prison.
Prosecutors in L.A. said on March 23 that they “initiated its request to New York for the temporary custody of defendant Weinstein … to bring him to Los Angeles County to face rape and sexual-assault charges.”
It’s unclear, however, when Weinstein will be brought to L.A.


Rising Star
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Harvey Weinstein and Class-Action Accusers Agree to $19 Million Settlement
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: TNS via Getty Images
A group of women who sued Harvey Weinstein for alleged sexual misconduct agreed to an $18.875 million settlement with the disgraced producer, his former film company, and several people who had worked there, the women’s lawyers announced Tuesday. The deal, which still needs court approval before going into effect, would also settle the New York State attorney general’s lawsuit against him. Weinstein was convicted of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act on February 24 in his Manhattan criminal case; on March 11, he was sentenced to 23 years in state prison.
The accusers who reached this agreement include Louisette Geiss, Sarah Ann Thomas, Melissa Thompson, Melissa Sagemiller, Nannette May, Katherine Kendall, Caitlin Dulany, Larissa Gomes, and a woman referred to as Jill Doe. This settlement, if approved, wouldn’t only apply to these women. The nearly $19 million would establish a “victims’ fund allowing all women who were abused by Harvey Weinstein under certain circumstances to make claims for damages in a confidential and non-adversarial process,” the women’s lawyers said in a press release.
The state attorney general’s office said that under the deal, “women who had previously signed confidentiality, non-disclosure, or non-disparagement agreements with [The Weinstein Company] or any of the former representatives of the company related to any sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein, will be released from those clauses and free to tell their stories without fear of retribution.”
The agreement doesn’t come without controversy.
Douglas H. Wigdor and Kevin Mintzer, who represent several Weinstein accusers that aren’t participating in the settlement, called the deal a “complete sellout of the Weinstein survivors …”

They said in a statement that under the deal, Weinstein “accepts no responsibility for his actions” and that he “isn’t paying any money toward the settlement despite now having been found guilty in Manhattan criminal court.”
Regardless of the controversy, there are several steps that would have to happen before the settlement is finalized. The agreement still has to be approved by bankruptcy and Manhattan federal courts. If the Manhattan federal-court judge overseeing this case agrees to preliminary approval, other women who might qualify will be notified about the settlement. People will have time to make claims and objections. Eventually, there will be a “fairness hearing” that will determine whether final approval is granted.
The settlement doesn’t bring an end to Weinstein’s many other legal woes, including other civil litigation and his ongoing criminal case in Los Angeles.
Update, July 1: Imran Ansari, one of Weinstein’s attorneys, issued a statement on the agreement, saying, “With closure in sight on one front, Mr. Weinstein remains intently focused on defending himself on all remaining legal matters, including the appeal of his criminal conviction, civil lawsuits, and the charges filed against him in L.A. He continues to pursue all legal recourse available to him and remains steadfast in the defense of those matters.”


Rising Star
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One Year Later, What Is Going On With Harvey Weinstein?
By Victoria Bekiempis
Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images
On March 11, 2020, Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in New York state prison for rape and sexual assault. A Manhattan jury had found Weinstein guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree and rape in the third degree on February 24, after a nearly seven-week trial. Justice James Burke, who presided over Weinstein’s case, remarked at his sentencing, “I will say that although this is a first conviction, it is not a first offense.” Burke also ruled that Weinstein must register as a sex offender. In the year since Weinstein’s sentencing, there have been a lot of developments in this case and other proceedings against him. The COVID-19 pandemic, of which New York was a global epicenter last spring, has impacted developments in some of these proceedings. Here’s a look at what has happened.
Weinstein has been locked up for more than a year.
Right after the guilty verdict came down on February 24, Weinstein was taken into custody. It was chaotic almost immediately. Around 4:30 that day, a source saw Weinstein being driven away from the downtown Manhattan courthouse in an ambulance. By that evening, Weinstein was taken to Bellevue Hospital for heart palpitations, chest pain, and high blood pressure. On March 4, he received a heart stent — a device that keeps coronary arteries open — and was taken to Rikers Island a day later, a source told Vulture at the time. Weinstein was eventually transferred to Wende Correctional Facility, a maximum-security state prison near Buffalo, on March 18.
Weinstein got coronavirus.
Several days after Weinstein’s arrival at Wende, reports emerged that he had COVID-19. Info surrounding Weinstein’s diagnosis was hard to pin down at the time. One of his lawyers said that Weinstein was placed in isolation when he got to Wende as a precaution because of COVID-19 concerns at Rikers. But his team didn’t give a direct answer about the diagnosis. The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision said it “cannot comment on an individual’s medical record,” but confirmed that two Wende inmates did have the virus.
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A court document quietly filed in October provided new intel on Weinstein’s diagnosis. In arguing that Weinstein should be out on bail pending appeal, his lawyers said that in March, “Weinstein tested positive for COVID-19 and was quarantined while in prison for 23 days.” In November, TMZ reported that Weinstein was extremely sick and a suspected COVID-19 case. Weinstein tested negative several days after that report.
Weinstein’s Los Angeles case got way more serious.
The Los Angeles district attorney’s office announced sex-crime charges against Weinstein on January 6, 2020 — one day before his Manhattan trial kicked off. L.A. prosecutors accused him of raping one woman and sexually assaulting another woman in separate incidents over two days in 2013. They charged him with “one felony count each of forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force, and sexual battery by restraint.” In April, L.A. prosecutors hit Weinstein with another count for allegedly attacking a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel in May 2010. “We are continuing to build and strengthen our case,” said former district attorney Jackie Lacey in announcing the new sexual battery by restraint count.
In October, L.A. prosecutors announced that Weinstein was charged with six more counts — three felony counts each of forcible rape and forcible oral copulation. They involve an incident that took place sometime between September 2004 and September 2005, where Weinstein allegedly raped a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel. The latest counts also involve an incident where Weinstein allegedly raped another woman “on two separate occasions in November 2009 and November 2010 at a hotel in Beverly Hills,” prosecutors said.
Weinstein will be extradited to Los Angeles. Eventually.
Several hours after Weinstein was sentenced on March 11, California prosecutors announced: “The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office has begun the process of extraditing defendant Weinstein to California to face the sexual assault charges that were filed in January.” On March 23, they provided an update, saying the office “initiated its request to New York for the temporary custody of defendant Weinstein … to bring him to Los Angeles County to face rape and sexual assault charges.” When they said this, COVID-19 had yet to fully bring New York City and State to a standstill. So at the time, it seemed like Weinstein could possibly be extradited sooner than later. They also said in their late-March statement: “As for any concerns given the coronavirus pandemic, our office expects that each agency responsible for processing, transporting, and housing defendant Weinstein will follow its protocols and public-health guidelines.” The pandemic did wind up delaying Weinstein’s extradition: He’s still at Wende right now. In December, his legal team and prosecutors agreed to delay his extradition hearing until April amid the continuing public-health crisis.
Weinstein is appealing his conviction.
His legal team filed a “notice of appeal” on April 2, 2020. This is basically an official notice that Weinstein’s lawyers will file detailed arguments appealing his conviction. While his attorneys have not yet filed the more extensive paperwork, their statement and prior legal papers give some hints on how they’ll appeal. They’re likely going to bring up how the judge denied their request to move his trial outside of New York City, after they had complained that media coverage would prevent him from an impartial jury and fair trial.
They might also revisit their complaints that Burke allowed to serve on the jury a woman who had authored a novel that involved predatory older men. They claimed that the fact she didn’t disclose this novel on a jury-selection questionnaire was problematic. (The questionnaire didn’t straight up ask about writing novels, but does ask if there’s anything a prospective juror should disclose that wasn’t covered in the questions.) His lawyers have also maintained that there was evidence at trial of continuing consensual relationships between Weinstein and the two women he was convicted of assaulting, which they insist undermines their statements about nonconsensual sex.

Weinstein still faces civil litigation, but a lot of lawsuits seem to be winding down.
In January 2021, a Delaware bankruptcy judge green-lit a settlement of more than $17 million for dozens of women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct. Under the settlement agreement, these women would submit claims, and the amount they receive would depend upon the type of abuse allegation. This figure and settlement process remain controversial. The Weinstein Company sought bankruptcy protection in 2018; this settlement is being allocated under its liquidation plan. This liquidation plan, thus the settlement under it, would mean that eligible accusers can’t go forward with legal claims against Weinstein Company officers. That includes women who want to opt out of the deal.
If accusers wanted to pursue civil claims against Weinstein, they would only be entitled to 25 percent of whatever money might have been available to them under this deal, some attorneys opposing this agreement have said. The agreement also only applies to women who accused him of misconduct when he was at The Weinstein Company, between its founding in 2005 until its collapse three years ago. Accusers eligible for the settlement can appeal the plan. Some have said they’ll continue their lawsuits against him. Doug Wigdor and Kevin Mintzer, who have repped several Weinstein accusers in lawsuits, said, “We look forward to continuing to fight on behalf of survivors who seek to hold Harvey Weinstein and his corporate enablers accountable.”


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

I'm surprised but not really to be honest.

While I absolutely think he's a rapist I also am concerned that his conviction seemed to not be based on actual evidence but the word of the accusers.

I'm glad he went to jail and think he deserves it but seeing someone convincted of rapes which occurred so long ago without definitive proof is alarming to me.