Jack Walsh13 Bad Bitches Take Over Thread

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
The best thing about joining this board instead of lurking is the ability to put jack Walsh on ignore.

You can be casually browsing a thread about a young kid getting killed and then this clown nigga will have like 10 back to back posts, spamming it with gratuitous pictures.

If you want to post pics, create a thread and do so. I find it lame and corny to spam other people’s threads and posting pics after every post, especially considering a lot of us have sigs turned off. He’s a jackass

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
The best thing about joining this board instead of lurking is the ability to put jack Walsh on ignore.

You can be casually browsing a thread about a young kid getting killed and then this clown nigga will have like 10 back to back posts, spamming it with gratuitous pictures.

If you want to post pics, create a thread and do so. I find it lame and corny to spam other people’s threads and posting pics after every post, especially considering a lot of us have sigs turned off. He’s a jackass
