If trump loses...what does the GOP look like going forward?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If trump wins (God forbid) maga and trumpism will be the GOP for the next 40 years and America WILL be a white nationalist country like in the bad old days.

If trump lose (Lord willing) maga will still be there for at least the next 2 presidential cycles but with no charismatic leader it will be that much weaker.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
That party was stupid and fucked up under bush,even way more stupid and fucked up under trump. They sink lower and lower even when you think it's not possible.
I thought there was no way a president could be as terrible as bush. Until trump proved me wrong.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
That party was stupid and fucked up under bush,even way more stupid and fucked up under trump. They sink lower and lower even when you think it's not possible.
I thought there was no way a president could be as terrible as bush. Until trump proved me wrong.
Even on the George W bus they had a little bit of boundaries, but that shit went out the window with Trump. Fucked up things George W. Bush did that’s going to stick around for a long time. 1. The Iraq war (most of the Clinton surplus got wasted on this unnecessary war) 2. Trying to privatize Social Security (with the housing crash happening towards the end of his term Social Security would’ve went belly up). 3. The housing crash. I know there’s a lot more other things he fucked up, but those the three that was at the top my head.
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Walter Panov

Rising Star
With all the CAC talk of Civil War in this country if Kamala wins...the only Civil War I actually see happening is within the Republican Party.

I envision a break happening, one with MAGA Republicans and GOP (Coca-Cola Classic) Republicans and that break will lead to 10-12 years of infighting and lost elections.

Truth be told, if it weren't for their fuck shit ideology and leaning on racist policy, Christian Right, culture war bullshit, I'd actually consider voting Republican. I always believed in smaller government and have grown more conservative as I grow older.

The way they are currently presenting themselves, nah....they can have it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Will the Republican Party ever field a viable non white or male candidate for the Presidency in the next 4 election cycles??


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Will the Republican Party ever field a viable non white or male candidate for the Presidency in the next 4 election cycles??
The Republicans especially if they lose in a huge way in November has to move a little closer to the center. Trump really fucked them up for a long time

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Will the Republican Party ever field a viable non white or male candidate for the Presidency in the next 4 election cycles??
The party with KKK and Neo Nazi support?



Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Will the Republican Party ever field a viable non white or male candidate for the Presidency in the next 4 election cycles?

It's unlikely, but I could see it if Harris takes Alabama, Mississippi, or South Carolina.

If that were to happen I could see the GOP backing Condoleezza Rice, but only if she's willing to say that racism doesn't exist.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Condoleezza is too far to the center for today's Republican party.
Yeah, and that time has long past she don’t want nothing to do with politics like that anymore. I would never have voted for her, but I do respect her intelligence


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If he loses the movement he started will likely die with him.

Who will take him seriously after the loss. What will he do, try and run again?

It's do or die for him.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
If he loses the movement he started will likely die with him.

Who will take him seriously after the loss. What will he do, try and run again?

It's do or die for him.
Yes, I said earlier, the Republicans are going to have to shift gears Especially if they lose the Senate and lose a lot of house seats. Trump put these fools in a hole for a good while.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Will the Republican Party ever field a viable non white or male candidate for the Presidency in the next 4 election cycles??
When Diaper Donnie loses he going to throw the Republican party under the bus to avoid real prison time. They will need a young non MAGA candidate to course correct and weed out the cancer of MAGA.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Diaper Donnie loses he going to throw the Republican party under the bus to avoid real prison time. They will need a young non MAGA candidate to course correct and weed out the cancer of MAGA.
will young non MAGA candidate not be a white male or a female??