They are not black... yet... they have the complexion of Africans, and the genetic makeup of Africans..
Which either means, their ancestors were part of the slave trade and was moved there... or... their ancestors of their own free will moved there and co-mingled. Either way, they are still part of the base and can't be done away with.
One could say that due to the environment, their melanin would be naturally darker as being closer to the equator and the whole evolution argument, but even by saying this, this would still not include the features classically to those of negroid stock, which the boombastard in the video does have. People claim their culture [like it is an improvement] over their race and defend it to the death not understanding their ignorance in doing so.
I am multi-cultured, panama, costa rican, trinidad, jamaica, and ireland [slave poppy got my mammy], but as easily as I look into the mirror, I have the blessed flesh which survived through my family and would recognized as we have labeled it, race first then culture.
Although I do hate all parts of self hatred. I have realized that as long as people view being black as being a negative instead of an honor, these cases would be the same...
but in the name of our blessed Queen who tried her best to stop the tamahu from raping our country of our people so this bullshit wouldn't happen, Queen Nzinga of Ndongo, I hope they all become sterilized and not continued the bastard bloodline and ignorance of their own condition.
An elephant raised by pigs is still an elephant