Im outraged! Woman exposes creepy men exploiting women: sex for free rent ads on Craigslist


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was just coming in here to say that an argument can be made on both sides. its only exploitation bc its the man and not the woman doing it. woman do this shit all the time and they dont call it exploitation. look at that dating app where a woman went on a date everyday with a different guy just for the free food. nobody said that was exploitation on her part. if 2 people agree to it then thats that. but it needs to be consensual and just like the adult film industry, everything that you will/wont do is in writing. its the worlds oldest profession for a reason...transactions are a part of the profession.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone stated above, remove the love factor and this is no different from a marriage. This arrangement may actually be more feasible, productive and beneficial in many aspects.

An unemotional parternship and understanding, rooted in crystal clear communication and comprehension. The security and pleasure exchanges are clear.

I have no issues with this nor will I judge any man or woman doing so.
and this ^^


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BGOL behaves as expected ....:smh:

This is not men vs women.

This is haves vs have nots.

The group with the most have nots in the US are BLACK WOMEN.

The vast majority of black women are decent...not all of them are scandalous exploiters of men.

You cats are sounding like incels or MGTOW weirdos again.

Here's my issue with your whole argument. People every day are presented with choices. Sure people make it seem like they have no choice, but they do, especially in these situations. If you don't want to have sex with a cat to get a roof over your head, then keep looking! Just like anything else, if you don't like the deal, walk! These women are not victims of anything, but their own minds. Forrest Gump's momma wanted to keep him in regular school...and he got to stay in regular school cause mamma gave up that box-o-chocloates. Let's not pretend this shit is new or is ever going to change. Power corrupts and some people use their power positions to deliver them the thing that they most desire and have trouble attaining.

I've seen and heard of scenarios where women get men in situations to trade sexual favors for other considerations. People love sex. People love to be desired. Some people use power to create the illusion of both. However, I don't believe in people playing the victim after they've decide to take the sexual shortcut to getting what they want/need. Black/white has nothing to do with it. Technically there are more broke ass white people than black any way. It's just as a percentage of the whole race that it is large, not a percentage of the entire population.

For that matter, it doesn't have to be women. Think about this you living paycheck to paycheck and you lose your job. Banker is about to foreclose on your house. He gay tho, and says you and your family can stay if you come blow him once a month. Same shit. Nobody is going to tell you to go suck that dude's dick! But if you did it, we don't have the right to judge you....or him, because you HAD A CHOICE!


But they wernt in America. clearly...
Here's my issue with your whole argument. People every day are presented with choices. Sure people make it seem like they have no choice, but they do, especially in these situations. If you don't want to have sex with a cat to get a roof over your head, then keep looking! Just like anything else, if you don't like the deal, walk! These women are not victims of anything, but their own minds. Forrest Gump's momma wanted to keep him in regular school...and he got to stay in regular school cause mamma gave up that box-o-chocloates. Let's not pretend this shit is new or is ever going to change. Power corrupts and some people use their power positions to deliver them the thing that they most desire and have trouble attaining.

I've seen and heard of scenarios where women get men in situations to trade sexual favors for other considerations. People love sex. People love to be desired. Some people use power to create the illusion of both. However, I don't believe in people playing the victim after they've decide to take the sexual shortcut to getting what they want/need. Black/white has nothing to do with it. Technically there are more broke ass white people than black any way. It's just as a percentage of the whole race that it is large, not a percentage of the entire population.

For that matter, it doesn't have to be women. Think about this you living paycheck to paycheck and you lose your job. Banker is about to foreclose on your house. He gay tho, and says you and your family can stay if you come blow him once a month. Same shit. Nobody is going to tell you to go suck that dude's dick! But if you did it, we don't have the right to judge you....or him, because you HAD A CHOICE!
Walk....walk.....if you dont like the deal just walk? First the men arent asking women that are making 6 figures. They asking women making 2 or 5 figures women that are in poverty.

Why are they targeting poor women?

These women have limit3d choices.

Why won't these men post a ad: im looking for a female roomate to split half the rent?


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
Jeff Bezos once said "you margins, my opportunity". I see it as a business transaction.... You want something and i want something from you in order to facilitate the something that you want. Now the landlord has made his intentions clear. It's not implicit at all. Landlord has said, if you want this flat, you will have to give this up. Now, is it legal? Probably not... But it's simply a business transaction in my book.
want something? ..the women are trying to lock down somewhere to live, a home,
its not a want its a need, you dickhead.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Walk....walk.....if you dont like the deal just walk? First the men arent asking women that are making 6 figures. They asking women making 2 or 5 figures women that are in poverty.

Why are they targeting poor women?

These women have limit3d choices.

Why won't these men post a ad: im looking for a female roomate to split half the rent?

Because they made a choice to use they're property to get laid! And yes walk away! That little piece of place you're living in is not the only place in the world to live. You don't want to fuck, don't fuck! The details are complicated, but at the end of the're going to pay in one way or another.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Sad how black men dont give 2 shits of a fat rats ass about black women

See right it me or is she living in an apartment. WHO THE FUCK PAY FOR REPAIRS WHEN THEY ARE LIVING IN AN APARTMENT! Let's start with that! Also when dude asked her for the ass, why wasn't she on the phone right then with whatever office sent him at least trying to find out why she owes this money? Did that cat even have an invoice? I think just got got! It sucks to be scammed out of anything especially some pussy, but you at least got to verify that you owe. Personally, he gone have to send that shit to collections. Not to victim blame, but that feels like she just got conned and she could have got her repairs done without fucking. Maybe I don't know the whole story though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sadly this is what many marriages are.


Hoes get approached on the job for the "offer" and gladly oblige everyday, so not buying the "poor lil lamb" bullshit that the captain's are trying to sell.

Hell, a number of women make the "offer" to their bosses / coworkers/associates as well. Seen it first hand while I left the office to have lunch at a cafe. A female (from another Department) grabbed a much older coworker of mine by his hands then placed his hands on her phat ass then said..."I like men that take good care of me"...then proceeded to talk to him about a couple of her bills.

So again, spare us the MeToo "predatory boss" drivel when women are often the ones initiating / seeking the special arrangements as come up at the office and/or rent-free deals.
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Because they made a choice to use they're property to get laid! And yes walk away! That little piece of place you're living in is not the only place in the world to live. You don't want to fuck, don't fuck! The details are complicated, but at the end of the're going to pay in one way or another.

Im outraged! :pain:

First how would you feel if a 50 year old white guy asked you for sex for exchange of something you needed? Wouldnt like that would you? Would you simply just "walk away"? It is rude and disrespectful.

Now imagine how they feel. :hithead::beatyourass:

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Walk....walk.....if you dont like the deal just walk? First the men arent asking women that are making 6 figures. They asking women making 2 or 5 figures women that are in poverty.

Why are they targeting poor women?

These women have limit3d choices.

Why won't these men post a ad: im looking for a female roomate to split half the rent?

I don't see what this rant had to do with me highlighting that these people were in the UK. So posting how it's illegal here is moot. It could be illegal there, but nothing you posted makes that case. Also... He posted an ad... He didn't target anyone. Women replied on their own. What's the beef???


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Women have been fucking the landlord cause they were short on rent forever.

I prefer cash. Can't take your pussy to the dealership and drive off with a new whip.


Rising Star
I don't see what this rant had to do with me highlighting that these people were in the UK. So posting how it's illegal here is moot. It could be illegal there, but nothing you posted makes that case. Also... He posted an ad... He didn't target anyone. Women replied on their own. What's the beef???

They are trying their hardest to get blanket immunity for their terrible decisions. They want to fuck/suck for their own benefit but also reserve the right to be "victims" when they get called out on it. People keep trying to conflate taking pussy with women explicitly bargaining with pussy and then feeling bad after the fact. In my experience, the most vocal "workplace feminists" all have a previous history of trying to bargain with pussy. I try to limit my interactions in the workplace with women at my level or lower for this exact reason. My door is always open and never a meeting/lunch/interaction alone. :smh:


Its fucking illegal! :pain:

What dont you get about that? Secondly with this logic you also would think it is ok for male male prison guards to have sex with female inmates in exchange for free stuff or privileges. :furious:

It is wrong. So a border patrol officer catches a illegal immigrant and says "if you want to be free suck my dick" thats perfectly fine if he "negotiated" the sex act? That is still sexual assault :cmonson:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
want something? ..the women are trying to lock down somewhere to live, a home,
its not a want its a need, you dickhead.

LOL...Since you're so smart. Why do people go homeless? Mostly because they can't afford housing? Why do you settle for a smaller house instead of the huge mansion you've been fantasizing about since childhood? WHY DO SOME WOMEN FLIRT WITH THEIR BOSSES?
Take your old ass to sleep dummy. A home is a need but if you can't afford it, you won't get that need.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here's my issue with your whole argument. People every day are presented with choices. Sure people make it seem like they have no choice, but they do, especially in these situations. If you don't want to have sex with a cat to get a roof over your head, then keep looking!

Truth!!! And what really has people upset is the fact that some women MAKE that choice. But make no mistake, it IS a choice.


LOL...Since you're so smart. Why do people go homeless? Mostly because they can't afford housing? Why do you settle for a smaller house instead of the huge mansion you've been fantasizing about since childhood? WHY DO SOME WOMEN FLIRT WITH THEIR BOSSES?
Take your old ass to sleep dummy. A home is a need but if you can't afford it, you won't get that need.
You soun
LOL...Since you're so smart. Why do people go homeless? Mostly because they can't afford housing? Why do you settle for a smaller house instead of the huge mansion you've been fantasizing about since childhood? WHY DO SOME WOMEN FLIRT WITH THEIR BOSSES?
Take your old ass to sleep dummy. A home is a need but if you can't afford it, you won't get that need.
What the hell does this have to do wit the price of tea in china?

Uncle John

Rising Star
How often is this the case but terms unspoken?
More than you think. Same goes for men.

Also if it’s the owner of a company he answers to no one.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Its fucking illegal! :pain:

What dont you get about that? Secondly with this logic you also would think it is ok for male male prison guards to have sex with female inmates in exchange for free stuff or privileges. :furious:

It is wrong. So a border patrol officer catches a illegal immigrant and says "if you want to be free suck my dick" thats perfectly fine if he "negotiated" the sex act? That is still sexual assault :cmonson:

We're discussing morals not laws. If this thread were about the law the discussion would have ended before it started.

Morally speaking there is nothing wrong with a landlord offering an apartment for sex as long as 1) the landlord actually has the authority to rent out the room 2) s/he's up front about the terms 3) there's no repercussions for refusing.

This is not comparable to a prison guards trading sex for privileges because the guard doesn't have the authority to offer these privileges. it's the equivalent of trying to pay a prostitute with a fake hundred dollar bill.

It's not comparable to the border guard who trades sex in exchange for letting a suspect go because not only does the officer not have the authority to make that decision there are clear repercussions for refusing sex. So yes, in that instance it would qualify as sexual assault.

It's also wrong for a boss to offer a raise or promotion in exchange for sex because if the boss was upfront about these terms when s/he hired the employee they wouldn't have to ask. This creates a situation we're a woman who doesn't want to put out would either have to stay in the bottom of her profession or quit her job, apply somewhere else and possibly spend years trying to rebuild her career.

On the other hand, a tenant that refuses to trade sex for rent can just apply for a different apartment a few hours later.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is he exploiting women? Seriously.... it’s an even exchange. How many times bitches use sex as a means to pay their rent. I’m sick and tired of everyone always pretending that all women are innocent victims and shit. Women are 100 times more scandalous and exploitive than men. They have been manipulating men since the beginning of fucking time

Gotta agree with you here bro. Objectifying women is bad...unless they're objectifying themselves. Women have been playing simps with the allusion of giving up some if their property for years, now a guy is using his property to get what he wants out of the most literal sense possible. I don't have a problem with it. People exploit people everyday, you're either the mugger or the person walking down the dark alley.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

Um it is coerced!

Why not get a woman that luvs you and you are commited to instead of preying on women's financial hardships.

With that faggot movement MGTOW if this trend becomes popular it will change relationship dynamic between men and women

Hell naw..going back to the 60s...they want to make America great again...what the hell do you think the housewives were doing? Sucking and Fucking and takimg care of the house. While the husband was was an even exchange then...lmao..brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Gotta agree with you here bro. Objectifying women is bad...unless they're objectifying themselves. Women have been playing simps with the allusion of giving up some if their property for years, now a guy is using his property to get what he wants out of the most literal sense possible. I it. have a problem with it. People exploit people everyday, you're either the mugger or the person walking down the dark alley.

The user or the abused...shit don't stop til the casket drop. Brah


Rising Star
OG Investor
That is an old looking 24 year old.

If this shit is allowed in the US, black women would be the the primary targets because black women are the poorest group of women in the US.

Chicks been having sugar daddies and having old men pay their rent for ages in the US.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Sadly this is what many marriages are.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
yeah, i think this is it.....dude is crazy

he never makes the connection that black women are also the poorest women...with the vast majority of them being employed by pink society.

Our women would be the most targeted by those in higher positions and at the same time the most ignored by the authorities after a crime.

And this wouldn't be occurring only in "corporate" settings either...

Oh, he makes the connection very clearly because HE DOES THIS KIND OF SHIT HIMSELF! Boyce has been exposed for trying to get sexual favors from the young black women who have worked for or with him. It’s why he was so defensive in that video.

Sadly this is what many marriages are.

Come on man! Don’t be so jaded. Who hurt you?


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I know you’re a troll, but I will bite. You don’t think women do the same thing? Women do this all the time. Folks need to stop judging people and what they do in their lives. If folks want to enter into such arrangements who are we to judge them. Would I personally enter into such an agreement, no I would not. Being in such arrangement will open up a can of worms that I wouldn’t want to open. But that’s just me.
There is a difference between passing judgment and making condemnation. Men call out simps daily but some say it ain't trickin' if you got it. :lol: Most don't get any more than a tongue lashing and a side eye for it though.

Yes, women absolutely do the same thing. What's the oldest profession in the world, after all?


There is a difference between passing judgment and making condemnation. Men call out simps daily but some say it ain't trickin' if you got it. :lol: Most don't get any more than a tongue lashing and a side eye for it though.

Yes, women absolutely do the same thing. What's the oldest profession in the world, after all?

Yikes! It looks like her mandatory standards may have her absolutely single in her later years. You can never please a woman like this. Let her chill with her homegirls and with luck maybe they can comfort each other in the later years. Steer way clear of mandatory minimums.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
until it's your daughter, mother or sister

If this shit is allowed in the US, black women would be the the primary targets because black women are the poorest group of women in the US.

Never allow the exploitation of women because women are the caretakers of children.

like I's a slippery slope....bad things can happen
Sounds like you don’t have to respond to the ad. Or would you prefer someone to move in and not pay rent knowing by law they can live there rent free for 6-9 months before you can get a court order in effect.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member

Either you pay in money or pay in pussy.

Let's change it, some old broad offers you a free apartment in exchange for sex once a week? Are you going to fuck that dusty pussy and stack $ or pay for rent?

In my 20's when I was struggling I would have beat the guts in and saved enough for a new spot. :yes:
Yup! One's current circumstances would play a large role in that decision. If I needed to stack some paper and the offer was made...I just might be so inclined to accept.:giggle::giggle::giggle:

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor
Oh, he makes the connection very clearly because HE DOES THIS KIND OF SHIT HIMSELF! Boyce has been exposed for trying to get sexual favors from the young black women who have worked for or with him. It’s why he was so defensive in that video.

Come on man! Don’t be so jaded. Who hurt you?

I'm good. You're reading way too far into it dude. Think about it. It's a barter in many cases.


Lifetime Member
Platinum Member
Its fucking illegal! :pain:

What dont you get about that? Secondly with this logic you also would think it is ok for male male prison guards to have sex with female inmates in exchange for free stuff or privileges. :furious:

It is wrong. So a border patrol officer catches a illegal immigrant and says "if you want to be free suck my dick" thats perfectly fine if he "negotiated" the sex act? That is still sexual assault :cmonson:
I'm not arguing whether the topic of the thread is right, wrong, legal, or illegal. However, I don't think the examples you gave are of similar equivalency to the thread topic. If a person sees an ad for any good or services and the cost of the good or service is something that they aren't able or willing to pay, they don't have to reply to the ad. They can ignore that ad and continue looking until they find a good or service that is of the cost that they are able and willing to pay. In your examples the person being approached with the "offer" doesn't really have the freedom to ignore the proposition without negative consequences.