Interesting As Fuck...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Scarface (2007-2021): The legendary lion who killed 400 hyenas, 130 rivals, battled hippos, drove out crocs, and died alone—a true king.​



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The road from Port Hedland to Broome in Western Australia is normally 610km (379mi) and a 6:15hr drive. The road is closed due to a cyclone. To get there now by the shortest route you need to take a short 6,847km (4,261 mi) and 2 days 21hr detour.​




Rising Star
BGOL Investor

In 1978, 15 year old Mary Vincent was raped, had her arms cut off, and was thrown off a 30-foot cliff. Barely alive, she packed her stumps with mud to stop the bleeding, climbed back up, and walked three miles naked to find help.​



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

On December 20, 1980 in Lengby, Minnesota Jean Hilliard was involved in a car crash in sub-zero temperatures. She was found 6 hours later, and rushed to the hospital. Her body was so frozen that they couldn't even administer a hypodermic needle without it snapping​



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Child drinks from a water tap in the town of San Lorenzo, constructed by USAID/Ecuador, in 2003​



Staff member

A black U.S. soldier reads a message left by the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War, the message reads: "U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home.", 1970​

Good message, but the average black soldier during that time period was just trying to feed their family.
Making it back home alive was the #1 Priority.

They just were not 100% up on Geopolitics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good message, but the average black soldier during that time period was just trying to feed their family.
Making it back home alive was the #1 Priority.

They just were not 100% up on Geopolitics.
Sad thing is most of us still have the same mentality.