Instagram hoes horrible mothers (fineassmf)

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
U take responses too serious
Relax before u have an aneurism
:roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2: I found that way too funny. :roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2:



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
She's probably one of those "I'm tough on him, because I have to raise a man. His daddy is not raising him; it's all on me." type bitches. :dunno:

She probably thinks that's what a father would say to his son. :dunno:

She probably never had a father her damn self. :dunno:

She treats little man like he came along and ruined a good time. If it wasnt for him; she'd be in Dubai right now.....



One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I hate broads like that, and if you fuck her and dump her stupid ass she will cry to social media that ninjas like you ain’t shit. Naw bitch, you’re a used paper coffee filter. One use and you’re in the trash bin. Gold filters get reused cause they are worth something.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Fuck that raggedy bitch.

Real talk, it may be the way I see the world now but when I see pics of bad ass chicks I wonder what kind of convo can they hold. What is that chick about. Guess I'm past the pretty face/fat ass is all we need phase of my life. What is she bringing to the table. As an attorney, chicks are always on their best behavior when I used to hang out with them.

I don't give a shit but why did you order the lobster and barely eat it. Oh, I always eat lobster. Bitch, no you don't. I picked your broke ass up from your house. You aren't living like that.

All of this.
I'm past the looks phase because I'm aware that these chicks' looks have an expiration date. many of these attention seeking instagram models have absolutely nothing to offer but their looks. They can't hold a conversation, don't have the ability/skills/education to get a career to support their desired lifestyle,irresponsible, bad mothers, and often don't have a pleasant attitude. Many of these chicks are in their mid-late 20's and in their physical prime. They have poor eating and health habits but their metabolism gives them their bodies. What they don't realize is that their looks are temporary. Once their looks fade and they have baggage then they blame everyone else and become bitter. This cycle plays out over and over again but women still keep doing it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
All of this.
I'm past the looks phase because I'm aware that these chicks' looks have an expiration date. many of these attention seeking instagram models have absolutely nothing to offer but their looks. They can't hold a conversation, don't have the ability/skills/education to get a career to support their desired lifestyle,irresponsible, bad mothers, and often don't have a pleasant attitude. Many of these chicks are in their mid-late 20's and in their physical prime. They have poor eating and health habits but their metabolism gives them their bodies. What they don't realize is that their looks are temporary. Once their looks fade and they have baggage then they blame everyone else and become bitter. This cycle plays out over and over again but women still keep doing it.
And at the end of the day how much truth that is half the board will still go raw on these hoes and wife some of them even though they ain't shit.. Its 5 bucks in a bear trap and nigs know its a trap but some are still dumb enough to reach for the money.. The cycle continues... Why I say humans are the dumbest smartest animals alive


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Like I said, not condoning it. I just know how the word is used so freely in the south.
you're kinda putting extras on that though.

The NO is really the only place I hear it used the way you're saying. What part of the south you talking bout?

That shit will get you corrected or stepped to damn near everywhere I know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If these Hoes only took more care into their kids instead of trying so hard getting likes.. this world would be a better place.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I know some y'all fucked a few bad mothers, too: I used to fuck a few bad mothers, when you would talk to them they would say "hold on" and then yell at their kids. Pussy was good, but I didn't keep them around.
I know for a fact a few of them have because I got family that be on the phone with dudes and yelling at they kids in the background at the same dam time. I done fucked a couple that done yelled at the kids in the back ground. I wasn't trying to wife them hoes and was trying to fuck and get the fuck on.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know for a fact a few of them have because I got family that be on the phone with dudes and yelling at they kids in the background at the same dam time. I done fucked a couple that done yelled at the kids in the back ground. I wasn't trying to wife them hoes and was trying to fuck and get the fuck on.
Yup, fuk & keep it movin'......


Rising Star
OG Investor
This shit happens bruh

I remember when I was at an elementary school about 16 years ago.

I saw a mother of 3 call her 6 year old girl all sorts of "muthafuckas" and "niggas" right outside of the school.

I was like....:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She probably was talked to like that by her parents.

Real talk, we always talk about how we men are the ones that don't want kids in certain scenarios and that always sparks up the debate of why women have kids when the man clearly says and acts like he doesn't want one.

The other part of the reality too is that some of those women are nowhere ready to have a kid themselves and are only going through with it because of the desire of the idea of a family as soon as they are of age. No woman that is ready for parenting would talk/treat her kids like that. Yes, we all have to tell our kids no when they ask for things at juice lol, but not calling them names and yelling while doing it.

I have 3 kids, they all drive me insane at times and I'm constantly baffled by what as an adult I see as a complete lack of common sense by each of them at times. I can't lie either, there have been times when I'm really pissed off, a curse word will slip out at times...things like "why the fuck are all my dishes in your room and under your bed?" or "Why aren't you taking a shower every day, do you want others to smell your funky ass?" know basic stuff. But I still make an effort to try as much as I can to use other words in place of curse words...they may hear me curse when talking to them maybe once a month or so when I'm really pissed off? But I never, ever, ever, ever, call them any type of bitch, no nigga, no stupid, no dummy, no ugly, no idiot...none of that, ever. And if your kids respect you, you don't have to normally resort to raising your voice or using inappropriate language for the most part (sometimes yelling is necessary tho). I don't understand parents that do that, and I have friends...unfortunately, usually single parents...who curse and talk to and around their kids like they are random people on the street. I mean every 3 or 4 words is a curse word, even when they aren't mad and giving simple direction. I don't understand why anyone would think that's cool.

Like so many others have said, that stuff impacts these kids long term and IMHO they learn how to parent from their own parents a lot of times. I can only imagine what she says to lil man when she ain't trying to thirst trap and feeling comfortable to post online.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you're kinda putting extras on that though.

The NO is really the only place I hear it used the way you're saying. What part of the south you talking bout?

That shit will get you corrected or stepped to damn near everywhere I know.

Got peoples from Miami/Fort Lauderdale who say that shit freely and don't think twice about it. Didn't intend to generalize a region.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Got peoples from Miami/Fort Lauderdale who say that shit freely and don't think twice about it. Didn't intend to generalize a region.
Ok yeah. I think there's a few isolated spots but by and large niggas still don't like that shit lol

I also think it's an age thing.

grown niggas will stop you like hold on man I don't play that bitch stuff


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok yeah. I think there's a few isolated spots but by and large niggas still don't like that shit lol

I also think it's an age thing.

grown niggas will stop you like hold on man I don't play that bitch stuff

Most definitely an age thing


"Right when you least expect it"~Karma
Lets not act like this shit is not a common occurrence. Only difference is this was posted on IG and people judge her accordingly. I remember growing up in the hood and for a mother to talk like this to her son or daughter was common place.

Texas Catdaddy

the omnipotent one .....
Platinum Member
I know for a fact a few of them have because I got family that be on the phone with dudes and yelling at they kids in the background at the same dam time. I done fucked a couple that done yelled at the kids in the back ground. I wasn't trying to wife them hoes and was trying to fuck and get the fuck on.

Once told a chic, " I like you cause you ain't got no class " ..... She wasn't the least bit offended .....


BGOL Investor
She got that "crazy look", actually.

We aint trying to fuck these hoes because of their parenting skills :dunno:


But God Bless the Man who did make her a Parent...:smh:

If shorty dont put that verbal shit behind him, he'll grow up either letting bitches disrespect him or he;ll end up beating bitches asses.

My dick can't even get hard for her after seeing this.

Oh thats the reason? Fuck outta here! you ninjas be doing too much
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