Here's my issue with your whole argument. People every day are presented with choices. Sure people make it seem like they have no choice, but they do, especially in these situations. If you don't want to have sex with a cat to get a roof over your head, then keep looking! Just like anything else, if you don't like the deal, walk! These women are not victims of anything, but their own minds. Forrest Gump's momma wanted to keep him in regular school...and he got to stay in regular school cause mamma gave up that box-o-chocloates. Let's not pretend this shit is new or is ever going to change. Power corrupts and some people use their power positions to deliver them the thing that they most desire and have trouble attaining.
I've seen and heard of scenarios where women get men in situations to trade sexual favors for other considerations. People love sex. People love to be desired. Some people use power to create the illusion of both. However, I don't believe in people playing the victim after they've decide to take the sexual shortcut to getting what they want/need. Black/white has nothing to do with it. Technically there are more broke ass white people than black any way. It's just as a percentage of the whole race that it is large, not a percentage of the entire population.
For that matter, it doesn't have to be women. Think about this you living paycheck to paycheck and you lose your job. Banker is about to foreclose on your house. He gay tho, and says you and your family can stay if you come blow him once a month. Same shit. Nobody is going to tell you to go suck that dude's dick! But if you did it, we don't have the right to judge you....or him, because you HAD A CHOICE!