How about they stop complaining about voter turnout and make it a federal day off for primaries and elections.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
You want more people to vote give them a fucking day off from work not just two hours and stop your fucking complaining. It gives people a chance to vote all day instead of a two hour window. Yet you wonder why people don’t go. Sometimes those lines take longer than two hours and some people who work can’t be waiting until in line for that long, problem solved.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Sadly people STILL wouldn't go. They ALWAYS find some excuse not to vote. There is early voting in many states and it still doesn't help.

I don't know the answer.

But I strongly believe if you lost the right to vote (unless you RE REGISTER) if you missed 2 election cycles or never voted in a midterms something like that maybe?

I just don't understand the REAL reason people are too lazy to vote.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
You want more people to vote give them a fucking day off from work not just two hours and stop your fucking complaining. It gives people a chance to vote all day instead of a two hour window. Yet you wonder why people don’t go. Sometimes those lines take longer than two hours and some people who work can’t be waiting until in line for that long, problem solved.
Repubs would never allow it...the plan is to make it harder to vote


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Repubs would never allow it...the plan is to make it harder to vote



I understand not trusting politicians

But I never understood supporting the SIDE that actively and furiously tries to STOP Black folk from voting for decades.

If this was ANY other situation? limited edition Designer clothes, sneakers, cars, restaurant, music... if white folks tried to limit or block us? We would rush the gates to get it.

Especially Black folks?

We would WANT to do the thing that the other side DOES NOT WANT US TO DO.

But for some reason when it comes to VOTING?

We like...nah yall can HAVE THAT.

It just doesn't make sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sadly people STILL wouldn't go. They ALWAYS find some excuse not to vote. There is early voting in many states and it still doesn't help.

I don't know the answer.

But I strongly believe if you lost the right to vote (unless you RE REGISTER) if you missed 2 election cycles or never voted in a midterms something like that maybe?

I just don't understand the REAL reason people are too lazy to vote.
My suggestion is not to do a national holiday in the traditional sense, such as closing government functions and offices, thus encouraging private business to do the same. Instead offer a voting tax credit for those that cast a ballot. Would you turn out if you could get an easy, extra $100 from the IRS?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
My suggestion is not to do a national holiday in the traditional sense, such as closing government functions and offices, thus encouraging private business to do the same. Instead offer a voting tax credit for those that cast a ballot. Would you turn out if you could get an easy, extra $100 from the IRS?

I don't know how I would feel about kinda sorta paying for votes.

I'm voting regardless local and midterms included. And I feel most don't need that incentive. I really wish people would just be honest about why they choose not to. Is ain't just disillusionment.

It's something more. I just can't figure it out.

But your idea isn't BAD at all and might just work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some people don't ever vote because they haven't thought it through enough to see how it affects their actual lives. Even if they understand the implications and intend to, when they're tired, broke, or the weather's bad etc..., they may skip it and think next election they will, or that one time they don't, it won't matter. Giving people a little more reason to push on through a bad day or two and make it to the polls or return they're early ballot on time would make a significant difference. The problem is that most people setting election policy will oppose any effort to get more people to vote, much less providing a clear economic incentive to do so. Would it really be that expensive, no, but they'll fight it with everything they've got.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You want more people to vote give them a fucking day off from work not just two hours and stop your fucking complaining. It gives people a chance to vote all day instead of a two hour window. Yet you wonder why people don’t go. Sometimes those lines take longer than two hours and some people who work can’t be waiting until in line for that long, problem solved.

Sadly people STILL wouldn't go. They ALWAYS find some excuse not to vote. There is early voting in many states and it still doesn't help.

I don't know the answer.

But I strongly believe if you lost the right to vote (unless you RE REGISTER) if you missed 2 election cycles or never voted in a midterms something like that maybe?

I just don't understand the REAL reason people are too lazy to vote.
I also think a person, if they are a citizen, should be automatically registered to vote once they turn 18. No reason not to be….


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While 2 parties play good cop/bad cop...the elite goal has always been to keep us all dazed/confused and oblivious to how their system aka "the great american experiment" is actually strategically designed to exclude as many as possible from any political action..Especially folks on the bottom.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I also think a person, if they are a citizen, should be automatically registered to vote once they turn 18. No reason not to be….

Again I'm going start photo bombing your kendrick fan boy posts bro

You cannot be this smart and forward thinking and wasting time sh*tting on the light skin boy. It's beneath you.

Pause 3 times

Triple entendre only K Dot understands my burden.


waking people up
BGOL Investor

this is going to sound crazy....

give people a reason to vote so they get something out of it.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again I'm going start photo bombing your kendrick fan boy posts bro

You cannot be this smart and forward thinking and wasting time sh*tting on the light skin boy. It's beneath you.

Pause 3 times

Triple entendre only K Dot understands my burden.
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: man I be talking shit in those threads; sometimes its real thought but most its just shit talk; when its time to be serious though im all for it; i have some great ideas that will work; but I also have crazy ideas also lol; they say its a thin line between be genius and insanity; i think i straddle the line...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: man I be talking shit in those threads; sometimes its real thought but most its just shit talk; when its time to be serious though im all for it; i have some great ideas that will work; but I also have crazy ideas also lol; they say its a thin line between be genius and insanity; i think i straddle the line...

F**k that

the last few posts have been no joke well thought out inspirational... that your lane bro

But i must admit yhe other ones? Were serious cries for help.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
F**k that

the last few posts have been no joke well thought out inspirational... that your lane bro

But i must admit yhe other ones? Were serious cries for help.
:giggle: :giggle: bro im like you; sometimes i go back and forth with myself; but with politics and fixing this country; well i could do fix shit overnight; but no one wants to get drastic; everyone might say or act like they do; but we really dont; and thats the problem...