Journalist exposes Kamala’s record: ‘She locked up a lot of Black women’


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All criminals need to be locked up.
If it is a crime don’t do it.
If you get locked up you can’t get mad at the person who locked your ass up. You played that game and lost.


Rising Star
See...I come at you with a respectful and pertinent question and you come back with a juvenile non-answer.
So Dem's don't support gays, tax money to immigrants/foreign countries, proxy wars on poor people, genocide, no benefits for black people and throwing ghetto bitches in your face to twerk for your vote.... Respect these nutz, Aint no respect, u support turning kids out in elementary school, fuck off

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So Dem's don't support gays, tax money to immigrants/foreign countries, proxy wars on poor people, genocide, no benefits for black people and throwing ghetto bitches in your face to twerk for your vote.... Respect these nutz, Aint no respect, u support turning kids out in elementary school, fuck off
I asked you and will again ask you about your voting record. I am a registered independent who has voted in three different states from bond measures to judges. I don't have allegencies to any party.

I'm sorry my question got you so emotional.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The lesser of 2 evils..? .folks really think this fake chick was dancing in bootleg timbs as she warehoused Cali niggas like...

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Rising Star
I asked you and will again ask you about your voting record. I am a registered independent who has voted in three different states from bond measures to judges. I don't have allegencies to any party.

I'm sorry my question got you so emotional.
Hey I love my people, I love the kids, yes I'm emotional!


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Yet here you are ducking the question for some culture war nonsense.

I'm beginning to think you've only voted one or two times in your life.....or really it's never.
Dudes make shit complicated to answer a simple question saying a bunch of bullshit that you don't care about..

He stay ducking and running like Floyd Mayweather.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
Yet here you are ducking the question for some culture war nonsense.

I'm beginning to think you've only voted one or two times in your life.....or really it's never.
I answered your question, I vote against gay 7 days a week.... Your upset and want a different answer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So wait the channel that is ALL about Law and Order. That tells black athletes to shut up and dribble. The network that tells you: '...just comply..." NOW has a problem with black people getting locked up??!?!?!? What was their stance on Trayvon Martin? Did they give ANY commentary, cause they a News network, with NO journalists, on Sonya Massey? Stop with the bullshyt!!!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Stright bitch shit , You said the same thing in another post couple days ago . Dont threaten me with a good time !
I wasn't even talking about you, but hit dogs holler.

Now go watch some more Fox misinformation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So Dem's don't support gays, tax money to immigrants/foreign countries, proxy wars on poor people, genocide, no benefits for black people and throwing ghetto bitches in your face to twerk for your vote.... Respect these nutz, Aint no respect, u support turning kids out in elementary school, fuck off
“Ghetto bitches” hmmmm sounds like you are a FTPr…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I will be posting this same view over the next couple months a lot - - - There are folks on this forum who will have the same views or different views as me and I expect that . I don't hold any animosity towards you .
Then you have a couple Scum of the Earth Fuckers who get paid to control the narrative or views in the desired direction. Just like on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Yes , BGOL is at that level.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That List is stright bullshit ! Some ass decided to write up 43 unconfirmed and unsupported things that are not accomplishments but the regular job of a Vice President at the minimum level . Really ?

I don't post bullsh*t.

Did you even TRY to re confirm anything posted?

Because it's already been confirmed

Random selection point 19 -


I make sure to CONFIRM the best I can before I post anything especially serious stuff.

that used to be bgol standard operating procedure

We need to get back to that and police the boards better
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It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
That List is stright bullshit ! Some ass decided to write up 43 unconfirmed and unsupported things that are not accomplishments but the regular job of a Vice President at the minimum level . Really ?
But you believe fox News, which is straight bullshit and garbage.

You still haven't posted any proof about Kamla locking up black people.