How deep is the ocean

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
All life originated in the oceans. If you go back far enough, you'll find that all ampibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals (including humans) evolved from fish.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
RE that Eurotunnel..that is something you dont want to get trapped in




Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
An amazing video indeed. The ocean is a place with the life on the ground and the perfect disgae is above. The perfect definition of the ocean, because when you look at it it looks like there is nothing there and that couldn't be further from the truth

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
An amazing video indeed. The ocean is a place with the life on the ground and the perfect disgae is above. The perfect definition of the ocean, because when you look at it it looks like there is nothing there and that couldn't be further from the truth