Yup.GOP senators are hitting the 2 step early with the backpedaling lmaooo
I thought it would be after Labor Day they are jumping shit now it’s literally 2 weeks out, they seeing those internals
Multiple post-vote polling indicates that Biden is getting 79% of ALL early votes so far.
So he has nearly 20M votes banked. And a large percentage of those are people who have voted for the first time. At this pace, he'll have an insurmountable lead.
If we get 100M votes before election day...and considering that 37% of democrats still plan to vote on election day, there is no way Trump can catch up. There is no indication that he's activated the only group he actually leads in.. non-educated white men
the key here is that Biden isn't just getting out people who voted in the last election for Hillary. All the data suggest that he's made inroads pretty much in every demographic... even dumb ass white boys without a high school diploma have moved over to Biden (biden added 15 points in this group) sp he's closed the gap there as well... that and the first time youth-voters that are indicating they're voting in record numbers, means that he'll go in with a huge lead but still with a significant amount of Election Day voters. I'm looking at all the available data and it looks GREAT for Biden right now
This is where the Trump campaign is right now:
The irony is that because our election officials are pretty efficient at counting mail ballots, which will be lopsided for Biden, the first results reported on election night in Florida will show a huge Biden lead. You might see an early Trump lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, where they can’t process ballots early. But in Florida, we can. And if Biden wins Florida, that’s game over for Trump. And if Biden wins Florida by the margins the polls suggest he will, that gives us a good read on the overall national swing.
If he doesn't make it to Russia they can visit him in prison.
Multiple post-vote polling indicates that Biden is getting 79% of ALL early votes so far.
So he has nearly 20M votes banked. And a large percentage of those are people who have voted for the first time. At this pace, he'll have an insurmountable lead.
If we get 100M votes before election day...and considering that 37% of democrats still plan to vote on election day, there is no way Trump can catch up. There is no indication that he's activated the only group he actually leads in.. non-educated white men
the key here is that Biden isn't just getting out people who voted in the last election for Hillary. All the data suggest that he's made inroads pretty much in every demographic... even dumb ass white boys without a high school diploma have moved over to Biden (biden added 15 points in this group) sp he's closed the gap there as well... that and the first time youth-voters that are indicating they're voting in record numbers, means that he'll go in with a huge lead but still with a significant amount of Election Day voters. I'm looking at all the available data and it looks GREAT for Biden right now
All I know is when this faggit is finally out of office it better be no mercy on his ass, his supporters in gov ie: senate republicans and congressmen and his fuckin supporters... DOJ better label all them WS groups Domestic terrorist and go after them with the same vigor as they do international terrorist
I haven't seen the 79% number but I'll take your word for it. That's incredible.
please do not get over confident.
remember 2016.
I get the reservation, but I don't think people are going to sit this one out. My entire family has already early voted and many of my friends that sat out the last election have already voted.
This election is already worldly different than the last one and it's clear that the dems are surging.
Seriously, if Biden loses, then there was massive fuckery afoot. Incomprehensible fuckery.
I haven't seen the 79% number but I'll take your word for it. That's incredible.
my point exactly. people don't understand that hillary actually won the electoral college and the popular vote last election. there was massive fuckery afoot then as well. but they got away with it. literally thousands of voters in key states that could not vote once they came the polls. they were removed from the polls and didn't know it. those votes would have made hillary president.
The massive election-rigging scandal the media ignored
In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged minority voteswww.salon.com
in 2000 gore actually won florida and the election. the supreme court gave the win to bush.
Democrats Should Remember Al Gore Won Florida in 2000 — but Lost the Presidency With a Pre-emptive Surrender
Democrats should remember that Al Gore won Florida in 2000 — but lost the presidency with a pre-emptive surrender.theintercept.com
there are too many scenarios where this election could be stolen. and it is not like presidential elections have not been stolen before.
Oh. They're going to cheat. But that only works when it's a close race. You can make 100s of votes disappear. You can't do it with millions. They might be able to steal a close House race in a deep red state. Maybe they'll steal one Senate race like they did in Georgia. But the ways these early voting numbers look, cheating won't help just like it didnt help in 2018. This IS already a wave election.
This is nuts.
The Early Voting Revolution Is Already Helping Joe Biden
Democrats aren’t just banking votes in record numbers. They’re taking a financial burden off the Biden campaign.www.google.com
Notice why Barr and Trump was losing their shit at the outset of early voting mail in.. lmaooo can’t cheap on that paper trail
your alias is spectrum.
be cautious in your optimism.
we can't afford for people to think this is a done deal. we must press through the finish. sprint through the tape.
You Mean since 45 turned on himYep. I even mentioned that when Barr, who was all smug even when being badgered by the Dems in the House oversight hearing, lost his damn mind when Wolf brought up mail-in ballots. Nigga literally turned red and started yelling at Wolf.
and where the fuck is Barr anyway? he's been GHOST ever since that covid event at the WH
Following science isnt optimism or cynicism.your alias is spectrum.
be cautious in your optimism.
we can't afford for people to think this is a done deal. we must press through the finish. sprint through the tape.
Following science isnt optimism or cynicism.
Republican pollsters fully expect a Trump blowout.
The election isn't over til its over, but it would be irresponsible to not recognize the current standing of it.
fuck that. don't take anyone's word on this shit. we must sprint through the finish line.
fuck a poll, hypothesis or a guess. get everyone you know to vote and vote early.
Your ptsd is out of control.man, fuck that.
do you really not remember 2016??? yes, these circumstances are different. but hillary was guaranteed to win that night by everyone including internal gop numbers.
no more bananas in the tailpipe. push through the wall till the end. i will not stop pushing this message until november 4th.
also remember, this is not just about voting. voter suppression and other out right cheating is happening in broad daylight.
there is no rest.
there is no stopping.
there are no breaks.
until this beast and threat are dead i will keep stabbing. the beast is still alive and we have to keep stabbing until november 4th. keep in mind november 4th is the day AFTER the election. sprint through the tape.
Your ptsd is out of control.
Your fear of shenanigans is beyond expectations.
You keep saying yes this situation us different BUT...there can't be a big ol but after that statement.
The 2018 midterms is proof of whats happening currently.
Mail in ballots are fucking up the cheat code.
Stay vigilant and motivated, but you can't afford to be paranoid.
please do not get over confident.
remember 2016.
So, I lost two packages through USPS. I mailed one from the post office and one left in the mail slot in my building. I got into the post office with receipts and was met with shoulder shrugs. I had tracking info and everything. Nothing. Shrugs. I mailed one on sept 26th and it never arrived. They said it hasn’t been scanned into the system and things are backed up. If you Mail your ballot today or even a week ago, it ain’t getting counted. Tell everyone you know. Take it to the voting office, or directly into the post office and get a receipt. I mailed a birthday card from Atlanta to atlanta on 9/30 and they never got it. Birthday was Friday. Take your ass in vote. Do not mail it. It ain’t gonna get there.
no paranoia here. let's just make sure this shit is stacked.
history has shown that we can not be too prepared.
this country will be radically altered with 4 more years of this goon. if paranoia and ptsd and me going HAM to get this changed is what it takes. then that is what it takes.
Trump is lying about this fundraising numbers too. If he wasn't, they would be canceling so many ads in SWING STATES