Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star


"Chief Robert Contee III, when asked during a press conference about the newly elected Colorado lawmaker’s plan to carry a gun to the Capitol, said he wants to ensure that "she is aware of the what the laws of the District of Columbia are."

"That Congresswoman will be subjected to the same penalties as anyone else that’s caught on the D.C. streets carrying a firearm," Contee said."


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor

Somebody tell this blockhead bitch to stfu.


Rising Star

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Michael Cohen Says He’s Given Prosecutors All They Need To Convict Trump Of Numerous Crimes

The clock is ticking on Donald Trump, and that’s why he’s so frantically claiming the 2020 election being stolen from him, even though he hasn’t provided a scintilla of evidence to support his absurd claims.

The real reason Trump is so terrified of no longer being president has everything to do with the fact that once he’s out of office, he will no longer have the legal protections afforded a sitting president which prohibit the American head of state from being criminally indicted, tried, found guilty, and incarcerated.

His former attorney, Michael Cohen, however, has all sorts of evidence that he’s handed over to prosecutors in New York, and it’s more than enough to send the Donald away for a very long time, according to what he told CBS News recently:
“Cohen said he had been questioned by the state attorney general’s team and the district attorney’s office and claimed investigators are ‘well-prepared’ with their evidence to ‘move relatively quickly’ in their probes.
“‘I do believe that there is a mounting amount of evidence that they will be prosecuting upon,’ Cohen said. ‘Some of it of course is civil, and other parts of it are criminal.'”
Cohen, who was convicted on charges of fraud, campaign finance violations, and lying to Congress, was sentenced to three years in prison and released earlier this year when the COVID-19 pandemic began sweeping through U.S. prisons.

Does Cohen expect Trump might pardon him in an effort to keep him from cooperating further with investigators? Cohen said he’s “not interested” in any presidential pardon, and made clear that prosecutors are indeed focusing in on Trump’s finances:
“It has to do with his finances, it has to do with his tax returns, it has to do with his properties, it has to do with the personal financial statements that he had made and provided in order to obtain loans.”
Trump’s financial dealings have always been his Achilles’ heel, and considering all of the dirt Cohen likely has on the Donald, the next few days are going to be the most fretful of Trump’s life. Because as of January 20, his crimes will start to catch up with him.

Here’s the Cohen interview, courtesy of CBS News:
