Joe Biden is now POTUS


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Odds been updated about 10 times by now and Biden was the clear cut favorite before that.

:lol: he wasn’t as wrong as “trump is getting smoked”. All of that hype just to keep things the same. The data isn’t adjusted for racist bigotry, which people fail to get.

Biden is probably going to win the election by 7M votes in the popular vote and Biden is going to end up over 300 in the EC against an incumbent. That's an embarrassing loss for Trump. That's smoked.

Forcesteeler said Biden was a bad candidate, Hillary was going to end up the nominee before the convention, that Biden couldn't raise money and that Trump was going to blow Biden out if he remained the nominee.. Don't be a disingenuous bitch, man. That dude got NOTHING right and was just here to push propaganda. He was probably paid to do it.
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El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Might have to add to my coffee cup collection....