Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My bad I just recollect you promoting government employment on BGOL. I assumed, plus you seem to know alot about government operations

Naw bro....I know alot of people that work in the federal government though....If you live in DC or the DMV area every other person works for the FEDS lol

I think working for the FEDS is a good career path though...You get paid decent and you get a pension after 20 years....


Transnational Member
So are you advocating against a new replacement bridge in Maryland?

They are expanding the Port Terminal at Sparrow Point based on my recommendations which should prevent another event. There has been a ton of close calls with ships losing power. This ship leaving port with power issues was a common occurence in the past.

I am not into local or state issues like that, the real coverup is the bad trade policies that target critical jobs for the black community. Sparrows Point is where a massive steel/shipbuilding complex used to be located that went bankrupt in 2012, I am a member of USW for over 22 years. Those vacant rowhouses, use to be homes of steel workers that was featured in "The Wire".

To answer your question, it was strange how they wanted to rush out with public funding of a new bridge immediately when it may be not justified, nor has liability been settled. This massive steel complex no longer exists that had 35,000 union jobs when this bridge was being built. Now they are saying the traffic from this expanded port terminal at Sparrows Point is a good reason to rebuild this bridge.

They would have used this same playbook in the automotive industry if it wasn't for people like me speaking out.
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Rising Star
They are expanding the Port Terminal at Sparrow Point based on my recommendations which should prevent another event. There has been a ton of close calls with ships losing power. This ship leaving port with power issues was a common occurence in the past.

I am not into local or state issues like that, the real coverup is the bad trade policies that target critical jobs for the black community. Sparrows Point is where a massive steel/shipbuilding complex used to be located that went bankrupt in 2012, I am a member of USW for over 22 years. Those vacant rowhouses, use to be homes of steel workers that was featured in "The Wire".

To answer your question, it was strange how they wanted to rush out with public funding of a new bridge immediately when it may be not justified, nor has liability been settled. This massive steel complex no longer exists that had 35,000 union jobs when this bridge was being built. Now they are saying the traffic from this expanded port terminal at Sparrows Point is a good reason to rebuild this bridge.

They would have used this same playbook in the automotive industry if it wasn't for people like me speaking out.
So is your point, that they're doin too little too late to support/save your industry? Then when you call them out you're targeted?


Transnational Member

Any politician/cabinet member want to be an artist and stay a star, and don't want have to worry about President Joe Biden trying to be all in the videos, all in the records, dancing than come to the Republican Party.
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Transnational Member
Why are political leadership taking bribes from foreign entities?

Biden lifetime earnings are probably around $4 million. If he inside traded he might have a nice nest egg, they are saying he has a net worth of only $10 million. You can start to see why he might have started to whore himself out to China. $18 million is alot of money that you can pass on to your kids.

By taking that pause in his political career, it allowed these foreign entities to setup this scheme. He had continuously been in office for 36 years since 29 years old, was not able to build success in the private sector. They might have wanted to stuff his pockets for work he did in the past.

I doubt he could give speeches, or make movies so this was the only way he could really get paid. Al Gore attempted to appear tech savvy, venture capitalist, allowing his business transaction with Middle East sovereign fund to go down.

This might be a Sicilian message to politicians, take bribes through your family and we will prosecute them for jay walking. After COVID you are going to pay a heavy price if you do bribe schemes with China.
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Transnational Member

Al Gore was finished politically after losing an election. let's hypothesize that this deal was to pay him off. It is during a politician pause to transition or retirement, that is when you find out who owned that politician.

The only logical conclusion would be for his past work in political office based on policy decision that favored oil rich countries. I noted this activity where a foreign entity waits until you enter retirement to setup some type of corrupt deal. It makes proving some type of influence peddling scheme occurred almost impossible.

Many of the Democrats have been hostile towards EV, restricting supply of electricity causing blackouts in states like California to instill fear. Their policy on giving generous tax credits to produce these vehicles were paltry. I don't think they did anything in the 90's while trillions flowed into the dot com boom.

The money Biden received from China could be for work done in the past or influence peddling as President. As President, acting as a criminal defendant, he has adopted tough on China policies appearing Trump-lite. Appearing on the picket lines on Unions, you would be hard pressed to prove he was a foreign agent. Before COVID, they might have gotten away with this easily, but you will be marched off to prison in a hot second with no fucks given. They might not prosecute for the scheme itself, they could come at you in other ways.
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Transnational Member
This is Biden in his prison cell doing exercises after coming in the court room in a wheelchair. He is a serial rapist...

Playing old and feeble is a common legal deception. The special prosecutor declined to pursue his mishandling of classified documents because of his age. After seeing his son convicted his dementia flared up. Trump is going to be investigating him if he wins.


Rising Star
This is Biden in his prison cell doing exercises after coming in the court room in a wheelchair. He is a serial rapist...

Playing old and feeble is a common legal deception. The special prosecutor declined to pursue his mishandling of classified documents because of his age. After seeing his son convicted his dementia flared up. Trump is going to be investigating him if he wins.

Playing a paranoid delusional with fantasies of a national conspiracy to persecute and silence you, for possessing knowledge of the global power structures' inner workings is also unfortunately common.
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Transnational Member


Many people have asked and wondered, who is Joseph Biden?

Is he a feeble 81 year old man?
Is he psychologically impaired?
Is he physically impaired?
Is he competent to stand trial or enter those guilty pleas on June 29 when he rolled in a wheelchair and feigned feebleness?

The answer to those questions that so many have wondered for the last two years lies in the definition of a sociopath.

A sociopath in our world that we understand is a person that has no respect for the rights of other human beings. No respect for the law. No compassion, No empathy, No remorse. He is a person that lacks a conscious or a soul. He is a person that lies, deceives, manipulates others for no other reason than personal gain.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
hes not going to drop out the race so demanding that is ridiculous and weakens him further to the public....if he can get elected he should do the first year of his 2nd term then simply retire...give the reigns to kamala she becomes the first female president who can run for relection at the end of that term and keep it rollin...bonus points watch the gop and magats lose their shit in the process..


Rising Star
Super Moderator

A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden’s debate performance

Updated 10:56 PM CDT, June 29, 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — A sense of concern is growing inside the top ranks of the Democratic Party that leaders of Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee are not taking seriously enough the impact of the president’s troubling debate performanceearlier in the week.

DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a Saturday afternoon call with dozens of committee members across the country, a group of some of the most influential members of the party. They largely ignored Biden’s weak showing Thursday night or the avalanche of criticism that followed.

Multiple committee members on the call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.

Biden makes appeals to donors as concerns persist over his presidential debate performance

After president’s debate debacle, Jill Biden delivering the message that they’re still all in
Here’s a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump’s first debate

Instead, the people said, Harrison offered what they described as a rosy assessment of Biden’s path forward. The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed.

“I was hoping for more of a substantive conversation instead of, ‘Hey, let’s go out there and just be cheerleaders,’ without actually addressing a very serious issue that unfolded on American television for millions of people to see,” said Joe Salazar, an elected DNC member from Colorado, who was on the call. “There were a number of things that could have been said in addressing the situation. But we didn’t get that. We were being gaslit.”

What to know about the 2024 Election
Many donors, party strategists and rank-and-file DNC members are publicly and privately saying they want the 81-year-old Biden to step aside to allow the party to select a younger replacement at the Democratic National Convention in August. As of now, though, Biden’s closest allies insist he remains well-positioned to compete against Republican Donald Trump and have given no indication they will push him to end his campaign.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden’s debate performance

Updated 10:56 PM CDT, June 29, 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — A sense of concern is growing inside the top ranks of the Democratic Party that leaders of Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee are not taking seriously enough the impact of the president’s troubling debate performanceearlier in the week.

DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a Saturday afternoon call with dozens of committee members across the country, a group of some of the most influential members of the party. They largely ignored Biden’s weak showing Thursday night or the avalanche of criticism that followed.

Multiple committee members on the call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.

Biden makes appeals to donors as concerns persist over his presidential debate performance

After president’s debate debacle, Jill Biden delivering the message that they’re still all in
Here’s a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump’s first debate

Instead, the people said, Harrison offered what they described as a rosy assessment of Biden’s path forward. The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed.

“I was hoping for more of a substantive conversation instead of, ‘Hey, let’s go out there and just be cheerleaders,’ without actually addressing a very serious issue that unfolded on American television for millions of people to see,” said Joe Salazar, an elected DNC member from Colorado, who was on the call. “There were a number of things that could have been said in addressing the situation. But we didn’t get that. We were being gaslit.”

What to know about the 2024 Election
Many donors, party strategists and rank-and-file DNC members are publicly and privately saying they want the 81-year-old Biden to step aside to allow the party to select a younger replacement at the Democratic National Convention in August. As of now, though, Biden’s closest allies insist he remains well-positioned to compete against Republican Donald Trump and have given no indication they will push him to end his campaign.

At this point, the insiders should just go fuck themselves.

Actual voters are already being clear that they care more about Trump being an incoherent liar than they do Biden being a step or two slow on Thursday night. Just going out and being a cheerleader would actually work, because the people that you need to convince to vote for you are already getting on board with that. They just need you to not undercut the candidate every chance you get.


Transnational Member

2. Brian Tyler Cohen
3. Roland Martin
4. CNN (Attempting to appear balanced)
6. Pre Elon Musk (Twitter)
7. Facebook

8. Hollywood
9. Washington Post
10. NY times
11. TYT
12. NPR
13. PBS
14. BET


These are the clowns that are platformed by Fox mostly, and cape for the right. They tell black voters to think independently, don't identify solely with one party, which would be devastating to the DNC and be a plus for the right. The right goals is to get you disillusioned from voting, not to vote for them. You won't see too many black conservatives outright championing the Republican party, just pointing out the flaws with Democrats repeatedly

1. Boyce Watkins/Walter Hampton II
2. Tariq Nasheed/Walter Hampton II
3. The Black Authority
4. Yvette Carnell
5. Marc Lamont Hill
6. Dr. Umar Johnson

5. Fox
6. NY Post
8. Newsmaxx
9. Talk Radio
10. Rumble
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The one true God
BGOL Patreon Investor

The is a lot like when I had to step in to deal with Nebuchadnezzar in the mid-500s BC. :smh:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

When President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, our country faced unprecedented crises - a raging pandemic, economic crisis, climate crisis, and racial injustice. The President and Vice President ran for office on the promise to move quickly to tackle these crises head-on and deliver results for working families. That’s what the Biden-Harris Administration has done.


• Lowering Costs of Families’ Everyday Expenses

• More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History

• Making More in America

• Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic

• Rebuilding our Infrastructure

• Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans

• The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years

• Protected Marriage for LGBTQI+ and Interracial Couples

• Historic Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Federal Judges of Diverse Backgrounds

• Rallied the World to Support Ukraine in Response to Putin’s Aggression

• Strengthened Alliances and Partnerships to Deliver for the American People

• Successful Counterterrorism Missions Against the Leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS

• Executive Orders Protecting Reproductive Rights

• Historic Student Debt Relief for Middle- and Working-Class Families

• Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana

• Advancing Equity and Racial Justice, Including Historic Criminal Justice Reform

• Delivering on the Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History

• More People with Health Insurance Than Ever Before


• Advanced cutting-edge research on cancer and other diseases through the ARPA-H initiative

• Signed legislation to put more cops on the beat and invest in community policing

• Signed the Electoral Count Act, which takes long overdue steps to protect the integrity of our elections

• Lowered the cost of hearing aids by making them available over the counter

• Created more manufacturing jobs in 2022 than in any single year in nearly 30 years

• Signed an Executive Order to encourage competition across industries

• Took action to lower energy costs for families

• Lowered seniors’ health care expenses, including by capping out of pocket expenses on prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 per year, ensuring that people enrolled in Medicare will not pay more than $35 for a month’s supply of insulin, and recipients will receive free vaccines

• Accelerated adoption of electric vehicles by reducing costs for families, jumpstarted the first national EV charging network, and made historic investments into EV batteries and materials

• Rejoined the Paris Agreement on day one to reassert the United States global leadership to combat the climate crisis

• Jumpstarted the American offshore wind industry and convened the nation’s first federal-state offshore wind partnership

• Set new policies to reduce super pollutants like HFCs and methane to protect communities and reduce emissions fueling climate change

• Lowered the deficit with the single largest annual reduction in American history

• Secured commitments from 20 leading internet providers to increase speeds and cut prices

• Signed legislation to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act

• Awarded the most ever federal contracting dollars to small businesses and disadvantaged small businesses

• Reignited the Cancer Moonshot with the goal of cutting the cancer death rate by at least half over the next 25 years

• Appointed a record number of women and people of color to serve in his Administration

• Hosted the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in over 50 years and released a National Strategy to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases and disparities by 2030

• Awarded more than $1 billion to initiate cleanup and clear the backlog of 49 previously unfunded Superfund sites, over $250 million to clean up hundreds of contaminated brownfield sites and $725 million for abandoned mine lands

• Restored protections for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monuments and designated Camp Hale-

• Continental Divide National Monument to conserve our lands and waters, honor our nation’s veterans, protect Tribal cultural resources, and support jobs and America’s outdoor recreation economy

• Signed an Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People

• Invested historic funding for Tribal governments and Native communities

• Mailed over 740 million free COVID-19 tests directly to tens of millions of Americans

Results For The American People

• Two strongest years of job growth in history

• More than 40 million borrowers stand to benefit from student debt relief

• Nearly 11 million jobs created since 2021

• Taken over 100 actions to lower household energy costs by $100 per year

• Helped bring gas prices down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak

• Signed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years

• Increased the maximum value of Pell Grants by $900

• 3.5% unemployment rate — the lowest in 50 years

• 750,000 new manufacturing jobs

• Near a record low unemployment rate for Hispanics

• Near a record low unemployment rate for African-Americans

• Record low unemployment rate for people with disabilities

• Millions of Americans are saving $800 per year on health insurance coverage

• $15 minimum wage for Federal workers and contractors

• Fully vaccinated 79% of American adults against COVID-19

• Led the world in a historic release of strategic reserves

• Infrastructure investments in all 50 states, D.C., territories, and throughout Tribal nations

• Over 16 million households receiving lower cost or free high-speed internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program



Transnational Member

It looks impressive...

Biden is facing a number of criminal charges related to the Foreign Agent Registration Act, money laudering, and bribery. Trump tipped off Biden and now his legal strategy is to look tough on China; look like he is not implementing policy favorable to China after being paid by them (foreign agent). It is hard to tell if he did something because he actually believed in it or is part of the DNC/Biden legal strategy to avoid criminal prosecution which would reflect badly on Obama.

Much of the economic boom might be related to Trump and their fair trade ideology. Many of Trump's tariffs and tax cuts to the corporate rate have been left in place before he took office.

• 3.5% unemployment rate — the lowest in 50 years
• 750,000 new manufacturing jobs
• Near a record low unemployment rate for African-Americans
• Created more manufacturing jobs in 2022 than in any single year in nearly 30 years

Under Obama/Biden, the black unemployment rate was near 10%, it wasn't until Trump too office that it dropped, with less illegal immigration and protectionism, we benefited significantly.

We have a record number of illegal migrants flooding into the U.S. that will displace us from jobs.


It is hard to tell what he had a hand in, if you are talking about forgiving student loan debt, and government contracts, again he is pandering for votes and is more concerned about criminal prosecution.

• Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana
• Signed legislation to put more cops on the beat and invest in community policing

I wrote about the student loan relief, it is bad debt that is turned into student loan forgiveness. Accounting trickery to mask that students are dying with student loan debt they are unable to pay. The government does not recognize it as bad debt until you die, however, as we age out, that number is going to boom. It would be similar to a bank forgiving bad debt for charity to mask that it gave out loans it should not have done due to poor management.

• More than 40 million borrowers stand to benefit from student debt relief

Finally, the Chinese were too scared to enter the U.S. market with their cars after Trump. Trump did not dole out tax credits and build out EV infrastructure that the government does not need to get involved with but his tough on China policy save the U.S. auto industry domestically.
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Rising Star
I was curious and took a look at my Biden posts from before his 2020 run for president.

My oldest Biden mention on here, from 2007: "'Select Your Candidate Quiz' -results may surprise you":
Dodd, Biden, then Clinton/Obama/Gravel

January 2008-- How ironic, I was impressed at what a great debater Biden was:
I was impressed by Biden's mocking sarcasm with regard to this in the debate at Las Vegas two months ago. Wolf Blitzer, after opening the debate with several questions trying to instigate shit between Clinton and Edwards/Obama and Clinton, finally asked Biden a question and he yelled out "No!!! Don't do it, don't make me speak!!!!"

Then he started to answer the question and Wolf Blitzer cut him off pretty quickly. He didn't fight; he stopped suddenly, bowed his head, and said "you're right," and everyone got the point. It was a funny ass "Fuck You" moment.

October 2008-- I was cheering on Biden for bringing the ether in a debate and how he didn't let shit slide:
I'm now 43 minutes in and see absolutely no style points for Palin, just pitiful recitation and dodging, and it is Biden delivering the ether.

I had to stop and make this post the second time he shit-hammered her "doesn't support the troops" argument by stating loud and clear that John McCain voted against a funding bill just as Obama did. I LOVE the way he didn't let that shit slide.

But I knew enough to be critical of his pushing that Crime Bill in 2010-- before Black Lives Matter & 10 years before it became a commonly made criticism:
Excluding Presidents and trying to stay close to my life time, I would pick these people plus a few more

Joe Biden
Robert Kennedy
Sherrod Brown
Tip O'Neil from back in the day
Dennis Kucinich

I used to like John McCain but I've found out he was a complete fraud. He's against whoever just beat him in the last election: when he lost to Bush, he was a moderate, he lost to Obama, he's a hard right conservative.
Why did you exclude presidents? Were there any you would cite?

What do you think of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the largest crime bill in history authored by Biden? It had the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which I favor, but it expanded the death penalty and eliminated the Higher Education Act of 1965 for inmate education, which I see as just vicious. Spending almost $10 billion to build new jails is a gallon of salt added to the chest wounds.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Donald Trump has reduced his polling lead on Joe Biden
in three battleground states, according to new surveys.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is set to face the incumbent president in November, and polls have so far predicted that the results of the 2020 White House rematch will be tight—with the pair statistically tied or holding only marginal leads in a number of surveys.

However, in three swing states there are signs that Biden has marginally increased his support since participating in the first presidential debate, despite giving what was seen as a poor performance.

During the debate, Biden gave a series of incoherent and confusing responses and appeared to trail off at times without finishing his sentences. He has since received calls from within his party to end his reelection bid and allow Democrats to install a new candidate for the general election. Biden's odds of victory against Trump have also slumped with bookmakers.

Nevertheless, in Georgia, he has increased his share of the vote by 0.9 percent since the debate, though the Republican Party is still ahead by 3.5 percent.

In Michigan, he has increased his vote share by 0.8 percent making him ahead of Trump by 0.4 percent, and in North Carolina he has also increased his vote share by 0.8 percent, though the Republicans are still ahead by 4 percent.

Newsweek contacted Biden and Trump's campaigns by email to comment on this story.

Surveys like these are significant due to the Electoral College system, which awards each state a certain number of votes based on population.

Biden flipped Georgia from Donald Trump by 11,779 votes, or 0.24 percent of the 5 million ballots cast, making Trump the first Republican to lose the state in decades.

North Carolina has voted for the Republican candidate in 10 of the last 11 elections, with former President Barack Obama winning the state in 2008. But Trump only won there by 1.3 percent of the vote in 2020—his narrowest state win—and North Carolina often elects Democratic governors. Seven of its last eight gubernatorial contests have gone blue.

In 2016, Trump took Michigan, but Biden flipped it back to blue in 2020. Democrats have won the state in seven of the last eight presidential contests.

A presidential candidate must secure 270 electoral votes for victory, and winning the national popular vote does not guarantee success.

However, with some four months to go until the election, it is still too early to call it, and other polls have suggested that the two candidates are tied or that Trump is in the lead.

A second presidential debate between the 2024 candidates is scheduled for September 10. Then, voters will go to the polls on November 5.

Start your unlimited Newsweek trial

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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Trump and His Team Are ‘Laughing’ at Biden’s Commitment to Decorum

Asawin Suebsaeng and Nikki McCann Ramirez
December 1, 2024

Donald Trump and his incoming administration officials think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are suckers. They’re not shy about saying it.

Within the past month, Biden, Harris, and the current administration have repeatedly vowed an orderly, peaceful, fully cooperative transfer of power between Biden and Trump — a twice-impeached former president and convicted felon whom the president, vice president, and Democratic leaders regularly denounced as a “fascist” tyrant and clear threat to the constitutional order.

It hasn’t just been the legal transfer and procedures to which Democrats have committed themselves. Biden has promised to attend Trump’s 2025 inauguration, even though Trump refused to grant him the same grace after the 2020 election. Of course, then-President Trump actively sought to overturn Biden’s 2020 election victory and even helped foment a violent coup at the U.S. Capitol as part of his monthslong effort to cling to power.

Not long after the election this early November, Biden hosted Trump at the White House for a pleasant photo opportunity. The president and vice president congratulated Trump, and Biden told him “welcome back” to his face, as the two men sat down for the news cameras, as if they were old pals who had just resolved a mildly heated argument.

These actions are all far, far above and beyond what Trump and his first administration were willing to do during the last U.S. presidential transition for Biden — including in its commitment to basic decorum and photo ops that don’t even technically affect the legal transfer of power.

And — in the same way that top Trump adviser Stephen Miller privately found it funny that Biden actually preserved some of his and Trump’s preferred immigration crackdown methods — members of Team Trump find this asymmetrical level of commitment to norms, well, funny.

“Some of us have been laughing about it,” an incoming Trump administration official tells Rolling Stone. “[Democrats] spend all this time calling Donald Trump a Nazi and Hitler, and now it’s just: ‘Smile for the camera!’”

These sentiments of gleefully rejoicing and sneering at, as one close Trump ally puts it, the Democrats’ almost performative “capitulation” to Trump — who campaigned on a grossly authoritarian platform that includes wielding the federal apparatus to exact revenge operations on prominent political enemies — are widely shared in Trumpland, according to four sources close to the president-elect or working on the Trump transition.

In recent weeks, according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump himself has privately mocked Biden for being so “nice” after Harris lost the election, with the president-elect sarcastically joking that he would have done the same thing for his Democratic opponents.

Throughout his campaign, Trump regularly winked and nodded at the possibility that — should he not win a decisive victory in the general election — he would fall back on his 2020 playbook and reject the will of the voters this year, too.

Fomenting an attempted coup against the certification of the Electoral College was already a clear enough signal of Trump’s intentions, but in the aftermath of his 2020 defeat, Trump was also openly uncooperative with transition officials and the incoming Biden administration.

The now president-elect waited until almost two months after the election to officially concede that he would not be returning to the White House. He fled D.C. — which was left in a state of outright militarization following the attack on the Capitol — and refused to attend any events related to the transition of power, including the inauguration.

Trump’s campaign waited seven weeks before beginning the most rudimentary discussions about a transition. Biden was denied the standard books typically authorized for incoming presidents, including access to daily national security briefings, funds to run the transition, and office space to begin staging the new administration. Even as it became crystal clear that Trump had no legitimate claim to a second term, the White House continued to vet potential nominees and appointees as if they would remain in power.

By contrast, the Biden administration has seemingly bent over backward to avoid giving the incoming Trump administration any opening to claim they are obstructing his return to power. Earlier this month the two met at the White House to discuss the logistics of the transfer. Special Counsel Jack Smith — who headed the now defunct federal prosecutions against Trump — has even begun shuttering his own criminal cases into Trump, saving Trump some time from following through on his campaign promise to fire Smith upon retaking the White House.

If there’s anything that will slow Trump’s transition, it’s his own camp’s refusal to sign the standard financial and ethics agreements required for agencies involved in the transition to begin authorizing the release of resources for the incoming administration. His team finally relented to some extent last week.

Earlier this year, Trump said it was “ridiculous” that he had to leave the White House. In November, days before the election, Trump said outright, “I shouldn’t have left.”

The difference here is that — pleasant or not — the outgoing administration has a democratic and legal and civic responsibility to not be like Trump and his loyalists. The peaceful transfer of power tradition is a central pillar of the democratic process, and messing with it poses a destabilizing blow to the American experiment.

On the other hand, nobody is legally or morally obligated to attend January’s celebratory inauguration in Washington, D.C., or cheese for a photo op, or act publicly chummy with someone who their political party had (correctly) diagnosed as a bloodthirsty, wannabe authoritarian — and a threat to basic rights, vulnerable communities, and the democratic order and health of the nation.

Should Biden refuse to grant Trump his physical participation in the performance of the inauguration pageantry, the outgoing president would be far more justified in his reasoning than his predecessor.



Transnational Member

It appears to be the Democrats under the Joe Biden administration post January 6th are changing their strategy and improving, getting rid of the bad actors in the party that are corrupt, although they are usually black or white worshiping Latinos. The Republicans are also getting rid of these people, but again it's usually Latino or it's in retaliation like Matt Gaetz.

In the past, the political party would circle the wagons and protect these people at all cost with a media blitz attacking the other party. This failed strategy really started to come into play under Hillary Clinton and Obama.

Corruption is an enemy to business, many times these corrupt politicians will eventually migrate to the business community with schemes harming their development.


Biden hasn't even been making the calls. His wife has. How do you democrats feel after defending him for years saying he's doing a good job and is sharp?
Today we know he's got serious cognitive issues and hasn't been the one running the country. You have egg on your faces!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biden hasn't even been making the calls. His wife has. How do you democrats feel after defending him for years saying he's doing a good job and is sharp?
Today we know he's got serious cognitive issues and hasn't been the one running the country. You have egg on your faces!
Kinda like Reagan in the 80s right... :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Social Security Fairness Act signed into law by Biden, enhancing retirement benefits for millions​

"Americans who have worked hard all their life to make an honest living should be able to retire with economic security and dignity," Mr. Biden told a gathering at the White House before signing the Social Security Fairness Act, which he said would mean an average monthly increase of $360 for more than 2.5 million Social Security recipients.



Transnational Member


Skip Bayless wants to give you a new quilt or calico - Joy. You always talked about getting a new calico.

Biden was big on promoting slavery bed wench culture as a way to emasculate us, where they will have a white wife at home and a bed wench at work.

You are unable to defend your women from their evil grasp due to their fire power and brutality during slavery. Today they got economic power, where you don't have the wealth or political power to stop there sexual assault of our women.

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
President Biden’s Farewell Address To America
January 15, 2025

President Biden gave his last Oval Office speech as he prepares to hand over power to President-elect Donald Trump and exit politics after a decades-long career.
