Just what we need more Black Criminal shows. Thanks 50!!! 'Confirmed: the BMF story is coming to Starz. Can it be bigger than Power?'

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And I’m tired of them too. Ain’t shit going to be better than The Godfather, Sopranos or Good Fellas . No sense in making that shit anymore. What the hell else is going to be done here? There’s literally hundreds of Drug related movies. Is it that hard to think out the box? How about A Black Star Trek?
There's a 1000 sci fi movies.. There's always a lot of things under diff genres.. What's bgol obsession with space shows? Every time a movie come out that ain't star trek nigs get mad and want another lost in space

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
There's a 1000 sci fi movies.. There's always a lot of things under diff genres.. What's bgol obsession with space shows? Every time a movie come out that ain't star trek nigs get mad and want another lost in space
Space is infinite drugs are finate. What’s so fascinating about watching niggas destroy their lives ? I been around way too many drug dealers just in my family alone. This shit is not glamorous or cool. Niggas die , families ruined , years locked up . Yeah I’d rather watch something about space.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Space is infinite drugs are finate. What’s so fascinating about watching niggas destroy their lives ? I been around way too many drug dealers just in my family alone. This shit is not glamorous or cool. Niggas die , families ruined , years locked up . Yeah I’d rather watch something about space.
It's like 17 alien movies and they all suck after part 2, it's like 15 predator movies and they all suck after part 2... Man typical space movies go beat the evil guy or find another place cause earth is about to end..they succeed the end..star wars hasn't been good since Vader got his arm cut off.. Rogue was good cause of Vader cameos.. LUke went from going against the dark side to drinking alien titty milk


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
How many mafia movies, world war movies exist?.. Mob movies are European gangsta movies.. Netflix just spent 200+ million several months ago on a bunch of dudes that been doing mob movies for decades..it's 50 did you expect him to make a movie about connect 4?
MTV has got a new Jersey shore style Mafia series too..... :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now he could do an all black sci-fi or fantasy show. But the audience isn't there to support it. If Black Panther, Luke Cage etc. wasn't apart of the MCU it would have flopped.

Tyler Perry
Basketball Wives
Black Ink

are the shows that black Americans frequent. Maybe not you, and not myself, but the majority of blacks watch those shows ritualistically.

55th View

Rising Star

50 Cent’s series based on the infamous Black Mafia Family has been talked about for more than a year now. Today, it has been finally announced that the series is officially underway at Starz, reports Deadline.

50 Cent originally announced last year that the next series for Starz will be a drama based on the story of drug-trafficking organization Black Mafia Family aka BMF. The premium cable channel and 50 have made the formal announcement today that it’s been greenlit with 50 executive producing along with Randy Huggins, who will also serve as writer.

The announcement comes several months after Power exec producer Jackson struck a major overall deal with the premium broadcaster via his own G-Unit Film and Television company. The series will based on the true story of the organization that was set up in the late 1980s by brothers Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory and Terry Flenory. By the year 2000, they had established a huge cocaine distribution sales network throughout the United States.

The real-life story has ties to the Hip-Hop scene as well, with a number of artists including Jeezy, linked to the family prior to its downfall in 2005.

“This is a project Curtis has always been incredibly passionate about and we are excited to have him as our partner in bringing it to life,” said Jeffrey Hirsch, President and CEO, Starz. “Black Mafia Family has all the hallmarks of a great drama, from the larger-than-life Flenory brothers to the deadly, high-stakes world they inhabited. This series is going to be an incredible ride for audiences around the world.”

Added 50, “I told you Black Mafia Family was coming and it’s going to be the biggest show on television. Meech and Terry are legends and I am excited to bring their story to Starz.”


Platinum Member
Guess this ain’t gonna help Meech come home soon. Shit I don’t know enough about his cases to say he should or should stay in there....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Hey it's needed because if we're talking about criminality why not talk about black criminals who had the odds stacked against them more than anyone else in this rotten country we call America.I fell out of interest of the mafia because I learned that 90% of them were rats,snakes,thieves,liar and whatever else you look down apon and the only smart thing they did was build vegas just to lose it to corporate gangsters and local cow-hicks with legal pistols,outside of them,fuck em.My father had a small run in with them I-talians and never stood down and didn't stop what he was doing,why? cause he didn't need them,didnt owe them and was willing to die & kill for everything that's his....the end.

That's why Elsworth Bumpy Johnson is my avatar not because he was a gangster but more for what he did and what he came up against;He did wrong but his right out weighed his wrongs.The samething could be said for BMF,alot of people ate and took care of their families because of them they changed the economy in ATL by themselves and many other cities and they were black and didn't pretend to be nothing else when they had money and that gavel dropped and they didn't have a friend or a dime.

Them columbians,messicans and the rest of them,aren't any good because of what they do to their own to keep order,you can only kill but so many before the tide changes and the people rise,arm themselves and start shooting back;Money doesn't mean shit when you're life is on the line and they going to tell on everyone about everything,ask El Chapo,partner,plugs all told on him and he was scared of turning into Pablo

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
It's like 17 alien movies and they all suck after part 2, it's like 15 predator movies and they all suck after part 2... Man typical space movies go beat the evil guy or find another place cause earth is about to end..they succeed the end..star wars hasn't been good since Vader got his arm cut off.. Rogue was good cause of Vader cameos.. LUke went from going against the dark side to drinking alien titty milk
Star Wars is fake space Star Trek is realistic space


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Star Wars is fake space Star Trek is realistic space
So all aliens have pussies located in the same area and look the same? Captain Kirk was fucking diff colored aliens with human features.. Kirk and them was on 1000 diff planets with no oxygen mask same gravity pull... Kirk and them never had problems on planets humans couldn't move around.. Kirk never had beef with planets like Venus type heat

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
So all aliens have pussies located in the same area and look the same? Captain Kirk was fucking diff colored aliens with human features.. Kirk and them was on 1000 diff planets with no oxygen mask same gravity pull... Kirk and them never had problems on planets humans couldn't move around.. Kirk never had beef with planets like Venus type heat
Star Trek has classes of planets. Class A planets with humanoid like life and then you have B, C, D etc . Because there are trillions and trillions of planets who knows how much life varies. However Kirk was fucking class A aliens and how do you know he wasn’t fucking their belly buttons? We never actually saw the alien pussy meat location. Bitches pussy could have been where the asshole is and they don’t shit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Star Trek has classes of planets. Class A planets with humanoid like life and then you have B, C, D etc . Because there are trillions and trillions of planets who knows how much life varies. However Kirk was fucking class A aliens and how do you know he wasn’t fucking their belly buttons? We never actually saw the alien pussy meat location. Bitches pussy could have been where the asshole is and they don’t shit
So he never caught an intergalactic herpe or wasn't the galaxy biggest deadbeat dad?... All this alien fucking and no repercussions?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Should be good was a interesting story. There was a documentary on Netflix a couple years ago, don’t know if it’s still on.


Rising Star
Guess this ain’t gonna help Meech come home soon. Shit I don’t know enough about his cases to say he should or should stay in there....

He belongs there.

You can admire a person's drive/hustle and what they have accomplished on the illegitimate side of things......but you can also hate their actual crimes. A lot of black folks died as a result of the weight he moved. I know other races died but they ain't black so I'm just focusing on how it hurt our people.

People like Frank Lucas, Nicky Barnes, BMF niggas, Freeway Ricky Ross, etc....have incredible stories, but they were cancers to the black community as a whole.

With all that said, I'd watch. I'm always down for a compelling story.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree with what I'm assuming the overall point is. Black writers/producers should work on creating shows that dont focus on drug culture, music business, sports or generic family themes. Nothing is wrong with these types of shows, but why can't there be a black Hogwarts for example. These are fictional tales, so why not create these types of stories more.

Supporting shows like Power is a gift and a curse. You get to see black talent however the people who greenlight shows assume that is the only type of show a black audience will support. The reality is if a quality product is created black people will watch and support tv shows movies with diverse subjects.

The reality is even if you grew up in the supposed hood. It doesn't mean you took part in any illegal activity or you could have been sheltered from that environment by your parents as much as possible. You could have grown up in the suburbs and dont have a clue about drug culture outside of being a user, so where is the Black Riverdale or One Tree Hill. Where are the Black Supernatural or Rick and Morty.

Even if you got the black Rick & Morty, some of the black audience would have tried to kill it off of the first few episodes. Rick is a scientist but he walked away from his wife and daughter. Not to mention he is a heavy drug/alcohol user. Early Morty is displayed as a young male with a learning disability. Jerry is considered a beta male for most of the series and Beth clearly runs the house hold. Jerry is also not working and is dependent on Beth as the earner of the family. Beth clearly has daddy issues that carried over into her relationship with Jerry. Black men alone would have tried to kill this show on arrival just like a some tried to with Raising Dion. I understand wanting to see strong black males on screen but at the same time this would be show is a fictional tale and satire. I also get that blacks unlike whites dont get enough diverse shows to wash away bad behavior on tv ,yet shows centered around drug culture are still heavily embraced by blacks as a whole.

Could it be that black writers/producers get to caught up in telling stories from the black experience to the point they put themselves into boxes? I'm thinking about this from a rapper type of standpoint. Although we know rappers lie or hype their history, the core principle is that you should be as authentic as possible as far as what you claim you have experienced or to some extent seen. However, taking that type of logic into tv shows/movies does more harm especially if your talking about fictional tales of any kind. Even though black TV/movie writers are not rappers, I feel like they take a similar stance by attempting to constantly write what they believe to be the black experience/culture and feel the need to be authentic as possible. It's hard to write a black version of Star Trek if your mind won't let go of for lack of better words the real world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
50 is a smart businessman who's giving his audience more of what they want. :dunno:
Because; let's face it, Hollywood is only comfortable seeing Black people in 1 of 4 ways.
- Slaves.
- Criminals.
- Victims in need of a White savior.
and the latest popular trend...
- Alphabet people. LGBTQ. (etc)

It's funny how dudes like 50 complain about women like Oprah who clearly hates Black men and who do nothing but promote negative images of Black men, when he (in fact) does pretty much the same thing with his own music and TV shows... :smh:
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
"The actress in 'Harriet' wasn't ADOS! Our leader, Tariq, ordered us not to watch it! All hail Tariq!" :wepraise:

You played a fake drug dealer studio gangsta in the 80s. All hail black immigrants that perpetuate negative stereotypes for a check. 50s carrying on your legacy. Did you learn to cook crack on the island your parents fled from? :lol:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

"The immigrant drive"

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma make crack like this!!!!

OP, 50s just following the blue print laid for him 30 years ago. He'll join some low level rock band and be playing a banjo next. :giggle: