Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor


It’s a lie when people claim that Obama did nothing for Black people and tried to do nothing that helped Black people…

- In 2010, the # of Black Americans that were uninsured was 20.9%.. Today thanks to ACA, it’s around 10%

- Black Americans saw the biggest increase jump in high school graduate rates during his term

- He started up the My Brothers Keeper program to address some of issues facing young Black boys

- Brought the Black unemployment rate down from 16% to 7.8% when he left office

- The reason why we see all these police body cam videos was pushed by the Obama administration

- He sought to end the use of private prisons

- He signed the Fair Sentencing Act to end sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine

- He launched prison reform efforts and released many people from prison

- Increased HBCU funding

- In year before he left gas was under $2 without a pandemic

He could have done more if he was given the congress to do such


This nigga???


How Barack Obama Failed Black Americans

The country’s first black president never pursued policies bold enough to close the racial wealth gap.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth

The nation's first African-American president was a disaster for black wealth.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
THIS is required viewing.


By the way @VAiz4hustlaz: crawl back into the sewage infested womb that vomited
your sambo ass forth into the world. Somebody let him know I said this. I blocked his hoe ass some
time ago. :)

You old bastard, you talk like a goddamn klansmen with your "slave recovery" and "yard ape" comments. You're BGOL's version of Jesse Lee Peterson.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White people will excuse everything Trump has done even before 2016...

Black people won't even excuse something they don't even have direct knowledge of about Harris...

We are a sorry as race & this is why we are in last place.

Hispanics overtook us because of our own doing..

We will vote for a man that represents everything black people had to fight for that were born in the 1920'30s


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
White people will excuse everything Trump has done even before 2016...

Black people won't even excuse something they don't even have direct knowledge of about Harris...

We are a sorry as race & this is why we are in last place.

Hispanics overtook us because of our own doing..

We will vote for a man that represents everything black people had to fight for that were born in the 1920'30s

We're sorry because we let people like Harris and Obama in as political representatives of "us" and we let the immigration policies run wild until we get displaced by immigrants.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Shit Trump loves "the brothas"

Circa 1989

Keep posting pictures! We know you can't spell or read!!

Trump is a true friend of the black man

Who said he was? Biden is no true friend either. Nor was Obama or Harris.

Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say.
Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.

Can Biden overcome the racist legacy of the crime bill he backed?

Destruction Of Black Wealth During The Obama Presidency
The handling of the Great Recession dramatically reduced black wealth.

Kamala Was a Cop. Black People Knew It First.



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Two things:

What does it say about your candidate if the best thing you can say about them is "well the other guy is racist!"?

Its possible to be racist and be overall a better choice for the outcomes of black people in the next decade.

It's all they have. "Well, what about tRump?"

Tell us what Harris is gonna do!! She's already said she's not doing anything any different from Biden. And what has Biden done? He made it very clearly what he wasn't gonna do, and he hasn't!

Biden privately tells lawmakers not to expect much on reparations legislation



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
He has a serious issue with “regular” so-called black men. Obama is a textbook example of why the “we all black” motto doesn’t work. Neither he or Harris are one of us and they shouldn’t be labeled as one of us. :smh:

He also knows that it "sells." If Kamala loses, then the responsibility can be thrown on those "sorry niggas" who didn't vote for her or didn't vote at all, rather than looking at other groups or CRITICALLY EXAMINING THEIR FAILED POLICIES OR LACK OF POLICY AT ALL!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two things:

What does it say about your candidate if the best thing you can say about them is "well the other guy is racist!"?

Its possible to be racist and be overall a better choice for the outcomes of black people in the next decade.
Oh my bad I thought I only had 1 of 2 choices.

Who is the third person I am supposed to be voting for again?

Is it Candyman?
Ghost man on second?
or the Chlidren of the Corn?
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Keep posting pictures! We know you can't spell or read!!

Who said he was? Biden is no true friend either. Nor was Obama or Harris.

Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say.
Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.

Can Biden overcome the racist legacy of the crime bill he backed?

Destruction Of Black Wealth During The Obama Presidency
The handling of the Great Recession dramatically reduced black wealth.

Kamala Was a Cop. Black People Knew It First.

My bad....I thought I only had one of two choices.

Who is the third person I am supposed to be voting for again?

Is it Candyman?
Ghost man on second?
or the Children of the Corn?
Last edited:

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
It's all they have. "Well, what about tRump?"

Tell us what Harris is gonna do!! She's already said she's not doing anything any different from Biden. And what has Biden done? He made it very clearly what he wasn't gonna do, and he hasn't!

Biden privately tells lawmakers not to expect much on reparations legislation

OK. We got it. Harris ain't it. Obama set Black people back to reconstruction. Alright. You've established that as your position so we don't have to keep treading that same ground. I ask simply, once more and for likely the final time, WHO should we be voting for?


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
OK. We got it. Harris ain't it. Obama set Black people back to reconstruction. Alright. You've established that as your position so we don't have to keep treading that same ground. I ask simply, once more and for likely the final time, WHO should we be voting for?
This. I've asked this for the past 8 years now: WHO ARE THESE FOOLS VOTING FOR??

...and if NOBODY, what is the path to where ever it is that they are trying to get?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
This. I've asked this for the past 8 years now: WHO ARE THESE FOOLS VOTING FOR??

...and if NOBODY, what is the path to where ever it is that they are trying to get?
I'm just exhausted with the antagonism. If there are valid alternatives that @VAiz4hustlaz @Supersav & @xfactor have to present let's just hear them out in a mutually constructive and mindful way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm just exhausted with the antagonism. If there are valid alternatives that @VAiz4hustlaz @Supersav & @xfactor have to present let's just hear them out in a mutually constructive and mindful way.
Now this deserves a actual response... speaking for myself I don't vote because the problem in my eyes is the system itself. Voting in a corrupt system serves no's like pressing a button in a broken elevator expecting it to move. The system needs to be changed and if enough people realized that and held their vote back in defiance maybe we could illicit some kind of change.