JJ Reddick called me the N-Word in college


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If a school will blackball a white woman over a situation where there were witnesses, what do you like they would do to a black woman?

Who said anything about school?

I said she had over 20 years to bring it to our attention, even listed various steps in his career when he could've been exposed.

If he said it expose him, just asking why now when she could've done it at any point int he past 20 plus years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep, it's already starting

Being that I was the only one who posted let me help out the slow.

The same question was asked about Cosby's victims on why they waited 40 plus years to mention that Cosby raped them.

On this board.

Were those posters white women?

Did you wanna check their demographics then?

If not then



Rising Star
The timing of it all is somewhat odd. I can definitely see him calling her that. But that goes for most white people, especially white men when they become angry. The thing I hate about blanket statements like this. Is there is never any context or extra details given. I feel the same when chicks publicly accuse men of being rapist, but offer no other details.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

I think we are all shocked that this woman is a Kobe Bryant dickeater. And that she made it a point to specify such on the day (a day after JJ's Laker introduction press conference) she made this accusation. Carry on. :popcorn:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've seen the name a lot,a whole lot but I've never seen him play in the NBA or I never paid attention to him in a game.

I seen the name and had to google his name for a pic of what he looked like.

I'mma go back to ignoring the name JJ Reddick and wish him luck coach a lebron-less Lakers team.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This meme has been making the rounds.

Actually, Sam Cassell should be thankful that he wasn't considered. This job is a setup for failure. Coaches stay getting fired from the Lakers despite winning. The second JJ and LeBron don't agree, or if they start losing and Lebron does his passive-aggressive act of throwing people under the bus, JJ's days are numbered. Even if JJ survives after LeBron retires, he's not gonna have a great team, and when they lose, his days are numbered.

As far as the N-word controversy, it's my understanding that some Black players said they hated him until he was their teammate, then they realized he's a pretty decent guy. That said, if he did say it, it would not surprise me.


Rising Star
Looks about white to me.

Unfortunately, it's about who you know. Sam has paid his dues and is deserving of a shot for somebody team. That connections to LBJ is Reddick needed to open the door for him. And he was lying his ass off about him LBJ never discussing him as HC until about 30 minutes after it was announced. I'm not a LBJ hater..but if he wanted HAM still there he would've made it happen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, it's about who you know. Sam has paid his dues and is deserving of a shot for somebody team. That connections to LBJ is Reddick needed to open the door for him. And he was lying his ass off about him LBJ never discussing him as HC until about 30 minutes after it was announced. I'm not a LBJ hater..but if he wanted HAM still there he would've made it happen.

So it’s not White privilege it’s about who you know?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Actually, Sam Cassell should be thankful that he wasn't considered. This job is a setup for failure. Coaches stay getting fired from the Lakers despite winning. The second JJ and LeBron don't agree, or if they start losing and Lebron does his passive-aggressive act of throwing people under the bus, JJ's days are numbered. Even if JJ survives after LeBron retires, he's not gonna have a great team, and when they lose, his days are numbered.

As far as the N-word controversy, it's my understanding that some Black players said they hated him until he was their teammate, then they realized he's a pretty decent guy. That said, if he did say it, it would not surprise me.
Yep whoever took this job I’d about to get fired. Something better will pull up for Sam. Hurley knew the deal.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Actually, Sam Cassell should be thankful that he wasn't considered. This job is a setup for failure. Coaches stay getting fired from the Lakers despite winning. The second JJ and LeBron don't agree, or if they start losing and Lebron does his passive-aggressive act of throwing people under the bus, JJ's days are numbered. Even if JJ survives after LeBron retires, he's not gonna have a great team, and when they lose, his days are numbered.

As far as the N-word controversy, it's my understanding that some Black players said they hated him until he was their teammate, then they realized he's a pretty decent guy. That said, if he did say it, it would not surprise me.
Free money sign you to a 20+ million dollar deal.. fire you in a yr or 2 and you still guaranteed to get all your money plus you can get a new deal somewhere else.. double pay… hell lakers can hire me and fire me b4 the season is over just make sure my money gonna be paid in full free checks