Infamous U.S. Cities


Rising Star
OG Investor
OP...I am trying to think of the point of this thread.........

Is there a recent article or something discussing these particular cities?

I just dont get it.

Seems like a thread that was made to bash small black majority cities.


Rising Star
The rust belt is filled with shithole towns... Gary, Flint, Saginaw, East Cleveland, Dayton, Middletown, Toledo, Pontiac, Springfield, Ohio. All real shitholes..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Two years ago, Priya Marzorati was apprehensive about her move from Buckhead to College Park to be closer to Woodward Academy, her daughter’s school.

But she quickly came to love the south Fulton County community — so much so that she was quick to defend it recently when College Park, along with East Point and Union City, appeared in February on a website’s list of the 50 worst cities in the United States.

“It’s been great for us. It’s like moving back to the 1960s,” she said. “I think the area gets a bad rap.”

Marzorati was not alone in her indignation over the list, published by the financial website 24/7 Wall St., which cited home values, poverty rates and violent crime, among other factors, in compiling its rankings.

We know what side she would have been on in the 1960's.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall kniggas from them cities especially Camden

Better buy up that real estate..

There was a time nyc was on every list when it came to violent cities..

They the city was giving brownstones away for a dollar..

Now the same brownstone would make you a milkionaire..

Some a few times over..

Camden is right by the river...

Man that is done purposely..

Why isn't anyone getting together and build up that waterfront....

That billions going down the drain..

Like Detroit and Newark

Camden is purposely left to look like that..


I been to Compton a few times mostly when I'm visiting LA i hit up the CPT, Ingle, LB, and all the black areas of LA. It's hood no doubt just like it is in the Town but ya'll shit in the midwest and east coast is something else. I have been to Camden during my vacay in NYC and that shit reminds of a worse-er Lower Bottoms in West Oakland, but with no hope or major overhaul. Trash everywhere, abandoned homes, and folks chillin n millin around. I even saw fiends drinkin they malt liquor in the store bench seating area, open container n all. Been to Baltimore and its the same story, been to North Philly and its the same shit. They look the same too with the old mad max 1930s brick houses. Gary and Milwaukee are next on my list since I'm also hitting up the Chi.

With all the shit going on I still fucks with my black folks and like to go around and help these black-owned businesses and touch basis with folks outta state. I was able to find a black-owned business in Camden: DaeBeat clothing store, and hit up Country Cookin in North Philly N.22 st. It's fucked up what they did to Flint and that's another city I'm visiting after Detriot.

To my midwest folks Ohio, Mi, Ill, and Ind how are the little suburb cities outside the black towns? I heard Warren is like a suburb to Detriot. Is that a decent place to buy a home and raise a fam? For my Cleveland folks, how is Shaker Heights? Ideally, I would want a house in a decent area with lots of black folks that moved to that area outside the city. Let a nigga know what's good.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I been to Compton a few times mostly when I'm visiting LA i hit up the CPT, Ingle, LB, and all the black areas of LA. It's hood no doubt just like it is in the Town but ya'll shit in the midwest and east coast is something else. I have been to Camden during my vacay in NYC and that shit reminds of a worse-er Lower Bottoms in West Oakland, but with no hope or major overhaul. Trash everywhere, abandoned homes, and folks chillin n millin around. I even saw fiends drinkin they malt liquor in the store bench seating area, open container n all. Been to Baltimore and its the same story, been to North Philly and its the same shit. They look the same too with the old mad max 1930s brick houses. Gary and Milwaukee are next on my list since I'm also hitting up the Chi.

With all the shit going on I still fucks with my black folks and like to go around and help these black-owned businesses and touch basis with folks outta state. I was able to find a black-owned business in Camden: DaeBeat clothing store, and hit up Country Cookin in North Philly N.22 st. It's fucked up what they did to Flint and that's another city I'm visiting after Detriot.

To my midwest folks Ohio, Mi, Ill, and Ind how are the little suburb cities outside the black towns? I heard Warren is like a suburb to Detriot. Is that a decent place to buy a home and raise a fam? For my Cleveland folks, how is Shaker Heights? Ideally, I would want a house in a decent area with lots of black folks that moved to that area outside the city. Let a nigga know what's good.
This 100% I been to Compton, south central too. It's hood and you will get got, but it's not trashy like the cities in the mid west and east coast. I'm from North Carolina and every time I go up to DC and Baltimore I say to myself "If we had ghettos like this, it would be a statewide emergency. The governor would send in the National Guard."


This 100% I been to Compton, south central too. It's hood and you will get got, but it's not trashy like the cities in the mid west and east coast. I'm from North Carolina and every time I go up to DC and Baltimore I say to myself "If we had ghettos like this, it would be a statewide emergency. The governor would send in the National Guard."

Thats what Im sayin my nigg....Bmore North Philly and rest of these grimy dwellings shud all be fixed and upgraded.....

Im hitting up the RVA then slidin down to my girl's fam that stays over in Virginia Beach/Hampton/Newport News Area, is that part of Virginia similar to Richmond or more middle class-ish.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I had a few fam that ended up in Milwaukee after they’d been to Minnesota in the 80s and early 90s because the welfare benefits were better. MN cut that off and they didn’t want to come back to GI so they stayed in Milwaukee.

Lol, yeah the border gas stations in East Chicago and Hammond have always been IL plates. Conversely, we’d roll to the South Burbs hard when River Oaks (both outdoor and indoor) and Lincoln Mall were poppin. I had fam in Cal City so I was like a reprieve from GI, that’s until Cal City went to shit. I stayed begging to go to Fuddruckers and Bennigans as a kid :lol:.

The South burbs I remember in the 80s were some shit you aspired to as a black kid because it was a true black middle to upper middle class Mecca.

I missed out on the heyday of Calumet City. I spent quite a bit of time in South Holland, Dalton, and Harvey. I stopped buying gas in Harvey because all of the Gas Stations locked up at sundown and you trying to buy shit through bullet proof glass and shit. I would want to top off before getting on 294 coming back home but I took the hint.

The last time I was in Cal City, my wife's family had a birthday party for Aunt So&So at a Country Club there. There were White people playing Night Golf with glow in the dark balls, drunk and jubilant; and they did Karaoke there. That night was Black Karaoke Night. It was fun af. There were always a lot of headturners:hotdamn::rise: there and I figured that I'd better NEVER go to the South Burbs solo. :lol:

Y’all let me know when y’all want to travel to the south burbs

Y’all niggas way to close.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I missed out on the heyday of Calumet City. I spent quite a bit of time in South Holland, Dalton, and Harvey. I stopped buying gas in Harvey because all of the Gas Stations locked up at sundown and you trying to buy shit through bullet proof glass and shit. I would want to top off before getting on 294 coming back home but I took the hint.

The last time I was in Cal City, my wife's family had a birthday party for Aunt So&So at a Country Club there. There were White people playing Night Golf with glow in the dark balls, drunk and jubilant; and they did Karaoke there. That night was Black Karaoke Night. It was fun af. There were always a lot of headturners:hotdamn::rise: there and I figured that I'd better NEVER go to the South Burbs solo. :lol:
Before u go into Cal city and harvey and “dalton” u gatta holla at me

Might be some shit going down u don’t know about.

My shit ring bells from 22nd street to 220th street


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Y’all let me know when y’all want to travel to the south burbs

Y’all niggas way to close.
My wife had family in Dalton and we used to go there for the 4th of July when the kids were young. That was over a decade ago now though.
I love Chicagoland but I don't know that I could adapt to living there with just the damned traffic alone. :pain::furious:
I have a Sister-in-Law and her family who live in Bolingbrook. Me and her hubby hang out for a few days at a time...I'll go there for a few days and then they'll pop through Milwaukee for a few days because we all live the closest to one another.

Everybody else is so spread out that we only get together once every three or four years, barring any funeral, etc.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
My wife had family in Dalton and we used to go there for the 4th of July when the kids were young. That was over a decade ago now though.
I love Chicagoland but I don't know that I could adapt to living there with just the damned traffic alone. :pain::furious:
I have a Sister-in-Law and her family who live in Bolingbrook. Me and her hubby hang out for a few days at a time...I'll go there for a few days and then they'll pop through Milwaukee for a few days because we all live the closest to one another.

Everybody else is so spread out that we only get together once every three or four years, barring any funeral, etc.
You used to be at dolton works?




FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
You used to be at dolton works?


Yeah! Probably from 94 through 09 or 10, like clockwork! Once our kids started gettin' older and moving out, etc. We stopped going because that was the reason we were going...for cousins to be acquainted and have fun and shit.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Come to think of it, I found out last month at my nephew's funeral that I have an aunt and two cousins in Gary that I hadn't seen since I was a child down in TN. I spoke to them on the phone and got contact info.
One of my sisters and I started to map out our Geneology after our Grandmother passed. She lived in Michigan City, IN, so I'd go through there for a few hours while I was home on Pass from the Army. I had no idea that they'd been there all of those years.

My sister got bored with it I guess, but now with the ADOS conversation, there is renewed interest and I'm wondering WHO has those Bibles we used to have that kept the family history recorded in at the front of them.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I see you picked black cities and ignored meth infested white trash cities
I don't believe the intent of the thread is to be malicious but it would be a whole different conversation if this shit was about Opi and Methany living in Anytown, USA.



Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Wow, some of these cities look horrible. That said, it might be a good idea to buy in some of them. Anyone here familiar with Camden? With it being so close to large established cities, I see value. In your opinions, what makes it so bad? How is the commute from Philly and NYC?


Student of Elijah
Been through Flint on my way to Saginaw to visit a homie :smh:
Been to Gary several times with my ex because that's where she is from and our kid's grandfather lives there.....DOUBLE :smh: :smh:
Spent one 4th of July in Gary. Got so wasted I woke up the next day with many stories being told. Was told I had to be escorted away from the house we were at cuz cats were eyeballing me for a robbery. Fuck Gary. A lot of stank Mil town hoes come from there :thumbsdown:



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Wow, some of these cities look horrible. That said, it might be a good idea to buy in some of them. Anyone here familiar with Camden? With it being so close to large established cities, I see value. In your opinions, what makes it so bad? How is the commute from Philly and NYC?
Philly is essentially next door and NYC is a fairly short commute. Buying the properties on the cheap is only half the battle. Rehabbing them is gonna be the real cost.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Philly is essentially next door and NYC is a fairly short commute. Buying the properties on the cheap is only half the battle. Rehabbing them is gonna be the real cost.
Rehab is tax deductible. So is the property management.There has to be a catch. Why haven't investors started buying up Camden yet?


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Rehab is tax deductible. So is the property management.There has to be a catch. Why haven't investors started buying up Camden yet?
We'd have to take a look at the Long Range Planning for that area and other towns around it. Are there going to be any new developments anywhere near there, etc. within the next decade and shit. A visit to the City Planner's Office would be the first place to start.

If there isn't decent employment in the area, then the residents probably won't be able to afford the rent once the properties are rehabbed.