Im outraged! Woman exposes creepy men exploiting women: sex for free rent ads on Craigslist


Rising Star
OG Investor

Sounds like some Boyce Watkins shit.

Ill never forget a video that I saw him post where he was ranting against METOO but in a weird and fucked up way.

He was saying that if a boss puts a carrot out there for a female employee (basically sex for employment/promotion) then that the decision is between the two of them.

He was saying that it wasnt really exploitation if both parties get something they want out of the deal. The boss gets sex while the woman gets more money.

I immediately though about all the black women who would be coerced into fucking their pink bosses for bonuses, more hours or promotions....not because they want too....but because they would "have to".

Where would it stop though?....such a slippery slope......

That shit was so weird coming from a PhD but PhDs can be weird as fuck.

yeah...i stopped fucking with boyce completely after that.

dude is a fucking weirdo.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Hmmm...Even exchange. He's not kidnapping women. Two adults coming to a consensual agreement. I don't see anything wrong or creepy about that.

until it's your daughter, mother or sister

If this shit is allowed in the US, black women would be the the primary targets because black women are the poorest group of women in the US.

Never allow the exploitation of women because women are the caretakers of children.

like I's a slippery slope....bad things can happen



Um it is coerced!

Why not get a woman that luvs you and you are commited to instead of preying on women's financial hardships.

With that faggot movement MGTOW if this trend becomes popular it will change relationship dynamic between men and women
Hmmm...Even exchange. He's not kidnapping women. Two adults coming to a consensual agreement. I don't see anything wrong or creepy about that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Sounds like some Boyce Watkins shit.

Ill never forget a video that I saw him post where he was ranting against METOO but in a weird and fucked up way.

He was saying that if a boss puts a carrot out there for a female employee (basically sex for employment/promotion) then that the decision is between the two of them.

He was saying that it wasnt really exploitation if both parties get something they want out of the deal. The boss gets sex while the woman gets more money.

I immediately though about all the black women who would be coerced into fucking their pink bosses for bonuses, more hours or promotions....not because they want too....but because they would "have to".

Where would it stop though?....such a slippery slope......

That shit was so weird coming from a PhD but PhDs can be weird as fuck.

yeah...i stopped fucking with boyce completely after that.

dude is a fucking weirdo.

Look I seen shit first hand..

Now and days them hoes gobble that ill pink corporate pee pee with glee..

The ones that dont fuck around like that carry themselves in a way muthafuckas KNOW not to approach them...

Back in tje sixties and seventies it was different
.now and days hoes about that life

Will drink piss with glee fo that bag


Look I seen shit first hand..

Now and days them hoes gobble that ill pink corporate pee pee with glee..

The ones that dont fuck around like that carry themselves in a way muthafuckas KNOW not to approach them...

Back in tje sixties and seventies it was different
.now and days hoes about that life

Will drink piss with glee fo that bag
With glee? No they dont. If they wanted and enjoyed it they would do it rather they had the job or not.

Prostitutes act like they enjoying themselves and often times have to be high or inebriated to do it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
until it's your daughter, mother or sister

If this shit is allowed in the US, black women would be the the primary targets because black women are the poorest group of women in the US.

Never allow the exploitation of women because women are the caretakers of children.

like I's a slippery slope....bad things can happen

Yes, i'll be angry if an ADULT family member gets caught up in that web and will try to stop it by TALKING TO THE FAMILY MEMBER not the landlord.
I can agree with exploitation but i cannot agree that "black women will be the primary target". Women do this all the time for raises, promotions etc. Why is this so wrong?


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Um it is coerced!

Why not get a woman that luvs you and you are commited to instead of preying on women's financial hardships.

With that faggot movement MGTOW if this trend becomes popular it will change relationship dynamic between men and women

Jeff Bezos once said "your margins, my opportunity". I see it as a business transaction.... You want something and i want something from you in order to facilitate the something that you want. Now the landlord has made his intentions clear. It's not implicit at all. Landlord has said, if you want this flat, you will have to give this up. Now, is it legal? Probably not... But it's simply a business transaction in my book.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wow!! I’m saddened for these poor poor men. They’re getting taken advantage of! Giving these women free room and board, they’re getting tricked by women “paying them with pussy”....but, not only is pussy free, it’s a depreciating asset!!! These men are getting exploited!

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

Sounds like some Boyce Watkins shit.

Ill never forget a video that I saw him post where he was ranting against METOO but in a weird and fucked up way.

He was saying that if a boss puts a carrot out there for a female employee (basically sex for employment/promotion) then that the decision is between the two of them.

He was saying that it wasnt really exploitation if both parties get something they want out of the deal. The boss gets sex while the woman gets more money.

I immediately though about all the black women who would be coerced into fucking their pink bosses for bonuses, more hours or promotions....not because they want too....but because they would "have to".

Where would it stop though?....such a slippery slope......

That shit was so weird coming from a PhD but PhDs can be weird as fuck.

yeah...i stopped fucking with boyce completely after that.

dude is a fucking weirdo.

Was it this one? No way in hell I’m listening to a full video of this long-winded babbling motherfucker but this appears to be it.



Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
tough call. i've known some chicks who were genuinely homeless at some point due to family shit or their man laid hands on them. its like pouring salt on their wound to turn them out like that.
on the other hand...there are some low ambitious trifling chicks out here, who when you want to see them they always hungry or behind on a

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
until it's your daughter, mother or sister

If this shit is allowed in the US, black women would be the the primary targets because black women are the poorest group of women in the US.

Never allow the exploitation of women because women are the caretakers of children.

like I's a slippery slope....bad things can happen

Either were going to respect women and treat them as equals(adults) or we aint. Theyre adult enough to do what they want with their bodys. That doesnt stop at aborting pregnancies. Let them make their own decisions, unless the chicks are underage. But why are we capping for adult women doing what they do??? We gotta stop treating women like children that need to be saved from all the shit we think they dont know. Thats what they want after all.


Rising Star
if he says you can gimmie money OR gimmie ass then i dont see a problem

if it was you cant get the apt unless you gimmie the cooch ...yeh that could be a problem


Rising Star
OG Investor
Was it this one? No way in hell I’m listening to a full video of this long-winded babbling motherfucker but this appears to be it.

yeah, i think this is it.....dude is crazy

he never makes the connection that black women are also the poorest women...with the vast majority of them being employed by pink society.

Our women would be the most targeted by those in higher positions and at the same time the most ignored by the authorities after a crime.

And this wouldn't be occurring only in "corporate" settings either...
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Rising Star
OG Investor
BGOL behaves as expected ....:smh:

This is not men vs women.

This is haves vs have nots.

The group with the most have nots in the US are BLACK WOMEN.

The vast majority of black women are decent...not all of them are scandalous exploiters of men.

You cats are sounding like incels or MGTOW weirdos again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, i'll be angry if an ADULT family member gets caught up in that web and will try to stop it by TALKING TO THE FAMILY MEMBER not the landlord.
I can agree with exploitation but i cannot agree that "black women will be the primary target". Women do this all the time for raises, promotions etc. Why is this so wrong?
Then, if things don't go their way, the scream sexual harassment or rape.

It's win win for females that play this game



Um it is coerced!

Why not get a woman that luvs you and you are commited to instead of preying on women's financial hardships.

With that faggot movement MGTOW if this trend becomes popular it will change relationship dynamic between men and women

I know you’re a troll, but I will bite. You don’t think women do the same thing? Women do this all the time. Folks need to stop judging people and what they do in their lives. If folks want to enter into such arrangements who are we to judge them. Would I personally enter into such an agreement, no I would not. Being in such arrangement will open up a can of worms that I wouldn’t want to open. But that’s just me.


Student of Elijah

Sounds like some Boyce Watkins shit.

Ill never forget a video that I saw him post where he was ranting against METOO but in a weird and fucked up way.

He was saying that if a boss puts a carrot out there for a female employee (basically sex for employment/promotion) then that the decision is between the two of them.

He was saying that it wasnt really exploitation if both parties get something they want out of the deal. The boss gets sex while the woman gets more money.

I immediately though about all the black women who would be coerced into fucking their pink bosses for bonuses, more hours or promotions....not because they want too....but because they would "have to".

Where would it stop though?....such a slippery slope......

That shit was so weird coming from a PhD but PhDs can be weird as fuck.

yeah...i stopped fucking with boyce completely after that.

dude is a fucking weirdo.

You shouldn't have been fuckin with that nigga in the first place. Boy Swatkins ain'ts no damned good. Keep your damned legs closed! :smh:

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was just coming in here to say that an argument can be made on both sides. its only exploitation bc its the man and not the woman doing it. woman do this shit all the time and they dont call it exploitation. look at that dating app where a woman went on a date everyday with a different guy just for the free food. nobody said that was exploitation on her part. if 2 people agree to it then thats that. but it needs to be consensual and just like the adult film industry, everything that you will/wont do is in writing. its the worlds oldest profession for a reason...transactions are a part of the profession.


Rising Star
This has more to do with how a woman is raised and how much respect she has for herself. How much discipline, intelligence and drive is instilled within to make sure she doesn't have to fuck n suck for anything other than pleasure.

Some women stand above hypergamy. Most swim in it.

As zod's desciple Raul has taught his accostals,the rural woman is first to zods temple.. But the city woman is close behind and of a higher number. May they all knooow zoooods love.

Book of insertions:chapter xx


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
As someone stated above, remove the love factor and this is no different from a marriage. This arrangement may actually be more feasible, productive and beneficial in many aspects.

An unemotional parternship and understanding, rooted in crystal clear communication and comprehension. The security and pleasure exchanges are clear.

I have no issues with this nor will I judge any man or woman doing so.


Rising Star

Um it is coerced!

Why not get a woman that luvs you and you are commited to instead of preying on women's financial hardships.

With that faggot movement MGTOW if this trend becomes popular it will change relationship dynamic between men and women

Protip: Women have been nestling up to men, using seduction and plying sex in exchange for food, protection, and security for millennia.

Why is it a problem when a man cuts to the chase?

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL behaves as expected ....:smh:

This is not men vs women.

This is haves vs have nots.

The group with the most have nots in the US are BLACK WOMEN.

The vast majority of black women are decent...not all of them are scandalous exploiters of men.

You cats are sounding like incels or MGTOW weirdos again.

Then theyd gloss right past that ad and nothing would come of it... This isnt something to march on bruh... Stop trying to make this into a deeper issue than it is.


As someone stated above, remove the love factor and this is no different from a marriage. This arrangement may actually be more feasible, productive and beneficial in many aspects.

An unemotional parternship and understanding, rooted in crystal clear communication and comprehension. The security and pleasure exchanges are clear.

I have no issues with this nor will I judge any man or woman doing so.
So a man has a apartment and has a spare room. And he says "looking for a female roommate, can live here for free just gotta suck my dick on demand"

That is illegal

Commercial Sex Act
The term “commercial sex act” means any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person (22 U.S.C. 7102 (4)).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was helping my friend search for a place to live on there and I ran across one of those ads. How about the dude looked almost EXACTLY like me, like he was my tethered or something. I literally had to share the add to my family and friends and tell them that it wasn't me just in case they ran across it. Thankfully CL took it down pretty quickly. That could've seriously hurt my reputation. I was gonna email him and ask him to remove it if CL didn't do it first.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
So a man has a apartment and has a spare room. And he says "looking for a female roommate, can live here for free just gotta suck my dick on demand"

That is illegal

Commercial Sex Act
The term “commercial sex act” means any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person (22 U.S.C. 7102 (4)).

You understand that slavery was once a LEGAL practice right...?

Simply because a white man wrote it, doesn't automatically mean it makes the most sense. It's simply a law, nothing more. The truth lies outside of fixed patterns.

Shit, many of what's "illegal" now, like cannabis and sexual exchanges have nothing to do with the "betterment of society" before it does, "fuck.. we can't keep track and tax this shit."


Tax this tax that. That is everyone go to move ti say why this is illegal. If this was about taxes and they legalized it.......the goverment would make less money arresting tricks and hoes and making them bond themselves out and do community service. The government would make less money if they made it legal.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star