Interesting As Fuck...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Tribal chief Eli Mabel holds the body of his ancestor, Agat Mamete Mabel. Agat Mamete Mabel, was a tribal chief who ruled a remote village in Papua, Indonesia some 250 years ago. Honored after death with a custom reserved only for important elders and local heroes among the Dani people​



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Companies actually do this creepy, Orwellian style tracking all the time without your knowledge. Large companies like Target, Walmart and many others participate in this kind of extreme tracking. This also extends to some smaller companies, as well. They monitor what you look at, what you get, how long you remain in the store, what items catch your attention the most, along with many other parameters.

The cameras all around the store aren’t just for catching shoplifters like you may have originally thought.

I honestly hope this type of tracking becomes illegal (it really should already have been imo, but here we are) because it is insanely creepy, intrusive and a complete breach of privacy. I also believe it’s only being used to further exploit people, to further corporate greed/agendas and thus, only worsens society as a whole by existing and plunges us further into a capitalist dystopian future.

(Video comes from an unknown source. I chose to use it to highlight the actual style of intrusive tracking many companies employ to track employees/customers and bring awareness to the issue itself.)

Here are some links to some well written articles if you want to learn more about this issue and what lengths they actually go to track you:



Rising Star

This is very fucked up. People refuse to belive how bad that time was for Black people. I know one dude that literally said he don't care about all that because it was before his time. Tried to tell him, if he don't know or appreciate his history, his seeds will repeat it, but he ain't hear me.

It's all a cycle though and we are in the weak people make hard times phase.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Remains of Tuskegee pilot who vanished in WWII have been identified​


Shortly before 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 29, 1944, 2nd Lt. Fred L. Brewer Jr., 23, one of the renowned World War II African American pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen, climbed into the cockpit for a mission to escort bombers attacking Regensburg, Germany.

A member of the ground crew strapped him in, closed the canopy and rode on the wing as the plane taxied to the runway. Brewer gave him the okay sign with his hand. The ground man hopped down, and Brewer took off. He was never seen again.
