I would not stop moving that car until I got home...


SINCE 1998
BGOL Investor
lol Range Rovers have always been my dream car and I finally bought one last month. I love it.
... Thats all good ... FOR NOW.
They are Beautiful Cars until they break faster than they should
Word of advice, Around the 2 years mark , look to switch it up
Ill tell you like the old folks used to say....
"Keep Livin".... and "You dont believe fat meat is greasy !" :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
... Thats all good ... FOR NOW.
They are Beautiful Cars until they break faster than they should
Word of advice, Around the 2 years mark , look to switch it up
Ill tell you like the old folks used to say....
"Keep Livin".... and "You dont believe fat meat is greasy !" :lol:
Oh yeah, I am keeping it only until two months before the CPO warranty ends, and then I will sell it.

EDIT*** I must add that Range Rover has one of the best interior fit and finish of any car I have ever owned. There are no squeaks or rattles, and everything has a high-quality heavy feel to it. That's what I love in products that I spend my money on.
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Dirty Civilian
Platinum Member
I've done that 3 times in my old 2000 jeep cherokee. Thats why I don't think I'll ever sell the thing and just keep it as a backup.