Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ? Why should I vote for Kamala?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, you have to be kidding. That shit goes all the way back to black people getting the right to vote. Then comes forward to Justice Jackson. The republican party has done very little to do anything but make life harder for black people. We got to stop with that "democrats ain't done nothing for you" shit.
They aren't


Rising Star
Voting Trump comes with many caveats. He is pro capitalism and the market does infact do better under his administration. He also is pro low intrest rates, more than likely because his personal business do better at low rates.

But its the same dumb ass bullshit for 4 years.

Kamala is just another 4 more years of Biden economics.

I believe Trump is good for this country on the short term while Karmala would be better looking outward.

I expect Trump if elected to roll back Biden policy's including much needed environmental policy's. Hell the guy doesn't believe that we're in an environmental crisis.

Karmala, if elected we won't see much of anything, especially for her first term. She would want to be reelected so expect that to be the primary focus of any policy laid out for the next 4 years.

Sorry, it's shifty either way you look at it.

I see yet another sambo has joined the fray.


The economy tRump brags about was OBAMA'S ECONOMY.

Fucking smegma stain.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If yall so sure everyone's voting Kamala why is your favorite president back to talking down on "the brothas"?

Man, please. Hit dogs hollering. The soft-ass redpill, can’t get pussy ninjas are blinded by their sexual frustration. Every black person on social media and YouTube also preaches that redpill shit. The men who can’t find any reason to make sure Trump doesn’t win typically are in that he man woman haters club: BGS, JAP, Angryman, Dr Johnson, etc. They all are trying to be the next Kevin Samuels with a hard edge. Coon ass Tariq is the same. All these losers who preach “game” can’t lose their following so it’s all the white talking points “What has she done?” shit. False prophets and hood niggas, with a few “I’m better than you ninjas!” brothas like I know. Hate being black, only date white girls and the ever-present former hustler gone straight who thinks they have cogent political opinions. A hood ninja with a podcast that hasn’t failed at half of what she’s accomplished—sucking dicks or not. Just mad that Obama said it. Rather elect a racist than help make history. She is overly qualified for this job. Sad niggas.

Edit: see the post below this. Makes my point.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not White Women
Not White Men
Not Hispanics

Yeah, I want to know how Black men are at fault.

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Transnational Member
I hope she is a capitalist as she proclaimed, maybe I'll start getting paid for some of my work and research rather than being stolen called a criminal. I know people are complaining about these statements saying they are pandering to the business community.

Biden was a faux capitalist based on my experience along with other whites. This is why I had to leave the country.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not White Women
Not White Men
Not Hispanics

Yeah, I want to know more of how Black men are at fault.

Exactly why I say fuck all the Latino groups. We knew that shit, this Aerosmith-lookin broad finally said it. I don’t trust em and never will. Not will trust any Asian group. All of em either hate us or are glad they aren’t us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I asked earlier, because I was confused.
It's the congressional races
Both in CA & NYC

Remember back in 2021-2, from NYC when those videos of Asians were beaten was posted?
Republicans used that as a tool to help flip those seats.

Now that makes sense....Also, to rile up his base...To get them to fight with fist



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
DEFINITELY voting for Kamala.

Interesting that the slave recovery crew is still looking for converts less that 30 days before the election.

“slave recovery crew”

The short version:

I am from Detroit.
More arabs live in and around Detroit than anywhere outside the Middle East.

The Christian arabs (CATHOLIC) voted for the nazi in BOTH of the last elections to the tune of 70%.

They have ZERO respect for Black people, until recently routinely sold and advertised porn over the candy counters (anybody got kids?). They routinely sell liquor and cigs to minors. They own more than 99% of the liquor stores in Detroit. There is nearly one on every goddamned corner.

When you go to where the arabs live, Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, finding a liquor store is like looking for a brand new 8 track tape at Walmart. They are extremely wealthy as a group, own lavish homes, and their fucked up, asshole kids often drag race up and down Michigan Avenue in brand new high powered muscle cars, endangering the public.

The Muslim arabs drive worst than Canadians (believe me, almost NOTHING is more dangerous than a Canadian behind the wheel of a truck), have ZERO respect for ANYBODY. They are rude, crude, and overly aggressive.

And now they have convinced a few soft in the cranium yard apes that, for some reason, they should betray ONE OF THEIR OWN (they would rather not acknowledge she is Black) and vote for a sack of vomit in orange makeup who would CLEARLY relish in the sight of any one of us on this forum (except for the yard apes and inbred crackers) hanging from a tree.

A simple observation. Nothing more. Nothing less.

“yard apes”

I see yet another sambo has joined the fray.


The economy tRump brags about was OBAMA'S ECONOMY.

Fucking smegma stain.


Non-stop anti-Black slurs! This “brother” is really exposing himself in this thread! :smh:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Don't see this on bgol must be new

Nuanced independent thinking and analysis?!? Clearly he registered on the wrong board. :lol:

Then you get posts like the one below to remind you of where you really are!

Yep....I m looking to beat my record of about 5 seconds to vote this year.

Two buttons only. D and Enter, Comrade.

They all about that D apparently

Obviously code_pirahna is! He proudly takes that “D” each and every way he can!

Then again, I don’t expect much from a guy who can’t spell “piranha.” He can’t even spell his own name!



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Exactly why I say fuck all the Latino groups. We knew that shit, this Aerosmith-lookin broad finally said it. I don’t trust em and never will. Not will trust any Asian group. All of em either hate us or are glad they aren’t us.

I lived in Latin America.

Those bean eating shit stains HATE Black people, and desperately want to be viewed as white.

Sambos that die come back as Mexicans. FUCK 'EM.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obviously code_pirahna is! He proudly takes that “D” each and every way he can!

Then again, I don’t expect much from a guy who can’t spell “piranha.” He can’t even spell his own name!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


It’s a lie when people claim that Obama did nothing for Black people and tried to do nothing that helped Black people…

- In 2010, the # of Black Americans that were uninsured was 20.9%.. Today thanks to ACA, it’s around 10%

- Black Americans saw the biggest increase jump in high school graduate rates during his term

- He started up the My Brothers Keeper program to address some of issues facing young Black boys

- Brought the Black unemployment rate down from 16% to 7.8% when he left office

- The reason why we see all these police body cam videos was pushed by the Obama administration

- He sought to end the use of private prisons

- He signed the Fair Sentencing Act to end sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine

- He launched prison reform efforts and released many people from prison

- Increased HBCU funding

- In year before he left gas was under $2 without a pandemic

He could have done more if he was given the congress to do such
