Interesting As Fuck...


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
The colour difference between American and European Fanta Orange

One of the many reasons I stop eating and drinking alot of stuff when I came back from overseas, there is alot of American made food and drink that is band overseas due to the chemical in them. One of the many reason American fast food franchise food overseas taste way different and in some cases way better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How the CIA Used 'Vampires' to Fight Communism in the Philippines​


Believe it or not, back in the Cold War craziness of the 1950s, a CIA operative in the Philippines took advantage of aswang superstitions to scare off communist rebels. And how he did it — puncturing a victim's neck with two vampire-like holes, hanging them from a tree and draining them of their blood — might have been even scarier than the aswang legend itself.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
a family in Georgia claimed to have passed down a song in an unknown language from the time of their enslavement; scientists identified the song as a genuine West African funeral song in the Mende language that had survived multiple transmissions from mother to daughter over multiple centuries

In 1933 African American linguist Lorenzo Turner and musicologist Lydia Parish visited Harris Neck and recorded 53-year-old Amelia Dawley singing a song that had been taught to her by her mother. The song, in a language unknown to Mrs. Dawley, had been passed down in her family from mother to daughter as far back as anyone in Harris Neck could remember.

