How realistic is this advice.....for black people in the corporate world?? :update- you DONT want a 350k job???


BGOL Legend


As someone in the corporate world and now tech
What she's saying is true just packaged incorrectly.

And I am black on both sides so please hear me.

It's not about bouncing around from job to job that's the dumb messaging

It's about GROWTH
There's no time cap on it
Take a job see where your growth potential is and go from there
If you have ultimate growth potential there's no reason to leave because you'll get promotions which actually yes minimum 10-15% otherwise that ain't a promotion.

If you've reached your potential at a place and can't go higher then yes it is time to leave unless you just love it

It's not about time its about growth

I'm somewhere now where my growth could end up being president of whatever it is I'm working at currently
So if there is no cap on growth then no cap on salary and opportunity and as I grow more ppl want me I've already been approached several times for ppl trying to poach me - the company I'm with knows this too and just auto increases my salary

If I felt like I could go no further then I'd be out so when I have meetings all they literally talk about opportunities for me to grow and own more and freedom to explore because they know that's important to me.

Is this a post about me and my job, not really

It's about setting your goals for salary and position in your field and finding places that will help you get there. Use places that don't to get to places that do.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Do you think when non black people speak they are talking for black people and their interest? A cat can’t talk about a dogs perspective on life cause they aren’t and never will be a dog. This is what ya need to start considering when ya bring up media or articles not written by black people on certain subject matters. For yrs there’s been countless debates on here talking about a subject matter that a non black person talk about in which their perspective has nothing to do with us and we act like it does. An Asian chick perspective can not be spoken for a black person point of view


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I mean, in theory, I understand what he is saying. Not many people want to be "That guy", but on the otherhand what he is saying is silly.

If you dont want the responsibility so you can relax more just keep it at that. You arent going to build any successful side business, and NOT be beholden to your clients whenever they need anything...and that includes weekends.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That "advice" she gave does not apply to everybody. Every sector is different. Some companies wouldn't even entertain you if they saw you job hopping like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Esp in the government.

My wife works for the FEDS and my homeboy does too and I swear to god they both job hop like crazy in the federal government, but it always works out. Higher paying jobs and higher GS grades. Just climbing that federal
Ladder, but we both know the FEDS and private sector are not the same.

What’s even more crazy federal agencies will try and pull you from your current job and offer incentives to get you to leave because you have a skill set they want.
This is from an Atlanta and GA perspective, if you are Black, you can do the two to three year job hop in two sectors: tech and government.

This may work in the DMV area for government and the Raleigh Durham area for tech.

Outside of that, I can’t speak on it.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
my boss hit me with that shit about a month and a half ago.
"I pay you too much money to be blah blah blah blah........"

im like bitch...............i got a life other than work......

Man, a person saying that to me would get checked so fast. Lol.

And the more money I save and build for safety nets, the less shit I want to hear from them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i notice that people online who give this advice are always white or asian....I have yet to see anyone black or brown talking about quiet quitting or job hopping like that.
Yes. Thank you for this post. It is important to remember that MOST advice in this world does not apply to black people.
They are not thinking about us and they are not talking to us. They are talking to them!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That "advice" she gave does not apply to everybody. Every sector is different. Some companies wouldn't even entertain you if they saw you job hopping like that.
Most employers who would flinch at a resume like that shouldn’t be demanding a resume in the first place. If you don’t generate $100 billion in revenue, why do you need a resume?

Here’s my name and my social. Give me my check you piece of shit.

Why does Jefferson Hospital own every hospital in the city?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Occupational licensure is inherently racist. From its inception, to the application, and execution, it was always had a racial bias.

As a nurse, I don’t have to tell you the racist origins of nursing and the health sector in general. You can find examples today of racism all the way back to pre-licensure.

Dylan Pettigroth has written 2 books regarding black folks and the law and its application. In his last book, he uncovers that the reason why lawyers have to go to law school. It’s based on race — let me clarify that. It’s based on economics. Black folks were doing so much business amongst themselves that the white men got so jealous and decided to put an end to that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Occupational licensure is inherently racist. From its inception, to the application, and execution, it was always had a racial bias.

As a nurse, I don’t have to tell you the racist origins of nursing and the health sector in general. You can find examples today of racism all the way back to pre-licensure.

Dylan Pettigroth has written 2 books regarding black folks and the law and its application. In his last book, he uncovers that the reason why lawyers have to go to law school. It’s based on race — let me clarify that. It’s based on economics. Black folks were doing so much business amongst themselves that the white men got so jealous and decided to put an end to that.
What's the books


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

every Job ain’t the same , every job has different requirements… I know somebody that started off making a quarter million dollars just giving out free sneakers and merch to celebs so that they could post it on social media to promote it for free to the masses.. they literally didn’t even have a job title for that person when he started but that was his job.. believes he makes a few million now