Janet Jackson catching Twitter smoke today.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Nation Of Islam send their kids to their own schools. Elijah Muhammad had said we should a beast in human form have authority over the kids. Personally I feel that if you are not programmed and trained to promote a white reality you would end up like Jesus. He demostrated real black power real natural power. Today it is education over pure energy. Nothing is wrong with that except you program people to be controlled before they get anything. World's best kept secret is that our health is our only real wealth. Anything else is borrowed including our lives. Now you have to learn how to please somebody else or other people just to survive unless you are in the dna of the big devils.


Rising Star
When you life is in danger you will do what it takes to keep living. You never know what you will do until you are put in certain situtations. Plus Mandela had been looking sickly from the way he had to work, the beatings and the way they were feed. They wanted to make it look like they took good care of him while he was in prison.
The reason why they let Mandela out was because South Africa had started planning to fight for their freedom. They would rather die on their feet fighting back than on their knees begging for mercy. And America warned Botha there is a chance they can take their country back. But Reagan tried to send American troops to South Africa at one time to help a white devil genocide and take a country. Now that some of the stuff got exposed and they put santions on South Africa as though they were in favor of blacks being free and cameras were no longer banned from there that the whole world would watch blacks killing whites wholesale. And we would also be watching whites killing blacks wholesale and it might make black and whites all over the world take sides and the killing might flood into other countries.
This is not to take away from Mandela sacrafices. He did more than a lot of leaders. But we cannot keep building up white power for them. At least during slavery we knew who the enemy was. From what I see only the blacks who act like they came over here on the mayflower have any real money. They steady locking blacks up and being paid for it. More blacks in prison than it was in slavery. Whites have always been paid and made to feel they doing God a favor by killing blacks.
if Mandela was assaulted in prision south Africia would have gone up in flames, the same way the united states did when Lumumba and king was killed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
if Mandela was assaulted in prision south Africia would have gone up in flames, the same way the united states did when Lumumba and king was killed.
The united states went up in flames when King was killed. But the same devils are still in charge. They wanted the people to believe that James Earl Ray a lone gunman killed him. America and Israel has did more killing and locking the earth down than Hitler did. It almost seems like America ran nazi Germany the same way the CIA ran Jonestown. We went to Germany to fight Hitler and then America sends billions of dollars to rebuild Germany. The nazi's and the so called jews run America and we are still dying and suffering in the streets and packing the jails.