I Just Love When She Plops Them Tittays Up Outta There...

Freedom Of Chat

nice for the most part...

but this shit right here....




Rising Star
Platinum Member

That is my test too- sometimes I ask, sometimes I pull em out myself. ( I would rather they take them out). Depending on the vibe and the girl, I'll act playful, or horny or over the top confident or whatever, but I know that once I get the boobs out; :itsawrap:


Rising Star
With me its for sure the first time they take their clothe of in front of me... thats my high, damn its like opening a new present...


This post kicks ass. My little quirk is what I like to call "the undisturbed titty". Just let em sit there- don't fucking touch em, squeeze em, lift em, lick em, or tweak em. Just lemme get a good long look at them... there ya, that's a nice titty... who's a good titty, yes you are, nummy num num...

:hmm: I gotta go.


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
This post kicks ass. My little quirk is what I like to call "the undisturbed titty". Just let em sit there- don't fucking touch em, squeeze em, lift em, lick em, or tweak em. Just lemme get a good long look at them... there ya, that's a nice titty... who's a good titty, yes you are, nummy num num...
:yes::yes:I see you know from where I'm coming...:cool: At that point of ploppage, I just wanta know that they will plop them muhfuhkahs outta there...I get to touch em and squeeze and fuck later...When the tittays come out, the pussy belongs to me...
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