The only issue is Jamaica is a small island so the need to make themselves seem bigger than what they really are is always there. They bring up Flo Jo constantly which was 30 years ago but don't say nothing about Lil OXY 10 years ago. They will lie to project their athletes as squeaky clean even though they've been busted for doping then blow up any negativity towards ours. Kinda like White Americans. They have a special relationship.
SO in the chess game you playing over here,
you are saying they mentioned flo jo
thirty years ago, so you hit them with
the great Shelly Ann ten years ago..
and they wont let you call checkmate?
that was a good one... and a debate stopper...
but PED's is all fuckin over sports..
the trick is just to not get caught...
when lance armstrong got busted like what was that..
twenty years ago,
that muthafucka was literally transfusing his blood.....
imagine the shit they doing now...
but just for a good arguments sake..
that was a good checkmate....