Japan ex-prime minister taken to hospital after apparent shooting


International Member
I dont know if you ever saw the movie Demolition Man but they had a similar problem related to guns. That city got complacent because they hadn't had a gun related death in 10 years. I agree with @World B Free about the wack security. I don't know what type of training they do, but after the first shot, they should have covered up the PM and got him outta there. This death was preventable.
this is exactly what happend
the gun was even homemade

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
"Right wing" is not an American term. It's used to describe political leanings globally.
That cac is retarded. I don’t understand these dumb ass whites who complain constantly , offer no solutions , don’t participate in shit but stay here. Why don’t he take his cracka ass back to Russia since he loves his home land so much. Stupid ass cracka thinks right wing is an American thing lmbaooooo. Dumb ass doesn’t understand that “Western” is referring to a society that includes Europeans. Stupid ass dumb fuck


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So which is it -- "Western" or "American"? Regardless it's an acceptable term used to describe politics globally. Even Abe was described as being on the "right."
Is America not the west? Imbeciles I swear on this board but that's dumb of me to assume any kind of intelligence exists

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
So which is it -- "Western" or "American"? Regardless it's an acceptable term used to describe politics globally. Even Abe was described as being on the "right."
There’s a political spectrum no matter the country that share a similar ideology it’s why fascists can spread around the world there’s no difference with the beliefs. These dumb fuck cac agents here speak in disingenuous methods and move goal posts and arguments to support their stupidity and lies and try to pass off like they are Intelligent

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Is America not the west? Imbeciles I swear on this board but that's dumb of me to assume any kind of intelligence exists
So, America encompasses the entirety of Western Civilization and culture? Are there not things that are strictly American and not shared by other Western countries?

You're really coming off like somebody who's constantly loud and wrong.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member


I hope Kojima sue them into oblivion.... :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend





Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Literally no sense of awareness on anyone's part. Incredible.

you have to understand why.

no one in japan is allowed to carry firearms. so the thought of anyone shooting anyone is totally foreign to them.

dude literally made a homemade gun/hand cannon. guns are not everywhere in japanese society like in american society.

it took a second for what was happening to register to everyone because that crime is not normal in japan.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
you have to understand why.

no one in japan is allowed to carry firearms. so the thought of anyone shooting anyone is totally foreign to them.

it took a second for what was happening to register to everyone because that crime is not normal in japan.

Man ... a handful of years back at work I was rinsing out a coffee pot. A piece of shit Uncle Buck car drove by and backfired out front. Sounded like a shotgun blast. I immediately ducked for cover & shielded my head. It wasn't one of my best moments, but I'm alive to tell about it.

:giggle: :roflmao3:



Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Man ... a handful of years back at work I was rinsing out a coffee pot. A piece of shit Uncle Buck car drove by and backfired out front. Sounded like a shotgun blast. I immediately ducked for cover & shielded my head. It wasn't one of my best moments, but I'm alive to tell about it.

:giggle: :roflmao3:

i am a lifelong scouter.

one of my most vivid memories is one summer at camp while the entire camp was observing the star spangled banner some one set off a cannon.

all of the black troops literally hit the ground. all of the white troops just stood around looking at us like we were crazy.

at that point in my childhood i began to understand the differences in how cultures are socialized.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
i am a lifelong scouter.

one of my most vivid memories is one summer at camp while the entire camp was observing the star spangled banner some one set off a cannon.

all of the black troops literally hit the ground. all of the white troops just stood around looking at us like we were crazy.

at that point in my childhood i began to understand the differences in how cultures are socialized.

Agreed. Awareness and safety is key. The difference between life and death.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
you have to understand why.

no one in japan is allowed to carry firearms. so the thought of anyone shooting anyone is totally foreign to them.

dude literally made a homemade gun/hand cannon. guns are not everywhere in japanese society like in american society.

it took a second for what was happening to register to everyone because that crime is not normal in japan.
Understood about the absence of gun culture. I'd still expect a former head of state to have some semblance of an alert security detail. It's like no one was even looking in that direction.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Possible Moonies link to the assassination of Shinzo Abe. Suspect was motivated by anger towards a religious group he blamed for mother's bankruptcy, reports say.

  • The man suspected of killing Shinzo Abe said he blamed a religious group for his mother's bankruptcy.
  • The Unification Church, whose followers are colloquially known as the Moonies, confirmed his mother was a member.
  • The suspect said he blamed Abe for promoting the unspecified religious group.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Possible Moonies link to the assassination of Shinzo Abe. Suspect was motivated by anger towards a religious group he blamed for mother's bankruptcy, reports say.

  • The man suspected of killing Shinzo Abe said he blamed a religious group for his mother's bankruptcy.
  • The Unification Church, whose followers are colloquially known as the Moonies, confirmed his mother was a member.
  • The suspect said he blamed Abe for promoting the unspecified religious group.

I knew it was money motivated revenge. They say dude was a real cocksucker. My man blew his ass away. Both barrels smoking :eek2:

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Possible Moonies link to the assassination of Shinzo Abe. Suspect was motivated by anger towards a religious group he blamed for mother's bankruptcy, reports say.

  • The man suspected of killing Shinzo Abe said he blamed a religious group for his mother's bankruptcy.
  • The Unification Church, whose followers are colloquially known as the Moonies, confirmed his mother was a member.
  • The suspect said he blamed Abe for promoting the unspecified religious group.
Interesting considering the Unification Church is Korean.


Transnational Member
I deal with these nutjobs all the time, I have survived a couple of their feeble attempts by using various tactics. I would say 70% is racial delusion of grandeur, and the rest are religious based attacks.

We need to bait them out to provoke them, than say you will be at a public event to speak about science and technology. Another trigger point is astronauts, they gun down the wife of an astronaut in the U.S. that was covered up.

Than you pump them with a shotgun blast when they pull their explosives or weapon out.