You have any data on this? That's a new one. I'm serious too. I'm not doubting you. I just want to know if you have something on this so that I can read up.
No data on Trump supporters, but I have a neighbor who is hardcore Trump supporter and told me he did not vote in 2016 cuz of it.
Interesting data. Intuitively I don't see Biden/Harris getting the white female vote. I don't see white females voting for a back woman to be the first VP. Even liberal/democratic white women.
The media does love him because he is ratings gold. If you watch CNN or MSNBC they talk about Trump 90+ percent of the time.
No data on Trump supporters, but I have a neighbor who is hardcore Trump supporter and told me he did not vote in 2016 cuz of it. He planning on doing it this year, if their is one there has to be more.
Here are videos from 2016 leading up to the election.
Polls: Clinton leads Trump
June 2016
Clinton leads Trump in post convention poll
Aug 2016
CNN poll of polls: Clinton has double digit lead
Aug 2016
Clinton Leads Trump by 12 in New Poll
Oct 2016
CBS News poll: Clinton leads Trump in key states ahead of second debate
Oct 2016
Hillary Clinton Leads Trump By Double Digits After Donald Trump's Vulgar Comments
Oct 2016
Clinton leads Trump in final NBC poll
Nov 2016
I sincerely pray that it is so. I just saw an article from Newsweek saying his
hysterical RNC did not help Trump, his approval has dipped, and he is still
trailing Biden. Unless Trump can do something about Covid, I am not sure
he can talk himself out of this
I personally am going to stay away from saying things like "the Trump can't win" or "Biden will win in a landslide" because we simply can't afford to get complacent. We all need to vote.
And we're not even going to talk about his frontal lobe dementia that's eating his brain right now
All this horse-race shit is just like it was with Obama vs Romney... a circus to keep you watching.
Nigga stop being self-righteous. i didn't say I was negrodamus. I'm saying it's a fact right now, that despite how the media is trying to spin it, that trump is losing and badly.
I was wrong. However, I think Hillary was going to easily win until Comey put his hand on the scale because all the undecided voters went hard to Trump over the last ten days. The polling + exit data illustrates that was the difference. That was a black swan event.
Saying the Patriots were going to lose at the beginning of the 4th quarter against the Falcons in the Super Bowl a few years back was a good call.
It didn't mean the Pats couldn't win. It means that it was unlikely. It's very unlikely right now. The idea that it's close RIGHT NOW is a myth. And the dynamic with an incumbent being down and then coming back to win w/ 60 days left is unlikely as an incumbent have never gain this type of ground since anyone on this board has been alive. If he pulls it off, he's Brady+Bill and Biden and the Media will need to choke it away. It's unlikely but not impossible. I'm not saying it's impossible. What I am saying is that all day data saying Trump is losing RIGHT NOW.
No doubt. What I'm saying is that Biden is ahead, substantially, right now. The race will tighten.
Note to readers: The "black swan" event OP uses as an excuse for being LOUD WRONG was in October. OP's arrogant "a circus to keep you watching" bullshit was spouted on NOVEMBER 5TH.
If you spent the entire 4th quarter dismissing any talk that the Patriots could come back, you're the last person who should incessantly insist that the possibility of a similar comeback in the next Superbowl is a mere conspiracy to keep viewers from turning away.
Even if the argument had merit, you are not the best messenger, Kyrie.
Yet for some reason, you repeat the same "horse race" bullshit, with nothing to be gained but a little e-cred and a lesser likelihood that anyone foolish enough to listen to you actually votes.
Yeah but the 59% disapproval could be because Trump showcased so many black folks and immigrants. They might still support him.
Someone remarked that the poll that asked if 180,000 was an acceptable death rate probably is more indicative of his actual approval numbers since so many are ashamed to admit they support him.
Republicans have been winning the white women's vote since atleast Reagan. Trump won 52% of the white women's vote, which is trending down from Romeny's 56%.It’s hard to say how the demographics are gonna be for this turnout.
Nobody expected White Women to heavily support Trump in 2016. The theory is they expected him to wise up after inauguration.
He proved them wrong.
And Trump has fizzled our on all the promises he gave mofos who supported him like Farmers and Steelworkers with all his fucked up trade tariffs. It’s up in the air if they gonna vote for him.
We have to wait and see, but in the meantime, Biden will need a turnout like Obama did in 2008 to make it a secure landslide.
I don't know or care if this is true, I'm going to amplify it anyway.
This is eerily similar to 2016. I dont trust it, everyone better vote we have very short memories
How did everyone get it so wrong?
Polls and predictive models failed to predict Trump’s
This is eerily similar to 2016. I dont trust it, everyone better vote we have very short memories
How did everyone get it so wrong?
Polls and predictive models failed to predict Trump’s
I don't know or care if this is true, I'm going to amplify it anyway.
Polling data lags up to 7 days or more. Comey made the announcement on October 28th. Get the stick out of your ass. The exit polling data showed that Comey's hand on the scale was a huge factor with undecided voters. Had it happened a week earlier, the public polling data would have caught it and people watching the data could have adjusted their estimates.
Do you even know what a black swan event is? That was barely even an October surprise. That was a November surprise. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Without that event, Trump loses. That's one of the greatest black swan events in political history. Perfect timing to cause maximum damage considering the # of undecided voters and not enough time for it to be cleaned up before the actual vote.
You're too smart to be this stupid.
You gotta get over Bernie losing man. It's over. Time to move on. Shit is pathetic. Let it go.