Interesting As Fuck...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1947, Vanport, after a devastating flood, almost everything was destroyed so children of all races played and learned together (7 years before the civil rights movement started and 21 years before it ended)


The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
2 towns in Colombia linked by one amazing method of transport. Everything from food to small animals and even children are transported across the cable, which is 800 meters long, and 300 meters high. The trip lasts about 30 seconds each way and saves people around 2 to 3 hours of walking

Her fat dumpy ass needs to walk it off son. Grandma get yo cardio on!


Truth Teller
Black men, I'm gonna tell you as a scientist and as someone who has been privileged to conduct research with some of the world's most esteemed scientists, there is so much science we do not know. Science of the solar plexus is deep. But because we can not directly explain it with our current science, much of it is dismissed. Ironically, our ancestors knew about this and other sciences including the pineal gland.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe that is in Norway.
I should've googled it before I asked, but yeah we're both right... Svalbard is in Norway, home of the world seed deposit... I just wasn't aware there were people that lived there, assumed it was an isolated region in Norway


Rising Star
Black men, I'm gonna tell you as a scientist and as someone who has been privileged to conduct research with some of the world's most esteemed scientists, there is so much science we do not know. Science of the solar plexus is deep. But because we can not directly explain it with our current science, much of it is dismissed. Ironically, our ancestors knew about this and other sciences including the pineal gland.
Educate us brother!
Post some information from credible sources