Interesting As Fuck...
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,684 In 2007 Mexican authorities found $206 million in drug cash in a Mexico City house
dbluesun Rising Star Platinum Member Apr 18, 2022 #1,686 717jet said: 1922 Beauty Contest Winners Click to expand... thank god for progress
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,687 Camel’s have a third eyelid to keep the sand out of its eyes. During sandstorms, camels often close their third eyelid and keep walking. The eyelid can be moved side to side. Since this eyelid is very thin and transparent, it allows them to see clearly even with their eyes closed.
Camel’s have a third eyelid to keep the sand out of its eyes. During sandstorms, camels often close their third eyelid and keep walking. The eyelid can be moved side to side. Since this eyelid is very thin and transparent, it allows them to see clearly even with their eyes closed.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,688 “Vapenkassuns” are armories scattered across Sweden in the event that the USSR would ever attack. Civil commanders would open the caches and grab weapons, armor, supplies, etc to enact “total defense” and protect Sweden.
“Vapenkassuns” are armories scattered across Sweden in the event that the USSR would ever attack. Civil commanders would open the caches and grab weapons, armor, supplies, etc to enact “total defense” and protect Sweden.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,689 A brick of cocaine caught off the coast of Florida while fishing
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,690 The amount of wax on an Apple to make it look good
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,692 The wreck of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to enter the United States. The wreck was discovered in Alabama in 2019, almost 160 years after it sank.
The wreck of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to enter the United States. The wreck was discovered in Alabama in 2019, almost 160 years after it sank.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 18, 2022 #1,693 Stephen Wiltshire is a British artist with autism. He was flown around New York City in a helicopter, and then proceeded to draw the entire city, by memory, on an 19 ft long canvas.
Stephen Wiltshire is a British artist with autism. He was flown around New York City in a helicopter, and then proceeded to draw the entire city, by memory, on an 19 ft long canvas.
jayrob777 Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,698 Casca said: Japan Railroad powerline repair robot Click to expand... We are so fucking behind on everything!!!
Casca said: Japan Railroad powerline repair robot Click to expand... We are so fucking behind on everything!!!
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,699 Mount Rushmore at the time it was unpresidented in 1905
C Curtwalk Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,700 Casca said: Japan Railroad powerline repair robot Click to expand... The fools have actually created BENDER
Casca said: Japan Railroad powerline repair robot Click to expand... The fools have actually created BENDER
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,701 Funerary Portrait of a Girl, Roman Egypt (120–150 AD)
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,702 An Australian road train, king of the outback roads. The longest had 113 trailers
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,703 Helen, a Native American switchboard operator, Montana 1925
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,704 Null island. A permanent buoy anchored at the coordinates 0,0 where the prime meridian meets the equator.
Null island. A permanent buoy anchored at the coordinates 0,0 where the prime meridian meets the equator.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,705 Federic "Uncle Fed" Messer was born in 1792 and died in 1907 in USA. So this guy was lucky to live 114 years through three centuries, born in 18th, lived in 19th and died in 20th centuries.
Federic "Uncle Fed" Messer was born in 1792 and died in 1907 in USA. So this guy was lucky to live 114 years through three centuries, born in 18th, lived in 19th and died in 20th centuries.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,706 Japan and China’s populations are likely to halve by 2100
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,707 Ducking pond where witches were drowned. This depression in the ground was once a lot deeper & filled with water. This is where witches were tied to a ‘cucking stool’ & lowered into the water – if they drowned then they were innocent of witchcraft and if the survived they were guilty & hanged
Ducking pond where witches were drowned. This depression in the ground was once a lot deeper & filled with water. This is where witches were tied to a ‘cucking stool’ & lowered into the water – if they drowned then they were innocent of witchcraft and if the survived they were guilty & hanged
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,708 This magnificent dog is a Xoloitzcuintli. An ancient Aztec dog breed once considered guides for the dead on their journey to the underworld.
This magnificent dog is a Xoloitzcuintli. An ancient Aztec dog breed once considered guides for the dead on their journey to the underworld.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 19, 2022 #1,709 A composite of Lightning strikes over a 30 min period in Singapore. Singapore has one of the highest rates of lightning strikes in the world
A composite of Lightning strikes over a 30 min period in Singapore. Singapore has one of the highest rates of lightning strikes in the world
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 24, 2022 #1,711 Slave owners in the US found out that slaves were escaping to Mexico, the US tried signing Mexico a fugitive slave treaty. Mexico refused and said anyone who touches Mexican soil is free to go
Slave owners in the US found out that slaves were escaping to Mexico, the US tried signing Mexico a fugitive slave treaty. Mexico refused and said anyone who touches Mexican soil is free to go
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 24, 2022 #1,712 When they say a person has burns over X% of their body, the rule of 9s is how that's determined.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 24, 2022 #1,714 Garter snakes coming out of hibernation and gathering to mate
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Apr 24, 2022 #1,715 The Gympie Gympie (Dendrocnide moroides) of the North Queensland coast has neurotoxic venom delivered by needle like hairs. Some victims require an ambulance and hospitalisation.
The Gympie Gympie (Dendrocnide moroides) of the North Queensland coast has neurotoxic venom delivered by needle like hairs. Some victims require an ambulance and hospitalisation.