Marlon Brando's mouthpiece for Vito Corleone :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:
jack walsh13 Jack Walsh 13 BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #246 717jet said: Marlon Brando's mouthpiece for Vito Corleone Click to expand...
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #248 Chestplate from French soldier in the Napoleonic wars hit by cannonball
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #249 First IBM 1401 computer processor in the Philippines circa-1962. Brought in for Insurance company Philamlife.
First IBM 1401 computer processor in the Philippines circa-1962. Brought in for Insurance company Philamlife.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #250 Natives admiring an American Air Force F4-U “Corsair” somewhere in the Pacific. 1943.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #251 Senkwekwe, a silverback Gorilla who was massacred along with most of his family in the Republic of Congo in 2007, is carried out of the forest by villagers
Senkwekwe, a silverback Gorilla who was massacred along with most of his family in the Republic of Congo in 2007, is carried out of the forest by villagers
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #254 “Girl A” also known around the internet as “nevada Tan” an 11 yo Japanese girl who murdered her classmate with a box-cutter in 2004 slashing her arms and throat. Sasebo Slashing.
“Girl A” also known around the internet as “nevada Tan” an 11 yo Japanese girl who murdered her classmate with a box-cutter in 2004 slashing her arms and throat. Sasebo Slashing.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #255 This is dazzle camouflage, a type of camo that is used to confuse and disorient distant onlookers. It was first used by the British Navy back in 1917.
This is dazzle camouflage, a type of camo that is used to confuse and disorient distant onlookers. It was first used by the British Navy back in 1917.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #256 Einstein's office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, photographed on the day of his death, April 18, 1955.
Einstein's office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, photographed on the day of his death, April 18, 1955.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #258 Knuckleduster/Revolver, produced in Liege, Belgium, circa 1870.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #259 Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the place where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were debated and signed
Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the place where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were debated and signed
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #260 This is a Whitney Wolverine, it’s a .22lr pistol that looks straight out of Star Trek. It’s fairly rare, but a cool pistol all the same.
This is a Whitney Wolverine, it’s a .22lr pistol that looks straight out of Star Trek. It’s fairly rare, but a cool pistol all the same.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 8, 2021 #261 The door to the dining area of the Alcobaça Monastery in Portugal was made narrow so that monks who got too fat were forced to go into fasting.
The door to the dining area of the Alcobaça Monastery in Portugal was made narrow so that monks who got too fat were forced to go into fasting.
doe moe Rising Star Platinum Member Jan 8, 2021 #262 717jet said: This is what happens when you put a highlighter in a microwave Click to expand... Hmmmmmmmmmm what if an unnamed certain someone was to put a new fluorescent green highlighter in the office microwave and walk away.
717jet said: This is what happens when you put a highlighter in a microwave Click to expand... Hmmmmmmmmmm what if an unnamed certain someone was to put a new fluorescent green highlighter in the office microwave and walk away.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #265 Colorized photo of the 369th Infantry Regiment, aka, the Harlem Hellfighters. These brave men were awarded the Croix de Guerre due to their efforts in WWI and WWII and are seen here, proudly displaying their medals.
Colorized photo of the 369th Infantry Regiment, aka, the Harlem Hellfighters. These brave men were awarded the Croix de Guerre due to their efforts in WWI and WWII and are seen here, proudly displaying their medals.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #266 1912 photo of the designers of the Football helmet giving it a test run against the side of a building.
1912 photo of the designers of the Football helmet giving it a test run against the side of a building.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #267 The only photograph ever captured of the Concorde Supersonic airliner flying at Mach 2 (2470kmh/1,350 mph), taken by the pilot of an RAF Tornado fighter jet in 1994.
The only photograph ever captured of the Concorde Supersonic airliner flying at Mach 2 (2470kmh/1,350 mph), taken by the pilot of an RAF Tornado fighter jet in 1994.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #269 First ever drawings of the Moon made by Galileo Galeili after observing it through his telescope in 1609
First ever drawings of the Moon made by Galileo Galeili after observing it through his telescope in 1609
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #270 In 1954, John Stapp tied himself to a rocket and was propelled 632mph (1,017 khm) in 5 seconds then decelerated to 0mph in 1.4 seconds, he experienced 46.2 Gs, survived, still holds the record to this day, he also worked with Chuck Yeager
In 1954, John Stapp tied himself to a rocket and was propelled 632mph (1,017 khm) in 5 seconds then decelerated to 0mph in 1.4 seconds, he experienced 46.2 Gs, survived, still holds the record to this day, he also worked with Chuck Yeager
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #272 The Politician Reynaldo Dagsa took a picture of his assassin pointing a gun at him on New Years Day in 2011
The Politician Reynaldo Dagsa took a picture of his assassin pointing a gun at him on New Years Day in 2011
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #273 Pics of veteran bodybuilder Arthur Peacock, comparing his 40 year old self to his 80 year old self
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #274 Two mummified infants were discovered in a box alongside King Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in 1922. They are the bodies of the King’s stillborn daughters.
Two mummified infants were discovered in a box alongside King Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in 1922. They are the bodies of the King’s stillborn daughters.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #275 Johnny Cash performing for prisoners at Folsom Prison. January 13, 1968.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #276 A plane crash in which nobody died in the U.K. on October 10th 1960.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #277 Before y'all go to sleep, heres a face mite under an electron microscope.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #278 This bullet lodged in the pages of a Bible, saving the life of the soldier who carried it during the Battle of Antietam, 1862.
This bullet lodged in the pages of a Bible, saving the life of the soldier who carried it during the Battle of Antietam, 1862.
717jet Rising Star BGOL Investor Jan 12, 2021 #280 A Nighttime Satellite Image of the Korean Peninsula Illustrating the Sharp Contrast Between the Two Countries
A Nighttime Satellite Image of the Korean Peninsula Illustrating the Sharp Contrast Between the Two Countries