Companies actually do this creepy, Orwellian style tracking all the time without your knowledge. Large companies like Target, Walmart and many others participate in this kind of extreme tracking. This also extends to some smaller companies, as well. They monitor what you look at, what you get, how long you remain in the store, what items catch your attention the most, along with many other parameters.
The cameras all around the store aren’t just for catching shoplifters like you may have originally thought.
I honestly hope this type of tracking becomes illegal (it really should already have been imo, but here we are) because it is insanely creepy, intrusive and a complete breach of privacy. I also believe it’s only being used to further exploit people, to further corporate greed/agendas and thus, only worsens society as a whole by existing and plunges us further into a capitalist dystopian future.
(Video comes from an unknown source. I chose to use it to highlight the actual style of intrusive tracking many companies employ to track employees/customers and bring awareness to the issue itself.)
Here are some links to some well written articles if you want to learn more about this issue and what lengths they actually go to track you:
Cosmose, a retail tech start-up, connects anonymous movements of more than 1 billion smartphones in Asia to retailers like L'Oreal, Burberry and Budweiser.
An increasing number of brick-and-mortar retailers are tracking consumers by their smart phone location or with video cameras to monitor how they move through the stores in what some see as an effort to even the playing field what online retailers who can track consumers using analytics...
Using Wi-Fi, video cameras and more