Ice Cubs rebukes 9 million payday. Vaccination refusal

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
knowledgeably question those in authority

thats a far cry from conspiracy theorists and contrarians who are just saying no to say no.
:dunno: yall wont even let people do that.

Yall on some dont even question the questionable type shit lol


BGOL Investor
Gat damn. This thread still going :lol:

So let me get this straight…Athletes have gotten faster, bigger, stronger since every decade. Computers have gotten more powerful and faster despite smaller, satellites, automobiles and planes have become durable and can travel much farther. Hell we can even grow a fucking chicken from an egg to an adult in two weeks and can finally clone animals from cells…

But got damnit, when it comes to scientific medical technology, we haven’t advanced that far in 70 years?:oops:

I can’t make this shit up:roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3::lol2::lol::giggle:
I am 2 seconds away from calling in an airstrike and blowing this entire fucking thread up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:dunno: yall wont even let people do that.

Yall on some dont even question the questionable type shit lol
any answers you get you just hop to another question or reword the question so youre not in it for answers because you don't trust any source...

have you ever been vaccinated? if so why is this one different to you??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My point is, if you don't have the tech to make a vaccine for HIV and AIDs, which been around since the mid 1970s, how the fuck can you make a vaccine in 9 months? If your tech is that good, why not make a cure for the Coronavirus instead of making a vaccine. The truth is, they made this shit and put it out on the public, now they are getting filthy rich off an experimental drug. As with all drugs, there are some latent problems with it. If really were trying to get rid of this virus, they would have shelter this bitch a good 6 months. made sure everybody had food and water and shelter and made us really stay at home. We would be done with this shit. Hell, Obama found out the flight to the people who ended up with Ebola and made those motherfuckers stay at home. No fucking crisis. Don't give me that bullshit about Donald Rhumph. His people should have done the same shit, but they didn't want to. They wanted chaos so they could bring in their solution.

It's not about tech dude it's way more complicated than that.
You flat out can't fight HIV the same way you fight a coronavirus.
It's an apples to oranges comparison.
Read below:

Complexities of HIV

Much of the difficulty in making a vaccine comes from the complex biology of the virus itself.

One major challenge is the immense genetic diversity among HIV viruses infecting people around the world. Much like the coronavirus, which has variants that are more transmissible or able to evade parts of the immune system (SN: 1/27/21), HIV has variants too. But “it’s a completely different world for HIV,” says Morgane Rolland, a virologist with the Military HIV Research Program at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Md.

That’s because the virus makes new copies of its genetic blueprint at a dizzyingly fast rate, generating tens of thousands of new copies every day in a single person, Rolland says. Each of those new copies carries on average at least one unique mutation. Over the course of years, a single person can carry myriad variants in their body, though only a select few variants can be transmitted to others.

The main problem these variants pose for vaccines is that some mutations are in parts of the virus that the immune system tends to attack. Such changes can essentially help the virus go incognito. Good vaccines must spark an immune response capable of handling that vast diversity to provide broad protection against infection.

What’s more, the virus deploys multiple tactics to hide from the immune system. One tactic the virus uses is to cover parts of its surface in a dense layer of sugar molecules. Many of those surfaces would be the prime targets of immune proteins called antibodies that latch onto viral particles.

The body recognizes these sugars as “self,” says Barton Haynes, an immunologist at Duke University School of Medicine’s Human Vaccine Institute. “Basically, what the virus is saying to our immune system is ‘Sure, you can make a protective immune response, go for it.’” But if the antibodies attack, they’re seen as turncoats and are eliminated. That means the body can’t fight the virus as effectively.

Perhaps the biggest hurdle, however, is the lifelong nature of the infection. Many viruses disappear from the body after the immune system fights them off. But HIV has the ability to insert its genetic blueprint into host DNA, establishing a hidden reservoir in immune cells called T cells, which normally fight infections (SN: 10/24/13). That reservoir makes the virus invisible to the immune system. Once the virus inhabits its new hideout, the immune system can’t eradicate it, nor can drug treatments.

That means “you’ve got to have protective immunity there the day, the moment of transmission,” Haynes says. “If [the immune system] doesn’t get rid of the virus within 24 hours, the virus has won.”

Most vaccines don’t generate this type of sterilizing immunity that stops the infection from ever happening in most people who get the vaccine. Instead, shots are more likely to prevent people from becoming severely ill. Many COVID-19 vaccines, for instance, are highly effective at preventing people from developing symptoms, particularly severe ones. But some vaccinated people might still get infected with the coronavirus (SN: 5/4/21).

That’s not an option with HIV since it never leaves the body, Zolla-Pazner says. “It’s a very different bar that we have to jump over for an HIV vaccine.”


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Hollywood’s Covid Protocols & Mandatory Vaccinations Extended To January 15
By David Robb
David Robb

Covid-19 close upCDC

Hollywood’s Covid-19 safety protocols have been extended to January 15. The protocols, which had been set to expire on Oct. 31, include testing and vaccination mandates.

Established in September 2020 by an agreement between the AMPTP and Hollywood’s unions – the DGA, SAG-AFTRA, IATSE, the Teamsters and the Basic Crafts – the return-to-work protocols had originally been set to expire on April 30, but were extended with no major modifications and contained all of the original agreement’s provisions, including strictly enforced testing regimens, physical distancing, Covid compliance officers, diligent use of personal protective equipment and a “Zone” system to ensure that different sections of productions are tightly controlled based on proximity to cast, who often can’t wear masks or maintain social distancing while working.

Vaccinations as a condition of employment were first allowed last July when producers were given “the option to implement mandatory vaccination policies for casts and crew in Zone A on a production-by-production basis.” Zone A, where unmasked actors work, is the most restrictive of the safe work zones on sets.

Labor and management agree that the protocols have enabled jobs and productions to safely rebound during the pandemic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck you dumb ass dudes. There are a ton of medicinal plants and herbs that haven't been tested that can be used for COVID. What you should be highlighting is "far less dangerous than an untested vaccine." FOHWTBS.

No need... Ivermectin kills it already in 3 days.... I'm actively seeking COVID..and been babysitting hoes at home quarantined with Covid...FUCK Covid... brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...but watch the Maga crowd become all pro Ice-Cube now. :lol:
Anthony Fauci is suppose to be the president and whole white reality and control messiah. Trump has nothing to do with a black man thinking for himself. We wonder is there any people outside of this white man's world.