I put someone on ignore for the first time


Transnational Member
I accomodate most people, if they don't want me posting in their threads than I will stop, if you are not the OP complaining than get lost.

The feebleminded will keep grinding on you like they are psychopathic, forcing me to ignore some people which is rare. They are unable to pickup on social cues.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


why you going to bring me in this big pussy energy thread bruh.

Id pop in every now and then just to laugh....

OP puts a real knigga on IGNORE then makes a thread about it,

Like he needs some kind of therapy....he has to talk it out... Now thats a SERIOUS FANBOY bruh...

and whats crazy is, he just jacked my whole writing STILO to cement the fact he is a freddygoodbud fanboy!!

and fuckin walter pissoff or whatever that queerdos name is, should let you know how INTENSE

the big pussy energy,

thats hatin but secretly huggin the holy nuts on the God that is mrfreddygoodbud!!!

Why you gonna go and get me started...???

Let the big pussy energy mafia have their little pajama panty party!!!


Rising Star
OG Investor

why you going to bring me in this big pussy energy thread bruh.

Id pop in every now and then just to laugh....

OP puts a real knigga on IGNORE then makes a thread about it,

Like he needs some kind of therapy....he has to talk it out... Now thats a SERIOUS FANBOY bruh...

and whats crazy is, he just jacked my whole writing STILO to cement the fact he is a freddygoodbud fanboy!!

and fuckin walter pissoff or whatever that queerdos name is, should let you know how INTENSE

the big pussy energy,

thats hatin but secretly huggin the holy nuts on the God that is mrfreddygoodbud!!!

Why you gonna go and get me started...???

Let the big pussy energy mafia have their little pajama panty party!!!

Shit, say it with your chest. Why was you just poking your head in and not saying nothing like you scared? This is BGOL, if a mofo want war then you suit up and load your guns.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit, say it with your chest. Why was you just poking your head in and not saying nothing like you scared? This is BGOL, if a mofo want war then you suit up and load your guns.

Only waste bullets on worthy foes bruh!! who ignores somebody, then glorifys the person they are supposed to be ignoring,

In a thread,

Thats makes sense to you, thats the sign of somebody not dealing with a full deck bruh!!

LOL almost feel sorry for him...



Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
A lot of you dudes are just soft emo faggots like that oversized man tit obese nigga drayonis. They can dish it but can't take it in return.

The only person I have on ignore is helicopterfunk. Fuck that cracka.

I hate how he posts videos. He'll post a video. Than directly under that he'll post a link to that video. Than a link for the site that video is hosted on. Than he post a link to the website.

That shit is annoying as fuck

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
niggas be ignoring.

Only active member I have on ignore is COINTELPRO.

There are plenty others like this one I could ignore, but I’m good on this kat.

I don’t go back and forth with anyone here, but most of the folk on my list are banned and troll accounts.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
niggas be ignoring.

Only active member I have on ignore is COINTELPRO.

There are plenty others like this one I could ignore, but I’m good on this kat.

I don’t go back and forth with anyone here, but most of the folk on my list are banned and troll accounts.

The ones I put on ignore do nothing but post negative comments, are too scared to reply when confronted with their bs, don't add any value or insight to the board and at the very least don't post pussy.

I just got tired of reading their dumbass posts and being tempted to say something but then I remember, they're dumbasses. That's what they do.

So instead of manually skipping over their usernames and posts and more importantly the dumb shit that they say, I'll just let the software do it for me! :roflmao:


Rising Star
People will have disagreements on this site, and some of you just want to debate, therefore I've never put anyone on ignore. I'm particularly bothered by the members that attempt to dissuade black people from casting ballots. I argue with white people on other sites about similar topics, and it is psychologically draining. I just won't come here and debate the value of voting with other black people. I really feel that we have been compromised in order to stifle the black vote. Okay, I'm done.

woow who is she and any more her