Is Trump Showing Signs of Syphilis? James Carville says the verdict is unanimous


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Did he get it from Habba?




Potential Star
They are so desperate now it's pathetic...

No rich muthafucka has an std they could

Afford the treatment ....

Da fuck some of you gullible muthafuckas think trump goes to a hood clinic for treatment LOL...

No that was my people who did that and the clinics left them untreated while telling them they were treated
You know after a certain point there is no treatment for that, you kind of a buster


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'​

Donald Trump likens avoiding contracting STDs during his single years to Vietnam in Howard Stern interview


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hahaha. I'm a public health investigator and I have never seen a secondary syphilis rash that looked like that. The one's I have seen are usually more faint and way more spots. But this shit is funny. Those look like open sores which is a sign of primary syphilis, but you get those on what ever you use to have sex with, dick, pussy, ass, mouth. So either he's fisting the fuck out of bitches or that's something else, lol. Trump does look disease infested though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are so desperate now it's pathetic...

No rich muthafucka has an std they could

Afford the treatment ....

Da fuck some of you gullible muthafuckas think trump goes to a hood clinic for treatment LOL...

No that was my people who did that and the clinics left them untreated while telling them they were treated
Wow...if wha sa madda boss? We's sick? was a person.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You would not believe the amount of people that have paper that still have STD's especially syphilis. I have patients that live in multi million dollar homes that we have to follow up on. If they don't answer our calls we have to do home visits. I hate when I get rich people because most of the time you cant get into their gated communities unless, you're slick about it, it's even harder because I'm black and they already look at me sideways. We can't let people know why we are looking for them.


Rising Star
They are so desperate now it's pathetic...

No rich muthafucka has an std they could

Afford the treatment ....

Da fuck some of you gullible muthafuckas think trump goes to a hood clinic for treatment LOL...

No that was my people who did that and the clinics left them untreated while telling them they were treated

Hahaha. I'm a public health investigator and I have never seen a secondary syphilis rash that looked like that. The one's I have seen are usually more faint and way more spots. But this shit is funny. Those look like open sores which is a sign of primary syphilis, but you get those on what ever you use to have sex with, dick, pussy, ass, mouth. So either he's fisting the fuck out of bitches or that's something else, lol. Trump does look disease infested though.

You think Carville was bullshitting about the unanimous opinion of MDs?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think Carville was bullshitting about the unanimous opinion of MDs?

scientist, doctors, lawyers there are no shortage of WHORES in

the professional world.

the majority are all for sale to the highest bidder..

Da fuck bruh, you think "experts" dont have bills bruh?? LOL

If anything it looks like those cancerous bumps cacs get, and at his age,

and always being in that tropical florida sun, its normal...

then again light and pale skin bruise easy as fuck, shit all we know is the wind

was probably blowing too hard and scraped his skin..

but seriously shit is just getting stupid now... he was supposed to be locked up years ago,

everybody was counting him out.. I was telling folks back then he was going to be the front runner,

dudes laughed and said it was going to be de santis de satan or whatever the fuck his name is,

I knew he popularity would go down once covid was over, the only thing he was right about,

was ignoring those commie vaccine mandates, and he put Florida on the map as the place to move TO

along with that weirdo gov of Texas... I think both these dudes are assholes, BUT by standing up to the little

beta faggots that was running wild overdosing on the power of having the presidency adn both houses...

they didnt give in, but Trump doesnt just give in, HE LITERALLY EXPOSES EVERYTHING THEY ARE TRYING TO DO,


Plus with a Trump presidency we get to see arrogant spoiled rotten ass USA's NATIONAL CRACKHEAD POSTER BOY HUNTER BIDEN

shit bricks, that faggot was living the life, smoking crack fuckin whores, helping China and his weekend at bernies father...Sell our

country down the river... remember its under Biden China literally was running its OWN POLICE STATIONS in OUR COUNTRY..

bruh that shit was insane, only because it was discovered and election year was pulling up..

they shut a few of them down.. but Im sure they just went more underground... the only reason they havent truly turned

the country into gay agenda child grooming faggots,


and PUSH BACK ALL THIS DEMONIC ENERGY.... sheeet its already being pushed back now..

with ISREAL and Jews getting exposed on how they REALLY get teh power they wield.. all that hard work

and jews stick together bullshit the fuck outta here..

Jeff epstein showed that they get to power, by setting up extremely rich and influential people, then extort the fuck out of

them... yo boy prince andrew, didnt have a friendship with epstein...

that was a front, epstein was extorting the fuck out of him, but andrew was pussy whipped no self control or discipline,

so to him, it was what do you call that shit quid pro some shit, yea well your prince andrew was on that shit,

but epstein/mossad/ISREAL was on some, just keep giving up information and we wont let the tapes out shit... and yea,

we will still get you girls to fuck. stupid ass andrew thought shit was sweet, untill the fuckin NYPD wanted to talk to his ass,

He was shocked that he couldnt get the nypd to leave his ass alone....but that fake faggot prince still weilds enough power,

to NOT be extradited and the whole fuckin GLOBE KNOWS HIS ASS SHOULD BE...

But a TRUMP presidency will change all that shit.... sure andrew may never be arrested but it will be fun as fuck watching

these muthafuckas who were so far above the law squirm.

and that will only happen with a Trump presidency..

four more years of biden, we will just have trannys and drag queens running fuckn wild...

Now they the tranny men who psychotically think they are women, can get a boxing license and legally

beat on women.....disgusting..

we really dont need the democratic party, we need to ship them all to england.... Now watch how trump has

the republkkklan party walkin on egg shells...

Ill vote for trump SOLEY on how he PUNKED TED FAGGOT FACE CRUZ.... bruh that was a fuckin WORK OF ART!!

glad I lived to see ted cruz get played like a pussy in front of the world..



under biden ted cruz FLOURISHES.. under Trump his political career was almost FINISHED!!!

and yall want to vote for four more years of BIden..

I mean unless you are sexually confused as fuck.. or like giving our money away to jews in ukraine and isreal as our infrastructure goes to shit



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

when you understand politics and can see the whole picture, you KNOW this is a pathetic attempt by the demoncrats, to

demonize him SINCE they couldnt jail him..

Remember he was supposed to be in prison for TAXES....... but yet he is the FRONT runner republican and leads EVERYBODY in the POLLS...

Its so obvious its going to be more Vote tampering by the democrats..

all this taking a month to tally fuckin votes.. is a cover up for VOTING FUCKERY!!!

and EXPECT IT AGAIN this YEAR!!! democrats are desperate as that people are looking out for the

voting fuckery..

they wont be able to pull it off like they did last year... you see most democrats and republiklans

are beta fuckin males.. so beta that A trump can roam around them like an Alpha wolf and they all


when out of control beta male faggots get checked, its a thing of beauty..

shout out to ted cruz