Joe Biden is now POTUS


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
So I woke up this morning to this

to see this

and Sidney Powell ... Retweeted this

Man 2020 is fucking WILD!!!

These fuckers are literally saying..... We wont to prove league votes because of the constitution while at the same time.... Wanting to call on Military tribunals and suspending the Constitution through Martial Law to force a revote!!!

Jesus christ..... 74 million people!!!


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
So I woke up this morning to this

to see this

and Sidney Powell ... Retweeted this

Man 2020 is fucking WILD!!!

These fuckers are literally saying..... We wont to prove league votes because of the constitution while at the same time.... Wanting to call on Military tribunals and suspending the Constitution through Martial Law to force a revote!!!

Jesus christ..... 74 million people!!!

Man. I hope Lady Justice catches up with Misha Flynn in some way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I woke up this morning to this

to see this

and Sidney Powell ... Retweeted this

Man 2020 is fucking WILD!!!

These fuckers are literally saying..... We wont to prove league votes because of the constitution while at the same time.... Wanting to call on Military tribunals and suspending the Constitution through Martial Law to force a revote!!!

Jesus christ..... 74 million people!!!

Flynn has literally no fucks to give


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You shouldn't be able to pardon yourself of you down damn crimes... neither should you be able to pardon your possible co-conspirator. However, he'll do it. He shouldn't have been able to pardon Flynn considering they had a joint-defense agreement because Trump was implicated.

Pardoning should go the way of the electoral college if this country ever comes to its senses to amend the constitution. If not get rid of it out right, it should require approval of both chambers of Congress if the person being pardoned is connected in anyway, shape or form to the President. Absolutely no sense in a President having unchecked pardoning power when he holds away over the justice department and can influence who does and doesn't get investigated.

That is a major blind spot and future authoritarians will exploit. As long as you have a significant amount of people in your party who are willing to block congressional oversight of you, you can have all the corrupt people around you do dirt and reward them with a pardon as you're leaving office.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Liberals don't want to accept this and they think people are being obtuse about it... but I know people, especially older folks, who are down for the cause who don't like that shit on the phrase alone. Instead of trying to fight people about the name, people should rename and rebrand the shit. It's too easy for your opponent to use the name against especially when your own allies don't even like that shit.

The name is not going to make CACs who don't support the cause change their mind... but it will help with people in the middle and also keep candidates who would support that cause off of defense if you just rename the shit.

it's such an awful sounding phrase that it almost seems like the GOP planted this shit it, the left embraced it, and then it took at life of its own because I don't think it was started by BLM.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We will see. This is some new shit for the US. Will the packed SCOTUS help him? He hasn't won a case yet.

And the ability of a president to pardon himself (self-pardon) has never been tested in the courts, because, to date, no president has ever taken that action. The Justice Department normally requires that anyone filing a petition for a pardon wait five years after conviction or release prior to receiving a pardon. The constitutionality of open pardons, such as Ford's pardon of Nixon, has never been judicially tested in the Supreme Court and is open to question.

While a presidential pardon will restore various rights lost as a result of the pardoned offense and should lessen to some extent the stigma arising from a conviction, it will not erase or expunge the record of that conviction. Therefore, a person who is granted a pardon must still disclose their conviction on any form where such information is required, although the person may also disclose the fact that they received a pardon. In addition, most civil disabilities attendant upon a federal felony conviction, such as loss of the right to vote and hold state public office, are imposed by state rather than federal law, and also may be removed only by state action.
I'm not an attorney, but preemptive pardons without any charges, testimony, evidence, adjudication, convictions, ect. just seem crazy. If this is actually believed to be legal, there's no way he won't do it for all of his family and closest allies. This is the man who gave Rush Limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Liberals don't want to accept this and they think people are being obtuse about it... but I know people, especially older folks, who are down for the cause who don't like that shit on the phrase alone. Instead of trying to fight people about the name, people should rename and rebrand the shit. It's too easy for your opponent to use the name against you especially when your own allies don't even like that shit.

The name is not going to make CACs who don't support the cause change their mind... but it will help with people in the middle and also keep candidates who would support that cause off of defense if you just rename the shit.

it's such an awful-sounding phrase that it almost seems like the GOP planted this shit, the left embraced it, and then it took a life of its own because I don't think it was started by BLM.
LOUDER! IT NEEDS REBRANDING. I'm just saying reform the police/police reform going forward, but you know the GOP is going to strike back with "from the people that brought to you defund the police." :smh: :hmm:


Rising Star
stop with the crap !u know what the slogan means,, do i think it was the wisest ? NO !!! while i understand the sentiment but the messaging was not the best strategically ! not becos it wasn't thru but becos it could easily be coopted and turned into mean smoothing else !
racist republicans do it all th times, remember the phrase "BLM" ! they all know what it means but they act like they dont so they can misrepresent to mean "ONLY BLACK LIVES TAKEN BY POLICE MATTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD MATTER"!! lets all be honest!
Bruh this is an old post that I don't even remember typing it or the context for my response.
It is more likely a reply to someone who actually meant defund the police. See y'all assuming that everyone who says defund the police is talking about handing some responsibilities and funding over to other professionals. No, there are actually people who mean defund the police and that is why those who meant otherwise fucked up attaching themselves to that slogan.
Hell I remember conversation on this very board about fuck the police and let's protect our own neighborhoods. I've had such discussions off this board about not needing police. Have you not heard people say cops don't prevent crime but only come after crimes are committed? There are a good number of people who would like to do away with cops.
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FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member

Unfortunately, this is all too often the result when national orgs. receive large donations due to some local impact. They go into "Trickle Down" mode and direct funds to where THEY want them to go, after salaries, bonuses, and expenses are paid.

They are suggesting, as I have against donating to PACs, etc., to donate to the local chapters where the work is put in.

That shit occurs with the DNC/DCCC, RNC, charities like the Red Cross, and any other body that raises funds in large numbers.

I'm glad they're being called out. The BLMGN is LGBTQ and could seem to care little about these local chapters where the shit goes down.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
LOUDER! IT NEEDS REBRANDING. I'm just saying reform the police/police reform going forward, but you know the GOP is going to strike back with "from the people that brought to you defund the police." :smh: :hmm:


"Defund" has old people thinking police departments are going to be completely dismantled and all kinds of lawlessness goes through their heads. Gotta rebrand that shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"Defund" has old people thinking police departments are going to be completely dismantled and all kinds of lawlessness goes through their heads. Gotta rebrand that shit.


Anyone of them shits would've been twisted a million different ways to make Democrats look like police hating anarchists.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Rep. Mo Brooks plans to challenge Electoral College votes when Congress officially certifies Joe Biden’s victory, Politico reports

The Representative for Alabama's 5th congressional district told his colleagues that he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes when Congress officially certifies Joe Biden’s victory on January 6, but only if a Senate Republican will join him in the effort, according to POLITICO congressional reporter Melanie Zanona.
