Judge says Michael Cohen hush-money probe is over, orders documents unsealed... grenades may drop


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
A federal investigation into campaign finance violations tied to former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has concluded, and a federal judge has ordered documents related to the probe to be unsealed. President Trump's legal team is interpreting the conclusion of the investigation into campaign finance violations as a win for the president.

U.S. District Judge William Pauley III of the Southern District of New York ordered documents related to Cohen's campaign finance case to be unsealed Thursday at 11 a.m. Cohen is serving a three-year prison sentence over hush payments made to women that violated campaign finance laws ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

"The campaign finance violations discussed in the materials are a matter of national importance," the judge said in his ruling. "Now that the government's investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the materials."

The development is a good sign for the Trump Organization, and Mr. Trump's legal team welcomed the news.

"We are pleased that the investigation surrounding these ridiculous campaign finance allegations is now closed," Jay Sekulow, counsel to the president, said in a statement. "We have maintained from the outset that the president never engaged in any campaign finance violation."

CBS News and other outlets petitioned the court to unseal the documents related to the investigation into the hush payments, such as search warrants, warrant applications and affidavits related to the April 2018 search of Cohen's home and office.

Before he went to prison, Cohen told Congress on Capitol Hill that Mr. Trump is a "racist," a "con man" and a "cheat," in explosive testimony that accused the president of a pattern of criminal behavior and deception. In that testimony, Cohen claimed the president directed him to lie about illegal payments so as to silence women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with Mr. Trump.

"I am ashamed that I chose to take park in concealing Mr. Trump's illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience," Cohen testified in February.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Comey,and Cohen testimoni and the Mueller reporters were suppose to drop bombs too.

Don't forget Omarosa. She promised the N-word secret tape and recording of meetings that could end the Trump Presidency.

President Trump Staffers Reportedly 'Absolutely Terrified' Of Omarosa Tapes :D

Omarosa Manigault Newman says she’s heard a tape recording where President Donald Trump uses the n-word. Soon, she told Elex Michaelson, all of us will hear it as well: :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't forget Omarosa. She promised the N-word secret tape and recording of meetings that could end the Trump Presidency.

President Trump Staffers Reportedly 'Absolutely Terrified' Of Omarosa Tapes :D

Omarosa Manigault Newman says she’s heard a tape recording where President Donald Trump uses the n-word. Soon, she told Elex Michaelson, all of us will hear it as well: :yes:

:lol:All these people with bombshells and ain’t shit happened. Mueller needed an extra week for some shit HE wrote. :roflmao:Cohen has 97 hard drives full of shit and HE went to jail. :lol:Poppa Doc did a week in the bing and they got his phones and emails. Manafort ran the damn campaign and linked Trump to these crooks and, once and again, HE
went to jail.
:idea:Remember Avenatti? :itsawrap:Boxed his ass up! Stormy Daniels??? Shhhhhhh, nothing to see here. James Comey had notes. Fired on Twitter. Lmao!!! Rosenstein flipped. We thought he was the man, but...:smh:

What was that? Pee tape? Rape charge? Friend is a pedophile? Oh, you mean his 3 marriages, or 5 kids out of wedlock? No? Something else? Access Hollywood tape admitting to pussy snatching? No? Oh, you must mean the 7 bankruptcies and the emoluments violations? No? Good people on both sides? Blatant racism?

Come to think of it, you might be right. This is it. He’s going DOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only thing bringing down Trump is the grim reaper otherwise he is good.

Well, I wouldn't say Trump is good but. Its less than two years 'til he's gone. Unless the fool starts any wars, we should be alright. Even though he's doing his best to trash the economy,
that's holding up well. My problem..After last week, you think they'd be less people at his rallys



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

where is the bombshell drop???

It dropped. Its all over twitter bruh.

But all I see is Hope Hicks etc wont go to jail until Kamala Harris is President. Something about Bill Barr.

Because they're not charging anyone now.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
It dropped. Its all over twitter bruh.

But all I see is Hope Hicks etc wont go to jail until Kamala Harris is President. Something about Bill Barr.

Because they're not charging anyone now.

This is bullshit this is complete bullshit


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
It dropped. Its all over twitter bruh.

But all I see is Hope Hicks etc wont go to jail until Kamala Harris is President. Something about Bill Barr.

Because they're not charging anyone now.

everyone already knew this shit.

and it is not moving any needles in the news cycle. it's a dead story.
Last edited:


BGOL Legend
A federal investigation into campaign finance violations tied to former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has concluded, and a federal judge has ordered documents related to the probe to be unsealed. President Trump's legal team is interpreting the conclusion of the investigation into campaign finance violations as a win for the president.

U.S. District Judge William Pauley III of the Southern District of New York ordered documents related to Cohen's campaign finance case to be unsealed Thursday at 11 a.m. Cohen is serving a three-year prison sentence over hush payments made to women that violated campaign finance laws ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

"The campaign finance violations discussed in the materials are a matter of national importance," the judge said in his ruling. "Now that the government's investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the materials."

The development is a good sign for the Trump Organization, and Mr. Trump's legal team welcomed the news.

"We are pleased that the investigation surrounding these ridiculous campaign finance allegations is now closed," Jay Sekulow, counsel to the president, said in a statement. "We have maintained from the outset that the president never engaged in any campaign finance violation."

CBS News and other outlets petitioned the court to unseal the documents related to the investigation into the hush payments, such as search warrants, warrant applications and affidavits related to the April 2018 search of Cohen's home and office.

Before he went to prison, Cohen told Congress on Capitol Hill that Mr. Trump is a "racist," a "con man" and a "cheat," in explosive testimony that accused the president of a pattern of criminal behavior and deception. In that testimony, Cohen claimed the president directed him to lie about illegal payments so as to silence women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with Mr. Trump.

"I am ashamed that I chose to take park in concealing Mr. Trump's illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience," Cohen testified in February.




Wait for it.....
OG Investor
The bigger the piece of shit they are, the harder they fall. Trump is one gigantic piece of Dookey, from which no one will escape when the shit eventually hits the fan!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It dropped. Its all over twitter bruh.

But all I see is Hope Hicks etc wont go to jail until Kamala Harris is President. Something about Bill Barr.

Because they're not charging anyone now.

Now this right here, is BULLSHIT. Perjury aint a crime anymore?