Interesting As Fuck...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2003.American marine using his helmet trying to find An Iraqi sniper



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In 1849, Henry "Box" Brown was a slave who mailed himself in a wooden crate to freedom from Richmond, Virginia to the Anti Slavery Office in Philadelphia. The delivery took 26 hours and he later became a public speaker and slave abolitionist.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

She had no idea she had any Black heritage nor did anyone in her family. She attended all white schools, was listed as white on all her documents, and Cash even personally let the KKK know his wife was white. In the other pics of her in her life, she could easily pass for the Italian woman she believed she was.
After their daughter took DNA testing and Skip Gates traced the family's roots, this is what they found out.
Vivian Cash’s maternal great-great grandmother was indeed an enslaved Black woman, Sarah Shields, whose White father in 1848 had granted her and her eight siblings their freedom and their passage into Whiteness, too. Shields married a White man — albeit illegally — and by the time Jim Crow arrived in the 1930s all of her children and their descendants were listed as White.
“That’s likely why to this day, many of her direct descendants have no idea that they have any African American ancestry,” Gates said.
So she was what would've been referred to as an octoroon hexadecaroon had they known.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
science used to fuck us up with this one. for decades and ever since i could remember, we were taught that Panda's were related to raccoons and not bears.
now after further DNA study, they realize they were wrong and they actually are Bears. its the Red Panda that is related to raccoons and not the giant panda.
fuckin scientists......should have did the DNA analysis a long gotdamn time ago.


BGOL Investor
science used to fuck us up with this one. for decades and ever since i could remember, we were taught that Panda's were related to raccoons and not bears.
now after further DNA study, they realize they were wrong and they actually are Bears. its the Red Panda that is related to raccoons and not the giant panda.
fuckin scientists......should have did the DNA analysis a long gotdamn time ago.
Just like a racoon a panda would get ate by all of the other bears.