She has this look on her face like when she was in 9th grade, guys used to tease her for being a member of the itty-bitty titty committee. Well, tonight Anastasia will get her revenge!
Her: I'm sorry to bother you, but where can I find the spaghetti sauce?
You: Turn to your left, it's right over there.
Her: There’s so many, which one would you recommend?
You: Well( short pause, while contemplating your next move)
You've just spend the last week visiting family in Florida and you're about to catch a 7:00 am flight back to New York leaving from Orlando. Since it's Tuesday morning the plane is almost empty so you can stretch out and sleep in the back if you want. This young lady sees you laying across some seats and comments on how comfortable you look, and wonders if she can do the same? She gets the ok from the flight attendent and she takes the empty row right across from you. You talk with her a little and then excuse yourself to get a quick nap, but you start hearing strange sounds. You look over and see this: