Italia Blue interview: Black Women In the Porn Industry


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
her moans sounded like she was being boarder-lined rape lol
boostin a niggaz confidence

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
But the industry has changed. Makes no sense to do porn anymore, or maybe some use it as a stepping stone. There's no money in porn, not like it used to be. Real companies in LA now collect taxes and a girl shoots a scene and she wont get paid til 2-3 weeks later in a check. Like why do all that?

Today, just about EVERY girl on IG is fucking for a price. EVERY one. My boy hooks up a lot of major players with some of them. Girls making 8-10k to fuck for one night, flown out all over the world. The stories I hear are nuts the kind of expenses these dudes are paying. $15k to fly a girl he is fucking for $8k.
And I'm just talking the latina/black chicks he deals with, I'm sure some white chicks commanding more. Can see many of them exposed on TagTheSponsor.
I used to think it was just random stories, but he schooled me to a lot of what goes down for real on IG. It's been the Craigslist of hoeing for some time.

So "why would I do porn for $500 and I can make $5,000 in one night" type scenario done changed the game for a minute now.

I sure Onlyfans has added a new dynamic to this.