Not who you WANT to win, who do you THINK wins?

  • Total voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biden stutters.....see past that shit and look at the policy.

Trump lied the entire night....

Hell he lied about shit we saw with our own eyes...



Trump will pick 5 to possibly 6 of the 9 Justices if he is elected

Americans wanted Regan, a smooth actor and looked where that got us.

And if the ACA gets repealed. My god. You think health disparities is a problem, that shit will get exacerbated because it’s a lot sick motherfuckers walking around here


Rising Star
What I saw:

First 15-20 minutes or so, I am planning on moving my cash to another country, and thanked the Creator I had the foresight to renew my passport LAST year.

Around the middle: Biden looking lost....this was actually exacerbated (created?) by the Democratic Party, or whomever made the dumbfuck move to place Biden on the right. He was NOT staring off into space. But it looked bad.


Just like these nazi supporters contributing to this thread, EVERYBODY and they mamma seems to overlook the fact that tRump LIED, LIED, EVADED, and LIED AGAIN when he was not EVADING questions.
But all THEY see is a doddering old man, and these same people want to harp on the idea that Biden is unfit.

But... they NEVER talk about the fact that the other guy is literally a white supremacist who admires Hitler, Putin, and countless other former and current dictators.

ERGO... it must be OK with the assholes who push this bullshit to have NAZIS RUNNING THE GODDAMNED COUNTRY.
I hope the handful of you that have i.q. scores above 50 don't fall for the okee doke.

AFTER the debate...Biden's demeanor is COMPLETELY different. He does NOT speak well.

He has NEVER spoken well.

The person who needs to be replaced is whatever DUMB ASS decided to demand this debate and put him out there like that. He has a STELLAR record, compared to other presidents, and came off looking questionable.


This could be a powerful forum, but allowing this kind of perversion to go unchallenged is frankly dangerous.

This is why i am suspending lurking for the moment.
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Rising Star

If a debate sways you, go listen to my brother

White men and women are not going to the polls to put another person of color back in office. Newsome would California becoming a swing state :lol:
We're screwed. People been saying for the last few years that Joe needed to phone it on in so that we could get sorted. Now we have this mess. Not to mention the Dems should've thrown the book at the Orange years ago and now he reappears like a disease and people are starting to scramble...In all seriousness...It's TOO late.
White people would vote for Michelle Obama; book that!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s not main issue.

The issue is the American Electorate.

Biden/Trump are Baby Boomers. The BB era was supposed to end in 2016 when Obama left office. Obama was at the tail end of the BB generation.

Generation X was supposed to enter the political arena for POTUS in 2016.

That didn’t happen. We got two BB with Hillary and Trump along with Bernie.

Then 2020 comes along and again we had 2 BB with Biden/Trump. The Gen X candidates in 2020 all fizzled out.

And in 2024, again we got 2 BB candidates who should not be running in office.

Gen X by default will run in 2028 and maybe 2032 unless a strong Millennial pops up in 2032.

Gen X. has failed this era of U.S. politics. Historians 50+ years from now will be studying this era and scratching their head going “WTF?”.
Nailed it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Now these dumbasses on MSNBC are talking about running someone else


Who in the fuck is famous enough to run against Trump in the Democratic party?????
Nobody. Maybe Kamala….
Amerikkka electing a black woman for President c mon bruh.

Someone named “Nottrump Butnotsenile”

Yeah Michelle Obama might have a better chance of winning, than Kamala Harris :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s not main issue.

The issue is the American Electorate.

Biden/Trump are Baby Boomers. The BB era was supposed to end in 2016 when Obama left office. Obama was at the tail end of the BB generation.

Generation X was supposed to enter the political arena for POTUS in 2016.

That didn’t happen. We got two BB with Hillary and Trump along with Bernie.

Then 2020 comes along and again we had 2 BB with Biden/Trump. The Gen X candidates in 2020 all fizzled out.

And in 2024, again we got 2 BB candidates who should not be running in office.

Gen X by default will run in 2028 and maybe 2032 unless a strong Millennial pops up in 2032.

Gen X. has failed this era of U.S. politics. Historians 50+ years from now will be studying this era and scratching their head going “WTF?”.

And you can’t blame them. More politicians need to go into the schools and talk about careers in politics.
Have mentored kids the past 15 years, the focus is on science and tech and I can’t even blame them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This dude is way too left and not famous enough
he wins easily. people gotta remember any Democrat will win cause of the electorial advantages. win the blue states with Penn,Wis,and Michigan and you win no matter what. those 3 states have more Dems than Gop so its already there. you just gotta get the people to vote


Platinum Member
Better question:

Why are you accepting this bullshit as fact?
Because it easy to but if you want to know a little more

I deal and see a cat that acts like Joe Biden very often.
Wake up and ask if he can come out the room.
Have to be reminded his wife die a couple days ago after he asked “where’s mama” at 2am

And soooooooo many other situations

So if a handful of folks seem to think it’s not good for him…. I’d definitely believe it

Now If you have info to show, than cool
Help us out