I put someone on ignore for the first time


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I have been blocked by a couple of cats. I try to understand other peoples opinions, but I don't go down that whole name calling and online beefs. Alas some cats might be a little sensitive so I get blocked. I get going back and forth but by the end everybody should be able to say: this is how I think and that is how you think and call it done. Other cats thinking they're gonna Ock you and everybody will join in to help and the shyt just doesn't end up that way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro.....all this while you still want me to mouthfully tell you who???:D:D:D:D


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
This is my ignore list. I don't even know why the first two are on there and don't care at this point...I know I had a good reason and that's that.

The last one is because of his sigs. I probably spend as much if not more time browsing at the office then at home and don't want to be surprised while scrolling and some nekkid bish pops up.

I use an ad blocker so when I open this site you don't see any pictures at all. I recently turned a buddy on to the site and he started talking to me about the ads/pics of women up top and I genuinely didn't know what he was talking about. I finally remembered what the site looks like without the ad blocker and started laughing. I like to control when nakedness pops up on my screen.

  1. doe moe
    Rising Star
    • Messages 28,665
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  2. HotNixon36
    Rising Star · 46
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  3. jack walsh13
    Jack Walsh 13 · 46 · From Jersey
    • Messages 180,878
    • Reaction score 191,063
    • Points 113

Hey I get it man. Those brothers randomly post a sexy woman on GP. The type of posts that can blow up your spot if you're surfing in SFW mode. The only one I ever put on ignore was that Ester character. That silly cunt would have white males for it's SIG and avatar. It also claimed to be a Black woman. Albeit I never believed it to be a Black women. Subsequently I used to refer to it as Lester. I had that cunt on ignore for a long time. I didn't take it off ignore until it had not been active for a while. We all have our own dislikes and breaking points. The ignore option is highly recommended and Rocky Maiva approved.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Man I got like 200 Tiny Tina aliases on ignore. Others are Cacs pretending to be militant like XCactor and Conspiracy Brother who are obviously cacs and follow me around making the same stupid ass comments over and over. I’m very close to putting Mr. Double Space walls of non sense on ignore too. I usually just by pass all that bulllshit anyways.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I looked and realized I don't ignore people. My ignore list is short and I think it's from FTP dudes we spotted.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I do have sigs turned off since I was mostly on here from my phone on the commute to work and some of the sigs in here take up way too much bandwidth while on a phone.


Troll Hunter
BGOL Investor
:roflmao: :roflmao:It really is....

I'm about to block the OP for making this damn thread and then not saying who he blocked!!

Reread the thread again. The answer has been given a few times.

Bro.....all this while you still want me to mouthfully tell you who???:D:D:D:D

Bruh if he still doesn't get it after rereading the first page. Just go ahead and block him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Reread the thread again. The answer has been given a few times.
OK....I get who it is now.

I've had words with him and his Unibomber manifest writing style and rantings. Just have blow that shit off.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I do have sigs turned off since I was mostly on here from my phone on the commute to work and some of the sigs in here take up way too much bandwidth while on a phone.

I have sigs turned off too. But sometimes it’s not technically a sig so that feature doesn’t catch it. It’s just a naked bitch at the end of the poster’s response.
Not what I’m expecting to see when I click on a thread about politics or something. Got surprised like a muhfucka once too many times. lol
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X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
i just wish there was a way to not ignore but stem the flow of the threads someone posts. like whole first page is one guy updating his topics and themes. i just close the browser
the quality of this board would go up if HNIC would simply lock and archive old/no activity threads. Like 99 percent of message boards do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The last one is because of his sigs. I probably spend as much if not more time browsing at the office then at home and don't want to be surprised while scrolling and some nekkid bish pops up.

  1. jack walsh13
    Jack Walsh 13 · 46 · From Jersey
    • Messages 180,878
    • Reaction score 191,063
    • Points 113
Hey I get it man. Those brothers randomly post a sexy woman on GP. The type of posts that can blow up your spot if you're surfing in SFW

The pics don't bother me unless it's in a thread where it's not appropriate. And if you mention that it's not appropriate the sensitivity comes out and it's something like this.

Random Member: Hey man, do you think you can try not to post pics of women in this thread?

Jack: You don't like pussy?

Random Member: I like pussy, it's just not appropriate for this thread?


Random Member: I like pussy, but this thread is about a 9 year old who committed suicide.

Jack: Is pussy what you don't like?

Random Member: I don't think you

Jack: BLOCKED!!!

Random Member: I don't have a problem being blocked, I just didn't think

Jack: Why are you still talking?

Jack: Why can I see your messages?

Jack: Sixers rule Lakers sucks and you're one of those thousands on ignore!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The pics don't bother me unless it's in a thread where it's not appropriate. And if you mention that it's not appropriate the sensitivity comes out and it's something like this.

Random Member: Hey man, do you think you can try not to post pics of women in this thread?

Jack: You don't like pussy?

Random Member: I like pussy, it's just not appropriate for this thread?


Random Member: I like pussy, but this thread is about a 9 year old who committed suicide.

Jack: Is pussy what you don't like?

Random Member: I don't think you

Jack: BLOCKED!!!

Random Member: I don't have a problem being blocked, I just didn't think

Jack: Why are you still talking?

Jack: Why can I see your messages?

Jack: Sixers rule Lakers sucks and you're one of those thousands on ignore!

You missed the part where Jack curses you out by spamming your post with pussy. LOL I can't complain at all about Jacks approach. Since I love pussy I 100% approve. lol


It takes a nation of millions to keep us black
BGOL Investor
& some of these mofo can’t have a woman they here post shit almost 24/7 I have had to ignore them it’s like ordering a bowl of rice & they bring you a bucket just to much :curse:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's definitely people that are worthy of ignoring, but right now I just get extra exercise on my thumbs by swiping up ignoring their posts.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
The pics don't bother me unless it's in a thread where it's not appropriate. And if you mention that it's not appropriate the sensitivity comes out and it's something like this.

That is my point precisely.. I may be being careful about the threads I enter because of my enviornment....so I'm just enjoying the political/social discussions that also make this board a favorite of mine....and BLAM.....and if it was in a sig proper...no problem because 'turn off sigs' will handle it.

I often have to remember that we all don't come from the same cut of clothe and there may be guys on here who are literally never in environments where a naked bitch popping up is inappropriate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You missed the part where Jack curses you out by spamming your post with pussy. LOL I can't complain at all about Jacks approach. Since I love pussy I 100% approve. lol

True now sometimes that's funny! :lol:

I don't mind those posts, actually I don't mind or pay attention to his posts.

Until he mentions all of the people that he has on ignore. That's a character flaw and a him issue, ain't that many people on this board worthy of being ignored.

He has so many people on ignore that logging into BGOL for him is like a breakfast, lunch and dinner date for two!




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is my point precisely.. I may be being careful about the threads I enter because of my enviornment....so I'm just enjoying the political/social discussions that also make this board a favorite of mine....and BLAM.....and if it was in a sig proper...no problem because 'turn off sigs' will handle it.

I often have to remember that we all don't come from the same cut of clothe and there may be guys on here who are literally never in environments where a naked bitch popping up is inappropriate.

You're exactly right and I understand exactly where you're coming from!

One issue I'm having is with the BGOL in the top left...

I don't want a muthafucka asking me what that is, or googling it or even recognizing it!

Because I'll be damned one of these assholes come up to me talking about they're a member and don't wanna tell me their screen name...

Until it's...




BGOL Investor
I used to NEVER put people on ignore. But over the years, there are too many ignorant motherfuckers on here. After so many years, I started doing it. And the funny thing is the same motherfuckas (Know they are on ignore and are still trying to get your attention)
Some of these motherfuckas are mentally like Junior High students fighting in a cafateria.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've finally got onboard with putting people on ignore.

I used to think putting people on ignore was pussy and sometimes it t is. We have a lot of people who can't handle the truth about a topic or themselves so they'll put the other person on ignore so that they can continue to live in their false reality.

I had to put a couple of truly worthless posters on ignore for one reason.

Because I don't care about anything that they have to say in life. And they made it that way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I used to NEVER put people on ignore. But over the years, there are too many ignorant motherfuckers on here. After so many years, I started doing it. And the funny thing is the same motherfuckas (Know they are on ignore and are still trying to get your attention)
Some of these motherfuckas are mentally like Junior High students fighting in a cafateria.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny I just went through my list and took a lot of people off ignore. Not everyone but a lot.

Only reason is I was missing out on threads they had made on topics I am interested in.

Only way I know is cause I would make a thread and it would get merged...I never saw the original cause I had them ignored.

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
People will have disagreements on this site, and some of you just want to debate, therefore I've never put anyone on ignore. I'm particularly bothered by the members that attempt to dissuade black people from casting ballots. I argue with white people on other sites about similar topics, and it is psychologically draining. I just won't come here and debate the value of voting with other black people. I really feel that we have been compromised in order to stifle the black vote. Okay, I'm done.



Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Everyone on my Ignore list has been banned except for one, since I don't remember why I ignored them I'll just leave it like that.