June and Jennifer Gibbons, known as the "Silent Twins," had a pretty tragic and haunting life. Born in 1963 to Barbadian parents in Wales, these twins were inseparable and spoke only to each other in their own private language. This led to extreme isolation and some serious psychological issues.
As kids, they were heavily bullied, which made them withdraw even more. Despite various interventions and attempts to separate them by psychologists, the twins stayed intensely bonded and silent to others. Their isolation and shared fantasy world eventually led to petty crimes and arson.
In 1981, they were arrested for their criminal activities and sent to Broadmoor, a high-security psychiatric hospital. Their time there was tough, with severe mental health struggles and high doses of antipsychotic meds. They believed one of them needed to die for the other to live a normal life. In 1993, during a transfer to a lower-security facility, Jennifer suddenly fell ill and died from acute myocarditis. Her death was unexpected, with no drugs or poisons found in her system.