JAMIE FOXX makes first appearance comedy style


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
This is the shitty price of fame but I’m sure Jaime knew that. His family, maybe not so much.

Just hope Jaime (the person) pulls through relatively unscathed. Best case scenario, he’s coherent and functional enough to take these outlets to the defamation cleaners.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

The story quotes an anonymous source as saying he didn’t want but was forced to be vaccinated for the film and yet ends by noting he was vaccinated in 2021 and has been a vocal advocate for it which completely contradicts the first statement.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I respect his privacy, but I have a strong, feeling something major is going on with him


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
This is the shitty price of fame but I’m sure Jaime knew that. His family, maybe not so much.

Just hope Jaime (the person) pulls through relatively unscathed. Best case scenario, he’s coherent and functional enough to take these outlets to the defamation cleaners.

He can't sue for defamation for something like this.

Unfortunately misinformation and clickbait wouldn't apply especially since falsely reporting on his health wouldn't count as defamation.

If they were to falsely report him as dying from AIDS or something like that then maybe.


Rising Star
becuase the drugs he is taking for his hair that causes clotting issues and stroke...that has nothing to do with anything

Becuase the hormones and HGH he is taking between roles which also causes issues with blood pressure and clotting ...that has nothing to do with anything

No its a vaccine that he took over 2 to 3 years ago


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
I respect his privacy, but I have a strong, feeling something major is going on with him



Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
He can't sue for defamation for something like this.

Unfortunately misinformation and clickbait wouldn't apply especially since falsely reporting on his health wouldn't count as defamation.

If they were to falsely report him as dying from AIDS or something like that then maybe.
Damn shame.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Wishing the best recovery for bruh Jamie....

but the crazy shit is, the cdc is now saying, if you are unvaccinated and just take the booster,

you are all caught up on shots..

they dont realize what they are saying is, everybody who took the earlier shots took it for nothing, you couldve just waited

and take ONE of these boosters..

which I aint even going to take..

Jamie was healthy as fuck....tooo....

Immune system > experimental drugs

Shit fuck up cause I held out the longest, then the government stepped in and made it mandatory for my job to get one as a federal employee.

Boss said I wasn’t in compliance you either get the shot or be terminated.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit fuck up cause I held out the longest, then the government stepped in and made it mandatory for my job to get one as a federal employee.

Boss said I wasn’t in compliance you either get the shot or be terminated.

Hey I FEEL ya bruh... I said fuck that and walked out....aint been working for over a year

and a half...

The bullshit mandates officially ended got my job back.. only because these faggot loving democrats, KNOW they were going to get fried dyed and laid to the side,

in 2024 if they wouldve kept up with the bending over for big pharma bags bullshit.AT our expense,

straight up medical rape bruh, I stand up to bullys on ALL LEVELS BRUH!!

-.. the good thing tho is its an experimental drug,

so only fifty percent got the actual drug, the other fifty got a placebo...

if you got one or two shots.. and keep your immune system up.. I doubt you have much to worry about,

you keep putting experimental shit in your body EVERYTIME they come out with some fuckin booster..


How jobs want muthafuckas to take something that NOBODY wants to be LIABLE for, thats whats fuckin

INSANE?? there is NOBODY to sue if something goes wrong, not even the fuckin pharmaceutical companies,

who KNEW the experimental vaccine did not work...!! if it did wouldnt be a need for a second, third, fourth,

god knows how many... Im not even anti vax, Im anti being a fuckin labrat, untill proper research is done...

What shocks me are the folks that just ran an took the experimental high tech drug without reading up on it..

MRNA is nothing close to a traditional vaccine, they KNOW it, thats why they changed the definition for

vaccines. thats how much mind fuckery is involved with this bullshit...

Keep Zinc, and Vit D on deck bruh!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Wis]hing the best recovery for bruh Jamie....
but the crazy shit is, the cdc is now saying, if you are unvaccinated and just take the booster,

you are all caught up on shots..

they dont realize what they are saying is, everybody who took the earlier shots took it for nothing, you couldve just waited

and take ONE of these boosters..

which I aint even going to take..

Jamie was healthy as fuck....tooo....

Immune system > experimental drugs
Is that what the CDC is saying?
What about the people who died cause they didn't take the shots or booster?
Many people who took the shots and booster got their lives SAVED?
Also you gonna take the booster now cause that is all you need to take?
U aint worried abut the booster?

U dont know Jamie for shit. You have NO IDEA if he was healthy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is that what the CDC is saying?
What about the people who died cause they didn't take the shots or booster?
Many people who took the shots and booster got their lives SAVED?
Also you gonna take the booster now cause that is all you need to take?
U aint worried abut the booster?

U dont know Jamie for shit. You have NO IDEA if he was healthy.

the people who died from covid who did NOT take the shot or booster, all died in the hospital...

after spending Days there on a ventilator..... which caused their deaths..

in addition over 99.9 had some kind of underlying condition, and the majority were overweight.

not one healthy unvaccinated person died from covid..

No I am NOT taking the BOOSTER I trust my Immune system it was built to handle

the common cold and its symptoms...

The question you SHOULD be asking is, IF the Vaccine works why do they have a new fuckin shot

or booster every year...

How many folks who got vaccinated have LONG TERM COVID?? and where the fuck did LONG TERM COVID come from??

Is this a side effect from the experimental drug MRNA, which is called a vaccine??

the most important one..

Are these experimental drugs assisting your immune system or breaking that shit down???

Long term covid seems to answer that question tho!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey I FEEL ya bruh... I said fuck that and walked out....aint been working for over a year

and a half...

The bullshit mandates officially ended got my job back.. only because these faggot loving democrats, KNOW they were going to get fried dyed and laid to the side,

in 2024 if they wouldve kept up with the bending over for big pharma bags bullshit.AT our expense,

straight up medical rape bruh, I stand up to bullys on ALL LEVELS BRUH!!

-.. the good thing tho is its an experimental drug,

so only fifty percent got the actual drug, the other fifty got a placebo...

if you got one or two shots.. and keep your immune system up.. I doubt you have much to worry about,

you keep putting experimental shit in your body EVERYTIME they come out with some fuckin booster..


How jobs want muthafuckas to take something that NOBODY wants to be LIABLE for, thats whats fuckin

INSANE?? there is NOBODY to sue if something goes wrong, not even the fuckin pharmaceutical companies,

who KNEW the experimental vaccine did not work...!! if it did wouldnt be a need for a second, third, fourth,

god knows how many... Im not even anti vax, Im anti being a fuckin labrat, untill proper research is done...

What shocks me are the folks that just ran an took the experimental high tech drug without reading up on it..

MRNA is nothing close to a traditional vaccine, they KNOW it, thats why they changed the definition for

vaccines. thats how much mind fuckery is involved with this bullshit...

Keep Zinc, and Vit D on deck bruh!!!

I co-sign everything you said, I had the whole household on my back during that time. And by far is the breadwinner, so when my peoples lost her job and others in my family. I had to support things, I had my back on the wall vs the job.

Most definitely was sick as hell after the shot though!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Boyega doesn’t actually say he talked to Jamie. Or what he sounded like etc. He could’ve talked to Jamie’s rep who told him things were good.

Maybe Jamie’s people were tired of Boyega calling everyday. “Look stop calling, Jamie is good okay”.

And there isn’t a direct quote from Teyonah in the article. I mean it’s bad writing, her name shouldn’t be in the title. And it’s spelled “co-star” with an “o” not a zero, tells you enough.

Still wishing the best..
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Boyega doesn’t actually say he talked to Jamie. Or what he sounded like etc. He could’ve talked to Jamie’s rep who told him things were good.

Maybe Jamie’s people were tired of Boyega calling everyday. “Look stop calling, Jamie is good okay”.

And there isn’t a direct quote from Teyonah in the article. I mean it’s bad writing, her name shouldn’t be in the title. And it’s spelled “co-star” with an “o” not a zero, tells you enough.

Still wishing the best..

You not wrong

But this is the modern internet

It will be aggregated and become this...

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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor

Is this real?

AFAIK there has been no official announcement since his hospitalization. Only what his daughter put out which was vague to the point of meaningless.

It's been a long time with radio silence and that usually ain't good.

I'll wait and keep hoping he gets as well as he can.

OTOH this thread has increased my ignore list significantly.