if you're in ohio vote NO on issue 1 today Update: Nov 2024: New Issue 1 -Vote Yes!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I just came off probation. I don't know if I can vote. Does anyone know the rules on this?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Just smoke and be discreet, like everybody been doing, if you dumb enuf to drive with an ounce in your center console, then you prolly too dumb to have cast a vote today!

this man gets it....

if you're a smoker, the obvious smart thing to do is to not walk around with more then 70z of weed on you

that's the current law

the new law will do nothing in regards to weed. it just drops the heavier drugs into misdemeanor categories like it was weed. For example, current state law would punish someone with a fourth-degree felony if they were found with just under 1 kilogram of marijuana, just under 10 grams of cocaine or crack or just under 5 grams of heroin. under the new law those would be simple misdemeanors

the most important thing about this law is it doesn't do anything for dealers caught with a certain amount. 200 grams of weed is still felony under the new law same as it was the old law.
Don't nobody want to be driving back and forth to fucking Michigan, so getting a whole bunch so you don't have to keep driving back makes sense.

It's not to distribute, it's to use. But it makes your car loud as fuck. I was told that it's good if you buy a pizza or a bucket of chicken to mask the smell.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just came off probation. I don't know if I can vote. Does anyone know the rules on this?

Felons in prison cannot vote in Ohio. However, you can vote once you have completed your prison sentence.

You can also vote while:

  • Waiting for arraignment (when the judge reads the formal charges against you)
  • Waiting for your trial
  • Waiting to see if you are convicted of a felony (you can still vote after being charged but before you are convicted)
  • Waiting to go to jail or prison
  • On parole or probation
  • Appealing felony charges or a felony conviction
You can also vote immediately after you get out of jail or prison. If you are in jail awaiting your trial, you can use an absentee ballot to vote.

Voting Rights Restoration​

Convicted felons can vote in federal and local elections as soon as:

  • They are released from their prison sentence
  • Their name comes off the felony conviction list
This list is handled by the Ohio Secretary of State's office. It will block your voter registration while your name remains on the list.

The restoration of voting rights happens as soon as your name is off this list. You do not need to complete any paperwork.

Register to Vote After Completion of Sentence​

Felonies and misdemeanors will take away your right to vote from the time you are convicted until your sentence is served. You need to register if you are a first-time voter or re-register to vote if you have not voted in years.

You can register to vote even if you don't have:

  • A permanent address
  • A government-issued photo ID
You also have the right to vote with an absentee ballot or mail-in ballot.

BTW 40% Turnout


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

Felons in prison cannot vote in Ohio. However, you can vote once you have completed your prison sentence.

You can also vote while:

  • Waiting for arraignment (when the judge reads the formal charges against you)
  • Waiting for your trial
  • Waiting to see if you are convicted of a felony (you can still vote after being charged but before you are convicted)
  • Waiting to go to jail or prison
  • On parole or probation
  • Appealing felony charges or a felony conviction
You can also vote immediately after you get out of jail or prison. If you are in jail awaiting your trial, you can use an absentee ballot to vote.

Voting Rights Restoration​

Convicted felons can vote in federal and local elections as soon as:

  • They are released from their prison sentence
  • Their name comes off the felony conviction list
This list is handled by the Ohio Secretary of State's office. It will block your voter registration while your name remains on the list.

The restoration of voting rights happens as soon as your name is off this list. You do not need to complete any paperwork.

Register to Vote After Completion of Sentence​

Felonies and misdemeanors will take away your right to vote from the time you are convicted until your sentence is served. You need to register if you are a first-time voter or re-register to vote if you have not voted in years.

You can register to vote even if you don't have:

  • A permanent address
  • A government-issued photo ID
You also have the right to vote with an absentee ballot or mail-in ballot.

BTW 40% Turnout
What is the felony conviction list? They gave me a Felony 2 cultivation. So come off the list and can vote without having to re-register?


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I had heard about polling places being changed without notice, I didn't realize it was black areas.

From the comments:

Those nasty Ohio Republicans tried something even more sneaky at the last minute: moved the polling places of a shitload of Black voters, five days ago.

Thankfully Snowbored & his org Hope Springs were on it like bees: his canvassers & drive-voters-to-polls volunteers had the actual polling places on maps on their cellphones. They were able to show the correct info to voters and drive them to the correct places if needed.
This worked wonders.

IMHO, Hope Springs was instrumental in making this victory happen.
Everyone go here & read: What they did & how they did it:
TODAY IS THE DAY! Rockin' GOTV in Ohio. Get Out the Vote!
Snowbored has totally got this, and here comes 2024.

We need to five him all the help we can. For example every canvasser needs a clipboard. Sig up for five or ten bucks a month, get three or four canvassers the key tool they all need. Sounds like a small thing, but it makes all the difference when equipping literally thousands of volunteer canvassers in every state.

So, even that five or ten dollar a month regular donation, helps put three or four new canvassers on their routes, each of whom gets dozens of new or inactive voters to vote: that's one heck of a force multiplier.

We can do this.

Make history!


also one of the many reasons why early voting is so important.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad that the younger people were out voting heavily from what I could see. The GOP wanted everyone to think it was about parental rights and abortion. But it was basically an attempt to grab more power and take away the voter's right to make changes.
They've controlled all branches of OH government at the state level for so long and rigged it to their liking, so they don't want the next generation to change things too easily.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad that the younger people were out voting heavily from what I could see. The GOP wanted everyone to think it was about parental rights and abortion. But it was basically an attempt to grab more power and take away the voter's right to make changes.
Bruh, I was pointing out the hypocrisy to anyone I could get to listen.......

"Let's protect the constitution, (by changing it now AND making the voting minority the controlling factor in future elections)"

Let's say the whole thing....does that shit sound right, fair or even remotely close to the "principles this country was founded on?" Riiight

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What is the felony conviction list? They gave me a Felony 2 cultivation. So come off the list and can vote without having to re-register?
Your lawyer didn't go over all this when you plead out? They should have told you everything that comes with taking the deal. Call them up and ask them. Them bitches supposed to work for you. If you only got one felony, they can also expunge it for you.

PO could have told you, but I get most them are clowns. Mine acted like god.

I wouldn't have played with no fucking drug case man, because those things hang around. For real though, you need to get serious about that charge. One of mine is 2 decades old, got plead down, and you'd though I killed someone. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

:lol: It's abortion. GOP just finding out the hard way that only the religious right extremists care about the shit like that. Everyone else wants to decide for themselves.

Same cat would be on tik tok crying about the outcome if they put some anti-trans shit about kids to vote for the people of Ohio and it won by a large margin. Kind of like the U.S. is so for democracy in the middle east and then when Hamas won in the 2000s they didn't recognize the election. And yeah, GOP do the same fuck shit.

Cat should have just said abortion ain't winning in any red state and kept it at that. Rode that shit to the mid-terms last year and could crush it in 2024. Shit is that easy. Highlight the anti-abortion shit and GOP is toast. Cooked. Finished. Every fucking subject should be steered to abortion. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
... Shit is that easy. Highlight the anti-abortion shit and GOP is toast. Cooked. Finished. Every fucking subject should be steered to abortion. :lol:
Most of the GOP agenda tracks back to the same issue as abortion rights. A group of well connected and well financed politicians representing a smaller and smaller homogeneous, proportion of the population want to decide everyone's moral, economic, and civic rights. Their decisions also always advantage them and that proportion of the population they represent, at the expense of the majority.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

“I was doing focus groups in Michigan with women, and I said: ‘Donald Trump is going to defund Planned Parenthood.’ And the women said, ‘No he’s not, that’s ridiculous.’ And I said I can show you the clip on TV, and I played the news for them,” Lake said. “And they said, ‘Are you kidding me? I don’t care what he says.’”
“So in 2016, it was very hard to make him anti-choice. After Dobbs, it’s not,” she said. “And the linkage to his court — the Trump judges and the MAGA judges is very, very clear to voters.”


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Republicans bit off too much from Red states. Ohio was a huge wake up call Even in an off year mofos came out and voted no on that question.
Last edited:

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The proposal is by the Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity (OCEQI). The group’s executive director, Kyle Pierce, said their amendment would end qualified immunity for government employees like public university administrators, prosecutors and police officers.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Fuck issue 1. Fuck the GOP. But ain't what he saying how all elites/politicians think? That the masses are too fucking stupid to decide shit for themselves? Shit ain't unique to the GOP. Hell, the entire 'misinformation' and censorship argument is based on people being to stupid to decide shit for themselves. :lol: Boaf sides clearly think the masses dumb as shit.

But this time the masses got some shit right. Broken clock.

And if the GOP keeps on with the abortion BS, they dumber than the masses. Issue is done. Finished.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Fuck issue 1. Fuck the GOP. But ain't what he saying how all elites/politicians think? That the masses are too fucking stupid to decide shit for themselves? Shit ain't unique to the GOP. Hell, the entire 'misinformation' and censorship argument is based on people being to stupid to decide shit for themselves. :lol: Boaf sides clearly think the masses dumb as shit.

But this time the masses got some shit right. Broken clock.

And if the GOP keeps on with the abortion BS, they dumber than the masses. Issue is done. Finished.
The GOP is in danger of losing the few middle of the road Republicans that are still around. Overturning abortion rights is causing Republicans huge problems in certain areas of the country.