Ironheart lands its lead writer. I'm ready to see this one.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Remember, it was initially supposed to release early this year. It was basically a finished product and was pushed in black panther 2. Then Iger came with the cuts and we started to see all the shufflings BEFORE the strike. This going to be a big write off for them towards Iger's profit promise if they dump it.

Iger will probably use the strike as cover for a lot of shit.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Remember, it was initially supposed to release early this year. It was basically a finished product and was pushed in black panther 2. Then Iger came with the cuts and we started to see all the shufflings BEFORE the strike. This going to be a big write off for them towards Iger's profit promise if they dump it.

Iger will probably use the strike as cover for a lot of shit.


Your right again bro.

House cleaning about to commence.

I feel bad for the folk really getting hurt by this strike.

A lot careers may be permanently derailed, and support staff, crews, food, art, clothing, finance, accounting, legal, transportation I mean EVERYONE gonna feel this.

And in many more ways than we realize today.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The InCells will be having multiple seizures watching this series.

They can’t handle seeing Pussy on screen.





Rising Star
BGOL Legend